Why I Hate the Hong Kong Quality Migrant Admission Scheme (& You Should Too)
Posted by The Visa Geeza / in Musing, Special Programmes / 116 responses
The Quality Migrant Admission Scheme sucks.
It really does.
Granted, for those fortunate souls who go on to finagle a QMAS result out of the Director of Immigration, the programme is a complete godsend.
And all power to them.
If it gets them a visa to make a contribution to our fine city, that’s all well and good by me.
More happy customers.
I am, after all, in the business of getting people visas to live, work and start businesses in Hong Kong – which is exactly what the Quality Migrant Admission Scheme was set up to do.
Every six months or so, I am the first to shout “Hallelujah” from the top of Immigration Tower as the balls pop out of the lotto machine (oops, I mean when the Selection Exercise results are announced) conferring this hallowed visa status on the lucky few making the cut.
But for me, QMAS is just a nightmare.
What The Hell Are They Looking For?
The QMAS programme is different from the General Employment Policy in so much as the HKID have put out a set of Guidelines on how to go about preparing, submitting and managing this particular type of visa application.
Whilst this in of itself is a positive step forward, there really is no indication as to what the HKID are actually looking for from applicants other than the barely defined ‘quality talent’.
The closest the Department come to letting on who actually might get approved for a QMAS visa is to intimate that if you have won a Nobel prize, represented your country in the Olympics or are a world famous musician, you’ll likely receive the maximum number of points, win a ‘home run’ and therefore be ‘positively considered’.
Hardly applicable to the run-of-the-mill applicant.
So what are we supposed to glean from this?
The problem is that satisfying the basic “Must Meet” criteria hardly presents a major obstacle if you are a reasonably well educated professional with a few years of employment experience under your belt.
Assuming you get the minimum number of points (80 out of 165 – and most applicants do), the application process is set up to then let you state your case through the submission of documents and no more than one page of supporting representations.
Consequently, the generalities of the Guidelines and the format the application process takes all but reduces the application experience to filling in the forms and hoping that you’re going to pass muster.
In designing the QMAS this way, the HKID have misunderstood the psychology of participants considering the programme.
Making a commitment to a new life in Hong Kong involves a requirement of at least some certainty of visa approval.
Of course, it doesn’t matter how onerous the requirements for approval are, so long as you know that if you tick all the boxes your probability of being successful can reasonably be ascertained, this is often enough to decide to make the emotional investment in an application.
Starting a new life in a different country is a decision not taken lightly.
Under the QMAS programme, though, you get to know which boxes to tick to get into the game but after that, you’re in a black box.
The system sets people up for uncertainty, disappointment and frustration.
No Idea Who You’re Competing Against
Once you have gotten past first base and you’re in the selection pool, you have absolutely no idea who you’re competing against. Period.
Imagine that!
If the HKID told you that, so long as you are able to finish in the first 100 of the Kowloon Marathon, they would grant you a visa to take up residence in Hong Kong without conditions – you’d think that was a pretty attractive offer wouldn’t you?
Essentially you’d have to get into reasonable shape, train for a few months and then go for it.
But of course, before you embarked on such an exercise, wouldn’t you want to know who you were competing against?
It’s only rational to want to know the odds of success before you get stuck in to such a challenge.
If the Immigration Department don’t tell you who you’re up against you have no way to assess the chances of getting a result worthy of the investment of endeavour in the first place, right?
Well, under QMAS, this is what you face.
Whilst you don’t have to run a marathon for a QMAS visa (far from it in fact), you still have no chance of knowing who you’re competing against because of the way the system has been designed.
So it effectively reduces the programme to a lottery.
Most self-respecting ‘talents’ have a lot to give up in their home country to come to Hong Kong so why would you run the crap shoot of the QMAS programme when there’s almost zero visibility on the chances of a positive outcome?
Impossible to Learn What Works and What Doesn’t
I have a client. A real pro.
Before he came to us, he had followed in the footsteps of his colleague, a similar pro, who had successfully secured a QMAS approval 12 months prior.
Our client, quite reasonably, assumed that if his colleague with exactly the same professional profile as him had passed muster under QMAS, then he would too.
So he made an application.
Seven months later, he was refused. Go figure?
He did. And learned nothing.
He came to us wondering about his options now (as it happens we got him another type of visa so his life plan for Hong Kong is being played out).
But how the hell were we supposed to advise him about a re-application for QMAS in those circumstances?
Were we supposed to tweak the submission he had made, wait for another 6-7 months and then hope it all would come good in the end?
This guy is very smart. He didn’t put a foot wrong in his application. We had nothing to offer him on the QMAS side.
The most insightful response he got from the HKID was perhaps if he tried again citing another industry sector his application would be put before a different set of assessors on the Selection Committee.
