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How Does An American Get Citizenship in China?

May 11th, 2014

Posted by / in Musing / 3 responses


Sometimes I get the strangest emails…

Cop in China

Work is drying up here in the United States. I’m a born US Citizen. I’m Native American. I have my BA Degree in Criminal Justice and almost done with my Masters. Yet I can’t get work here in the United States. How do I find work in China? How would I get citizenship? We’re already sending all of our jobs over seas to China. Why not figure out how to get a job there and Citizenship. I’ve already traveled to China during my time in the Navy. I’ve been to Hong Kong twice and to Beijing. I understand the Chinese government hates ours would that blow my chances of getting citizenship? My degree is in Criminal Justice. Would I be permitted to become a cop in China? Or a degree that has something to do with Criminal Justice? Like a prison guard, jail, court room cop, something?

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The Hong Kong Visa Geeza (a.k.a Stephen Barnes) is a co-founder of the Hong Kong Visa Centre and author of the Hong Kong Visa Handbook. A law graduate of the London School of Economics, Stephen has been practicing Hong Kong immigration since 1993 and is widely acknowledged as the leading authority on business immigration matters here for the last 24 years.

  • nethorse

    14 May 2014 pm31 3:02pm

    At first it sounds amusing. But after thinking it over, I see no amusement here. China is a complicated country. For example, this guy with a degree of Criminal Justice can definitely get a job at Hongkong. Why not? I bet there are lots of westerners serving in Hongkong civil and justice department. Just don’t go to mainland China. Stay away and you will be just fine.

    • The Visa Geeza

      15 May 2014 am31 7:50am

      Indeed, but this was a genuine question I received. How does one go about providing an answer to it (quite apart from the fact this has nothing to do with Hong Kong??) Thanks for sharing.

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