Why Dieudonné M’Bala M’Bala Was Denied Entry Into Hong Kong Today
Posted by The Visa Geeza / in Musing, Visitor Visas / No responses
In the next 24 hours, you’ll hear a lot of noise about why this French maverick was denied entry into Hong Kong today.
Putting aside the controversy surrounding his material and also his political views, there is a solid immigration justification for ImmD to refuse him entry.
They had reasonable grounds to suspect that he was going to be committing an immigration offence in giving the shows that were planned during his time here.
Most likely as a Visitor.
He needs an Entertainer visa to deliver his show in Hong Kong and more than likely he had no such visa in hand nor had he applied for one.
As it is very common knowledge that he was on his way here and that he was giving a show, once ImmD knew he was set to arrive, and also that he had no Entertainer visa in hand, it was inevitable that they would deny him entry.
He is undesirable as he was going to break the law by committing an immigration offence.
Quelle surprise?