Possibly a different outcome? Another half year of waiting and hoping?
Surely, quality talents deserve better than this.
The Lack of a Proper Application Fee Encourages All-Comers
With the advent of QMAS and the manifest lack of an application fee, the programme attracts all-comers.
Nothing wrong with that if you attract the right sort of applicant.
But, from the email I receive, I can assure you, there’s a lot of ‘anti-talents’ out there.
Just look at this email I received out of the blue just yesterday.
Click Image to Enlarge
This is not to chide the poor soul for not gluing his photo on the application form firmly enough.
It’s a fair mistake.
However, the way he emailed me intimating his problem is something that I should be associated with really does beg the question if he is actually smart enough for the programme?
And there lies the rub.
It’s quite typical of the unsolicited email I receive in respect of QMAS.
To participate in a similar residence-for-talent immigration programme in Canada, Australia, New Zealand, the US or the UK invariably costs a decent wedge in official application fees.
However, in Hong Kong the only formal expense involved is the cost of the visa label issued AFTER approval (currently HKD160 per passport).
In Australia you wont get much change back from a HKD50,000 note by the time the authorities are ready to put your visa label in your passport (win or lose).
So it means that literally thousands of applicants line themselves up for the QMAS programme, extending the case consideration times and muddying the competitive waters when a large number of them are intrinsically never likely to ever get approved.
They have nothing to lose and not one iota of skin in the game.
The irony is that, to go on to get an approval you need to show that you have the funds to support yourself for the first 12 months after your new QMAS visa is issued.
Why not, then, make it complusory to accompany a QMAS application with a refundable deposit of, say, HKD100,000, returned to an applicant when their application result is notified (win or lose)?
At a stroke, this would improve the quality pool and perhaps lead to a better application experience.
But it wouldn’t remedy the other problems I have outlined.
Quick Make Another Selection
With other visa types, case experience allows an immigration consultant to offer up an expectation of approvability with at least a measure of certainty to the client to enable his planning.
Most other visa types take a lot less longer to process and, 9 times out of 10, by the time we have gone through the list of immigration options open to an aspiring resident of the HKSAR, the QMAS is invariably not up for detailed consideration.
It’s just too uncertain and takes too damn long.
I have submitted various documents for QMAS visa.
My qualifications are verified by HKCAAVQ and successful. (Aug 13th 2021)
How long does it take now? (Already spent 9-10 months)
What are the next steps after HKCAAVQ verification?
Thanks in advance.
The Visa Geeza
You just have to wait unto your application is considered at the Selection Committee stage. It could be several months yet.
Hi, ,Myself Jyothi i would like to ask you is it easily possible in getting waitress jobs in HongKong under QMAS visa
The Visa Geeza
You’re kidding me?
I found very useful comments here for QMAS. I am included in the talent pool for the program.
My question is what is my chance during the selection round? How they are choosing people? Is it a lottery or they are taking the number of points? When there is a round and if I will be not successful am I going for the next round automatically or I compete in only one round with the others?
In case I can’t succeed with QMAS could I take a working visa in order to be able to work in Hong Kong? I have Bulgarian citizenship and I hope I still have doors opened for that to be able to work in Hong Kong.
How much is the cost for the visa? How fast could I take it?
The Visa Geeza
Sorry about the delay in response. We don’t actually take any instructions from clients for QMAS applications for the very reason that the process itself is so opaque that we can’t gain experience to answer the questions you raise. An employment visa once you have a suitable and credible employer takes c 6 weeks to finalise. But you need to find an employer first. If you have tech skills that will be easy.
Very interesting podcast and I agree it does seem a bit like a lottery, but I guess it is designed that way to allow the immigration authorities have some flexibility in managing this scheme without making yearly changes to the scheme, such as those you find in Australia with changes to skilled lists etc.
However, I do doubt that charging a large application fee would increase the quality of applicants under a scheme like this. In the Australian setting which you cite, they still get a very large number of applicants such as those you reference, and given the nature of Australia’s skilled migration programme the programme has led to numerous private vocational colleges to spring up offering RPL qualifications and many dodgy courses where students pay their way to game the skilled migration programme.
The Visa Geeza
Hi Shane – yes but the problem is, in my experience, unscrupulous agents in the sub continent promote QMAS as a money making scheme to all comers even no hopers. My suggestion would cut out a lot of the no-hopers and reduce volumes for ImmD making it a better programme all around. Thanks for your message.
Hello Sir,
Actually i had applied for the QMAS visa hong kong my all document is verified as my colleague received letter for assessment and they received 3 times and i didn’t received any of this as per consultant they are saying that they speak to immigration officer that they are telling i will received letter of invitation soon buts already 8 month back i had clear all formalities i am just a hospitality management guy with 7 years of experience as Assistant restaurant Manager in Quick restaurant service.
My query is that sir how frequently the result exercise of QMAS in years happens and m i eligible for that visa approval because i m on final procedure as per consultant and i had submitted all document nothing is pending so how can i trace the current status of visa coz already checking on website of HK but its just saying in progress updated Daily 8 am its a request kindly help me out sir coz little bit fussy about the procedure.
Thanks & Regards
Krishna Mishra
The Visa Geeza
2-3 times a year there is a Selection Exercise. It normally takes 10-15 months for QMAS cases to be finalised. There is nothing you can do but to wait.
amit meshram
qmas is saying that you pay 46000 and you will get a job of 3200000 pa i am in kendriya vidyalaya and having an experience of 19 years should i go for this or it is a fraud or fake plz guide me
The Visa Geeza
As I have mentioned several times on this thread previously, you are being scammed.
Could you advise if QMAS is still a good option for migrating to Hong Kong? I have received information from an Immigration Consultancy in India that they can assist me in procuring a QMAS visa within 3 months time & also assist in procuring jobs in my area of expertise.
I’m from a non IT background (Finance Sector), would also appreciate if you could assist in understanding the job opportunity for Finance background people (precisely Accounts Receivable).
Appreciate your assistance.
The Visa Geeza
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. They are ripping you off. QMAS doesn’t work like that (think a minimum of 12 months to an outcome and only 23% of applications ever get approved and 77% of them are from the Mainland). Moreover, there are NOT legions of Hong Kong employers eager to hire successful QMAS applicants. It’s an open job market (and the economy s poor here presently) so if you do get the visa you will certainly have to find your own job.
Hello Nandhita ,
I would like to know your present status , Did u get your QMAS visa or where did you apply for the same and how ?
Could you please provide me some guidance on that .
nabeeh pk
hi I’m a dentist from India.2 days back I got a call from an agency in new delhi asking me for my qualifications and at last they told me to fill some forms.they told you are eligible for qmas visa.after getting visa you will have to work as trainee under a senior dentist for 6 months or 1 year or so.also during the training period you will be paid 25000hk$(around 2.15 lakh INR) plus accomodation and family status.
they told it will come around 46000+service tax=52900 inr.
Is this true?
I was filling these forms and I just googled in between.then only I saw this post…
The Visa Geeza
It’s a complete rip off.
Vishal Kohli
A big THANKS toVISA GREEZA after reading almost all things I came to know about the QMAs process otherwize a consultant from delhi told me many false statement about easily settle in HONG KONG and lightly getting QMAS visa and assuring me to get 100% job once QMAS is approved, asking me to deposit INR 60000/-. Once again thanks to VISA GREEZA.
hi, i am microbiologist and completed my phd. i am having more than 10 years teaching experience in college. one consultant contacted me via mail for qmas visa and told me 100% job garentee with accomodation and good salary. i have to pay them 46000 and he would arrange interview with 7-8 recruiters. after i saw your site i am doubted so please guide me about this. i have not paid the amount right now so please respond as early as possible.
The Visa Geeza
It’s a scam. Do not part with any money.
hi this bala from India. am a physiotherapist we friends are came to know qmas visa through one of consultancy in delhi from india itself and they have told through qmas visa that we can get job and accomadation with good salary very easily and we all trusted them and paid rupees 46000. just saw your site we are confused.kindly guide us and give feedback. thank you
The Visa Geeza
Seems to me you have been duped. QMAS doesn’t work the way you have been told. Nothing is assured in this programme and the government does not help anyone get jobs or offer them accommodation.
Amit Shah
kindly let me know if i would like to set up an business in hongkong so am i eligible qmas ?
currently i m operating my business in singapore, malaysia and india. i m holding a employment pass in singapore since last 3 years and its valid till 2019 march my main concern is i want permanent residence in hongkong.
i have already did my self assessment in that i have scored 150 point what are the chances to get confirmation in hongkong ?
last question is that pr and qmas is the same or different ?
The Visa Geeza
QMAS and PR are different. You can only get PR after 7 years of ordinary residence in Hong Kong. QMAS is a programme disigned to attract top notch talent. QMAS is a tough visa to get (it’s not just about points, it much more than that) and usually takes 1-1.5 years to complete. Only 23% of applications get approved and 77% of them are Mainland Chinese. If you own businesses in three countries then perhaps the business investment visa as an Entrepreneur or an employment visa as an intra-company transferee are better options for you to consider. Please email me via sbarnes [at] hkvisacentre [dot] com if you wish to explore those options. We do not accept paid instructions for QMAS applications as we cannot deliver any meaningful value in that visa type.
Hi All,
I think there is no need of consultancy for QMAS, the real problem is how to get job in Hong Kong and yes accommodation too. I applied and got QMAS within 9 months, i didn’t use consultant, submit the case by myself.
I visited HK in May,15 and got 2 years residence VISA (single entry with validity), then i came back to my country of origin. I am confused about job in HK. This visa will expire on 20th August but still i unable to decide about job in Hong Kong.
Engr. Haider Ali
Dear Irfan,
Plz let me know about QMAS Visa. One of Indian Consultancy approaching me to process my Visa by sending them 55,000 pakistani rupees just now, Their demand will be increase with passage of time, plz tell me the right way to process.
The Visa Geeza
I have answered this previously. Please see earlier comments. You are likely being ripped off.
Hello everyone,
Thanks specially to The Visa Geeza. HK QAMS is like vacuum and HK government do not mention crystal clear reality as the final decision will be depend on their Director of immigration department. So apply to QAMS is like betting if your luck favors you then only you will get success……………………………………………….. and QAMS specially design to attract talent from Mainland China so other national should keep this thing in my mind prior to application. In INDIA there are ample of consultancies are available and there prime motto is to obtain money from you and mentally harass you so be very careful.
himanshu garg
there is consultancy who told me that about QMAS Visa for hongkong…they said after finalize the visa…they will work for my job…they said they provide me 100% job assistance….please guide guide me is there 100% chance that after getting visa i got a job..I am Asst. professor in computer science..i have 7 years of exp….is there any condition in the QMAS visa that, if a person get the visa they should got the job in hongkong….is there 100% chance that i got VISA..? because they are demanding for money approx 60000 for the whole process….should i paid…? please guide me……….
The Visa Geeza
There is no such thing as 100% chance of anything in Hong Kong immigration. QMAS is just an application for visa status in HK. There is NO GUARANTEE OF ANY JOB just because you got a QMAS visa. Certain consultants around the world say plenty, take your money and do little. I will say this again. IF YOU GET A QMAS VISA YOU WILL HAVE TO LOOK FOR A JOB IN HONG KONG JUST LIKE ANYONE ELSE HERE. There is no such thing as a labour market for successful QMAS applicants where Hong Kong employers are Q-ing up to offer you work. If your QMAS consultancy does not have an office in Hong Kong (a real office, not a brass plaque operation or a ‘partner’ here) then don’t deal with them.
Dear Himanshu as I mentioned it earlier QAMS favors Chinese population and your consultancy sounds like fraud because there is 50 – 50 percent chance of acceptance and rejection. Ask your consultancy to provide detail of people to whom they provided job in past be alert and save your money from such culprits buddy……………………….
hi…i am a bds graduate(dentist) with 3 and half years of experience….what do you think of getting a dentist job over there or is it still a black box?
The Visa Geeza
I honestly have no idea. We are immigration consultants not a job finding agency! When you get a job offer, we do our work. In HK job finding and visa acquisition are 2 very separate things. Sorry I can’t help…
Ms. murial christie
Hi My concern is regarding whether at all I should file under qmas as I am a post grad nurse Asso proffsr from India and as per my agent I score 120 points under general assessment category ….Wat are my chances…. I am not married …plus will I hv job offer once things are through ??? Is there any demand for masters in nursing personal? If this qmas is a messy system then is it not better to apply for Australia or Canada PR right away? ???
The Visa Geeza
I have no idea on any front! As I say, it’s a complete black box and we have never developed any meaningful expertise in this programme. For sure there is nobody waiting in a line outside ImmD Tower queuing up to offer jobs to successful QMAS applicants so if approved you simply enter the local market place and look for work. Not a sure fire bet either way you look at it.
Jill Rivas
Great article. Thanks for the info, you made it easy to understand. BTW, if anyone needs to fill out a work visa application form, I found a blank fillable form here http://goo.gl/qumcwd. This site PDFfiller also has some tutorials on how to fill it out and a few related legal documents that you might find useful.
The Visa Geeza
Thanks Jill. I believe this will be useful for us!
Hi Concerned,
I am an Indian candidate, would like to apply for QMAS , Where in my confusion is what exactly the amount of fund should i have to show and since how long these funds would be in my account , or can i show the funds in the face of my provident fund , insurance policies , mutual funds & the amount in account of accompanied spouse.
would love to have your assistance on this.
The Visa Geeza
You need at least the equivalent of one years living expenses for you and your family assuming you dont find work in that first 12 months. Depedning on your lifestyle that can be as lows as between 150 and 200,000 HKD. You need to have ready accessible funds directly owned by you/your wife personally.
Thanks a Million for the info, but one of my query is that can my insurance policies, mutual funds and Employee provident fund makes a part of my funds which i can show for the same.
Looking forward to hear from you.
The Visa Geeza
If you can immediately convert them into cash then yes. The funds you need must be available for use in Hong Kong – to spend here supporting your life as you become settled. If the quality of your savings are such that they are locked up then no.
Hi ,
Is it mandatory to get foreign education accreditation done from Hong Kong council , or just supplying the documentary evidence along with the transcripts is enough , i am asking this because when i have been to the guidelines laid down by hong kong immigration department they said as follows:-
Originals of Transcripts of original records(for education not awarded by the higher educational institutes of mainland of china)
Verification report issued by the china graduate degrees and graduate education development center(for qualifications awarded by higher educational institutes of mainland of china).
Pls help!
The Visa Geeza
My understanding is that Hong Kong wishes to assess the accreditation of foreign qualifications.
Deepak Iyer
For the QMAS program, in order to show the finances, is it ok if we show finances from a relative (say, parents, siblings, etc.) and a signed letter of financial support? Kindly confirm.
The Visa Geeza
Nope – needs to be your own funds.
The Visa Geeza recently posted..Hong Kong Visas From 39,000 Feet @ General Assembly – Employment Visas
31st selection exercise was appeared on May 2014. Do you have any idea when 32nd exercise is going to launch?
Thanking you.
The Visa Geeza
Hi thanks for stopping by. No idea I’m afraid. The black box is as deep as it is wide…
The Visa Geeza recently posted..The Visa Geeza on RTHK Radio Three – August 2014
Dear sir,
I completed my BE (Production), PGDBA and PGDPE (Plastics Engineering)from india. I have an experience of approx 18 years in three different country as CEO level.
Whehter can i get QMAS visa and if yes, how much will be my package? Secondly whetehr in Hong Kong employers are giving any accomodations? What will be tax structure over there?
Pl reply.
The Visa Geeza
Thanks for reaching out. Unfortunately we do not accept any professional instructions for QMAS applications as the nature of the visa type makes it hard for us to add any additional value over and above that which is detailed on our websites. Moreover, we don’t offer any QMAS ‘chances of approval’ service: the process is a Black Box and your guess is as good as mine. As to Hong Kong employers providing accomodations; some do, many don’t. Finally I am not a tax expert and so am not qualified to answer your question.
The Visa Geeza recently posted..Hong Kong Visas From 39,000 Feet @ General Assembly – The Quality Migrant Admission Scheme
I’m a Hotel Management professional from India with more than 11 years of managerial experience. I had applied for Hong Kong QMAS programme through a consultant (Oasis Resource Management Pvt. Ltd.) & scored 130 evaluation points. But consultant is asking for a further deposit of INR100,000/-(USD 1,666/-) approximately for further processing including Consultancy fee (Documentation, Legal formalities, Registration, Recruitment, Remuneration Negotiation, Courier Services & Interview preparations) IELTS fee & Embassy Application fee. Is the process genuine? Should I go ahead with them? Kindly share your opinion!
The Visa Geeza
It sounds to be that they are charging you a professional service fee for their own work on your QMAS application (which is not much more than filling in the forms to be honest – we ourselves do not take any paying clients for QMAS applications as we believe the black box nature of the consideration exercise means we can’t really add any meaningful value over and above that which we disclose for free on our websites). You only need to pay the Immigration Department HKD160 (c.USD20) per passport after approval. There is no Immigration Department interview as such and as for the recruitment and remuneration negotiation elements of their fee I would ask them exactly what they are proposing to do for you for your money… then decide if you wish to pay.
Thanks for your valuable inputs. The following are the services they have mentioned against the money that they are charging.
1)Consultancy Fee INR 84,270/-(USD 1,404approx)
It covers –
a) Documentation
b) Legal Formalities
c) Registration
d) Recruitment
e) Remuneration negotiation
f) Courier services
g) Ineterview preparations
2) IELTS Fee – INR 9,900/- (USD 165 approx)
3) Embassy Fee – HKD 160
Prior to sending the file to the Embassy, Education Assessment (Educational Credential Assessment) is mandatory. Fee – HK$2,160.
Please comment.
The Visa Geeza
a) Documentation: Reasonable
b) Legal Formalities: ??
c) Registration: ??
d) Recruitment: Are they saying they will arrange a job for you after approval?
e) Remuneration negotiation: Are they saying they will negotiate your pay for you after approval?
f) Courier services: Reasonable
g) Interview preparations: There is no formal QMAS interview
2) IELTS Fee – INR 9,900/- (USD 165 approx): Reasonable
3) Embassy Fee – HKD 160: Reasonable
Prior to sending the file to the Embassy, Education Assessment (Educational Credential Assessment) is mandatory. Fee – HK$2,160: Reasonable
The USD1,400 is not an unreasonable sum for a Hong Kong based immigration consultant. I can’t comment on the value in the Indian context however. If you have been led to believe that you stand an excellent chance of approval as a hotel management professional, I would question them as to where their confidence comes from and ask them to explain themselves.
The Visa Geeza recently posted..Hong Kong Visas From 39,000 Feet @ General Assembly – Visas For Entrepreneurs
Hi I’m a pakistani pharmaacist with 2 years experience. i had appleied in dec 2013. they asked different things from me like banks statemnt of past 6 months then IELTS and then documents verification from HKCAAVQ. i have submitted every thing they demanded. please let me know what would be the chances now.
The Visa Geeza
Sorry Naeem – I don’t/can’t make any assessment of a QMAS application. It’s just a black box.
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Subhash Reddy Annapareddi
Hi Naeem,Is your Visa approved? I am now in your situation: submitted various documents and submitted qualifications for HKCAAVQ verification.In how many days after HKCAAVQ verification I will get visa approval?Thanks,
Subhash Reddy
R Shah
I am Chartered Accountant and CFA (US) with around 5 year of experience in Financial Planning. I gone through points table and found that I will manage to get more than 90 points.
I want to know when next selection process will be scheduled?
If they granted QMAS then am I compelled to stay there? Can I come back to my country and continue with my current job while searching for job in HK?
The Visa Geeza
Hello – I have no idea when the next QMAS selection process is scheduled. ImmD are opaque about this. If you are approved under QMAS you are expected to settle in Hong Kong in the first 12 months after visa activation. If you are not settled in HK (i.e. have a job or have started a business) in the first 12 months it is unlikely you will receive an extension. I would suggest that it is very difficult to be recruited without being on the ground in HK – this is just the way the labour marker works here. Thanks for your note. Stephen
The Visa Geeza recently posted..The Hong Kong Immigration Department Really Are Getting Tougher Across the Board Now…
Subhash Reddy Annapareddi
Hi Naeem,
Is your Visa approved? I am now in your situation: submitted various documents and submitted qualifications for HKCAAVQ verification.
In how many days after HKCAAVQ verification I will get visa approval?
Subhash Reddy
Dear Sir,One of the agency has appraoched for me to apply for QMAS visa,they are asking for 60000INR as service charges,as I’m a nurse by profession,they are telling that nurses are having high scope in HK,is it right to go ahead,or else is there any chances that agency may ask for more funds ,Please let me know.
The Visa Geeza
Very poor chance of approval for a nurse under QMAS. There is no reason why you should pay an agency for any help with a QMAS application. We do not accept paid instructions for this visa type because it is very hard to add any real value. Please see: http://www.hongkongvisageeza.com/why-pay-for-professional-help-in-your-hong-kong-qmas-application-when-you-really-can-do-it-all-by-yourself/
The Visa Geeza recently posted..Is It Possible to Maintain My 6 Years’ Ordinary Residence In Hong Kong & Get the Right of Abode Next Year if I Plan to Move to Taiwan Soon?
Neethu james
i applied for QMAS visa through an agency. i do not have a bachelor degree in nursing,only a diploma in nursing. Now agency says H K High commission ask for 292 us dollar since i don’t have a bachelor degree. is this true? should i send the money?.please guide.
The Visa Geeza
Neethu – this agency is ripping you off. Firstly, there is no way you would get approved under QMAS without at least a degree (usually Masters is required as a minimum). Secondly there is no such thing as a “HK High Commission” as all foreign affairs of Hong Kong are dealt with the diplomatic missions of the People’s Republic of China. Thirdly, the Hong Kong Immigration Department would never ask for USD292 for ANYTHNG (official fee is less than USD20 and only payable on approval) and finally the QMAS process simply does not work like this. I suggest you let us know the name and website details of the agency here on this Blog to warn others of such predatory practices.
The Visa Geeza recently posted..How Can I Get a Visa & Work Legally in Hong Kong?
Hi Visa Geeza,
Just watched the QMAS video… the HKI Dept. basically requires you to be an international personality in order to be properly assessed? Anyway I found this article on the SCMP published late last year regarding a potential brain drain in the SAR (which you may be aware) and I highlight one statistic “…the number of people admitted via the Quality Migrant Admission Scheme fell from a peak of 593 in 2009 to just 54 in 2012. Set up in 2006 with an annual quota of 1,000 people, the scheme aimed to attract people with special expertise by dispensing with the obligation of securing a job offer specified for the work visas”. Just 54 from a quota of 1000? That can’t be right, I thought there were hundred of applicants per year? Unless the SAR is making it EVEN harder to be accepted under this scheme? Weblink: http://www.scmp.com/lifestyle/family-education/article/1300687/more-residents-leave-hong-kong-experts-worry-about-brain . Your thoughts?
To the cheese, I’m a 25 year old pharmacist from NZ (actually ethnically Chinese and my mother was born in HK but I was not eligible for right of abode/right to land as she required NZ citizenship BEFORE I was born and unfortunately her birth was not formally registered as she was born at home (her HKID has ***AZ)). I have 90 points from the scheme and I know there is a shortage of pharmacists in HK (my Cantonese is conversational but my Mandarin fluent). I’m having trouble finding a drug company that will sponsor me (perhaps due to my young age?) so I’m wondering whether you knew if the HKI dept. will take into account that there is a shortage of such professionals here or whether they just really sort of bluntly rank you on the number of points you have? Last question (apologies), what visa is then given if you pass the QMAS? Does said visa then allow you to stay unconditionally in the SAR (and if you live 7 years here you can apply for a permanent ID)? Many thanks for your time!
The Visa Geeza
Actually, what the selection committee do / take into consideration is a black box so your guess is as good as mine. You get a one year QMAS limit of stay initially which is extended by 2 years once you can show you are settled, have a job or have started a ‘sizable’ business. So ti goes through 7 years. Dpn’t get your hopes up though. There is a reason why I titled this article as I did and we don’t actually take on paid clients for this visa type – its mostly a waste of time (in my view).
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The Visa Geeza
Andy, in my view the pool of candidates is quite limited. Most applicants from India and Pakistan (who appear to form the bulk of those apply) simply don’t make the grade. Thanks for your note.
The Visa Geeza recently posted..QOTW: Hong Kong Right of Abode Application – How Important Are Prior Tenancy Agreements?
I am in process of applying for QMAS programme..My consultant says i got 100 points & the moment i go to HK for interview for work permit …i can stay back & apply for job. I know Hk is very expensive & whether i can quickly get a job. I am an engineer wotking in a bank for last 10 years with a good experience in IT. But still worried abt getting job.. Consultant charges around 1000USD for this & other costs will come to 600USD …Can afford but reading blogs is it worth …please guide…
Also if you can specify which country will be good in terms of getting job quickly & good quality life.
The Visa Geeza
Amit – save your money and apply for your QMAS via by yourself. See: http://www.hongkongvisageeza.com/why-pay-for-professional-help-in-your-hong-kong-qmas-application-when-you-really-can-do-it-all-by-yourself/. You cannot take up employment in HK under any circumstances unless and until your QMAS visa is approved. However, it is very important to manage your expectations of approval. The data suggests you will not be successful: http://www.hongkongvisageeza.com/its-official-the-quality-mainland-migrant-admission-scheme-77-of-all-qmas-visas-go-to-chinese-nationals/. As for the final question I honestly have no idea. I only know Hong Kong!
The Visa Geeza recently posted..The Visa Geeza on RTHK Radio Three – January 2014
QMAS visa guidelines says ‘an employer’s reference on a company headed paper which is signed by an authorized person’. The offer from my past employers are in email format, Could I print them and send?
Also what is the sufficient amount to support a single person in HK?
Thanks for your help.
The Visa Geeza
It’s always best to follow the guidance to the letter. If it’s impossible for you to do so then submit the best evidence you can. For QMAS purposes HKD20,000 per month x 12 months should be enough.
The Visa Geeza recently posted..Do You Need to Have Been Physically Present in Hong Kong for a Full Seven Years (i.e 2555 Days All Told) in Order to Qualify for Permanent Residency?
tufail islam
Sir i am applying for QAMS. CAN you please tell me how much amou t and for how many days atleast should be in my account in GB POUNDS?
The Visa Geeza
Sorry to say it doesn’t work like that. You have to have sufficient funds to finance you and your family for the time that it might take you to be settled in Hong Kong after QMAS visa issue. You need to own these funds and prove to the satisfaction that you do. You probably need to appreciate the chance of approval is very low. Please see: http://www.hongkongvisageeza.com/its-official-the-quality-mainland-migrant-admission-scheme-77-of-all-qmas-visas-go-to-chinese-nationals/ (so don’t get your hopes up!)
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I have applied for QMAS in July. They have asked me for fund and deposited on 8 July 50000, 34000,25000. How it comes to my account, further they are asking IELTS, although u have master in global political studies from Sweden, LLB from Pakistan. I feel there is no need of that certificates! Could you please guide me for these points how to handle it?
The Visa Geeza
It’s simple Asif. If you want the visa you have to comply with the requests!
Manish Bharti
dear sir, ihave applyed qmas visa. can i get job easily in hongkong on qmas visa ?
Manish Bharti
The Visa Geeza
If you get approved, you still need to persuade individual employers of the merits of employing you. It’s a free labour market in Hong Kong; the QMAS visa is your ticket to employment – but you still have to get on the bus. Good luck with you application.
The Visa Geeza recently posted..Can I Look for a Job in Hong Kong and Attend Interviews If I Only Hold a Visitor Visa?
ali raza
sir i hane done master`s in mathematics & having an experience of over 7 years teaching to o-a level mathematics..what are my chances? thanks
The Visa Geeza
Sorry Ali – I don’t do predictions on chances for QMAS applications. Its a black box at the end of the day and your crystall ball is just asbout as good as mine.
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thanks alot for the information and help! but the job offer that i got has nothing to do with teaching, its one of my relatives office who requires a manager and is doing me a favour but i want to get the visa on my education and experience, so i wanted to know your last advice, if i should at least try?so i wanted to know your last verdict, if i should at least try?
The Visa Geeza
For an employment visa you need to have special skills knowledge or experience of value to and not readily available in Hong Kong and the employer must be justified in engaging your services as opposed to those of a local person.
Naturally enough, just being a relative is not sufficient for justify the second part of this approvability test.
Morever, for the first part, if you’re a teacher, how can it be said that your skills etc are relevant to an office management position? I’m afraid to say your very best bet is to get a job offer to teach – and your visa problem will be more than likely solved. After 7 years, you can apply for PR – and with that, you will be free to work for anyone, anytime, in any position with no further consent of the HK Immigration Department required.
I would counsel against making an employment visa application for a job there is little chance of getting a visa for as it would sully your Hong Kong immigration record and could negatively impact on future applications.
The Visa Geeza recently posted..The Perils of Contriving a Job Offer Just for the Purposes of a Hong Kong Employment Visa Application
what i meant was, should i try QMAS ?
The Visa Geeza
You have nothing to lose so it’s worth a try. But brace yourself for only a 5% chance of approval. I can’t comment on your chances of a successful out come as it is essentially a lottery. See the post below.
The Visa Geeza recently posted..Finally the HKID Shed Some Light on What Constitutes ‘Talent’ in a QMAS Application (3 Case Studies’ Video)
only 5%?
i just dont understand what exactly is the IDHK looking for in the QMAS?
The Visa Geeza
Your guess is as good as mine! The 5% is my statistic, predicated on the number of approvals vs the number of applications received. The higher you are qualified or specialist-experienced, the better your chances. But still a lottery!
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My name is Jai and i am 26 year old. I would like to apply QMAS Visa. i am working as a software engineer from past 3 year in CGI company in India as it is CME level 5 company. i have done my B.Sc(IT) and master degree in IT. would it be possible to get QMAS visa. i scored 7.5 Band in IELTS. Please advise
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The Visa Geeza
Jai – thanks for stopping by. Unfortunately I do not pro-offer any advice (paid or unpaid) on the likelihood of approval under QMAS as it is just a black box. Your guess is as good as mine!
The Visa Geeza recently posted..Hong Kong Visas From 39,000 Feet @ General Assembly – The Quality Migrant Admission Scheme
i would like to know what is the minimum amount of capital should i be showing when applyiing for QMAS.
The Visa Geeza
You need to show you can fund a modest lifestyle for you and accompanying family applicants for 12 months life in Hong Kong without resources to any business income or salary from an employment you expect to secure after approval (while you settle down to life in Hong Kong.)
The Visa Geeza recently posted..Can I Study then Get Married All Whilst Holding a Hong Kong Employment Visa Sponsored by a Company I No Longer Work For?
what if i show that a company is willing to provide me with a job? Im in the education sector but i am not able to find a job that will sponsor me.
I actually have a Bachelor in Education & Masters in History and about 3 years of Experience as Primary School Teacher. Do you think my application will go through? or what should i do to strengthen my application
The Visa Geeza
There’s not a lot you can do. In the final analysis, it’s a lottery (imho). Please see the post I wrote on the HKID video which was released recently.
The Visa Geeza recently posted..Finally the HKID Shed Some Light on What Constitutes ‘Talent’ in a QMAS Application (3 Case Studies’ Video)
The Visa Geeza
This is not relevant to a QMAS application as you have to satisfy the specific elements of the programme – which does not call for express proof of your employment prospects once approved.
How can i actually come to Hong Kong? Should i apply or should i look for something else?
The Visa Geeza
If you don’t apply, you’ll never know. That’s the nature of the QMAS programme (and one of the reasons why it is not my personal cup of tea). It seems to me that as you are a well educated, experienced teacher, there are jobs in Hong Kong that you could interview for and in my experience you will almost certainly get immigration approval for on the basis you get a job offer. If you’re risk averse (i.e. uncomfortable arriving ‘on spec’) you’ll never get anything arranged as HK employers don’t typically recruit without interviewing prior to employment. But bear in mind that the overwhelming majority of foreign nationals who come without a job offer and adjust their status while they are here, after interviewing and securing a job offer. Most schools in HK are familiar with the need to sponsor and assist their foreign teachers in the employment visa process.
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