How to Go About Applying for the Reconsideration of a Refused Hong Kong Visa Application
Posted by The Visa Geeza / in Musing, Refusals & Appeals / 56 responses
The HKID will only entertain an application for a Reconsideration of a decision to refuse an application if there is significant additional, new information adding weight to the original application or relevant and important new facts which have come to light since the refusal – with comprehensive verifying documentation to support.
This means that you need to be ready to further argue your case stridently and have the bullets ready to fire in support. Emotional appeals are fruitless; as are a collection of mere testimonials from your consulate or chambers of commerce.
There are typically five key underlying reasons why cases get denied.
It could be that the case was destined to fail from the get go as the applicant was incapable of passing the approvability test applicable to the visa type applied for.
It might be that the case was very poorly put together or incorrectly argued.
Often times, applicants are unable to come up with critical supporting documentation required by the HKID or other specific information requests are not adhered to.
Finally, if the applicant has a poor immigration record in Hong Kong the Immigration Department could be minded not to afford the applicant the privilege of residence.
You should submit your application bundle for the Reconsideration in the same way as you submitted your original application.
If you are a Visitor in Hong Kong, dont; expect the HKID to afford you an interim extension to your current period of stay pending the finalisation of the Reconsideration process and notification of the outcome.
Things have tightened up considerably in the last couple of years, so you can expect to have to wait out the latter part of the Reconsideration exercise from outside of the HKSAR.
a working visa can be rejected after be married and have child ?
The Visa Geeza
Getting married or having a child is not a reason for a working visa to be rejected. However, if your spouse and child are included as dependents in your application, there will be additional requirements to meet.More details on these requirements here:https://hongkongvisageeza.com/navigating-dependent-visa-conditions-and-immigration-status-in-hong-kong/
Hi,my gf gave birth in the Philippines and after I let her come to hong kong.we got married in hong kong and applied for a dependant visa for her and my child.after 3 months, we received a letter and it states their visas have been refused.can I appeal for reconsideration and how to go about it?
The Visa Geeza
Hi there
How long does it take to get tourist visa for hk? Its been almost 8 weeks now. I have not got any reply yet. It says in process if i make an enquiry. I am living in uk however i got a nepali passport.
The Visa Geeza
6-12 weeks.
Ms. A
My spouse is a form 8 holder in Hong Kong. And his visa was refused due to criminal record which is back from 2015. What can I do
The Visa Geeza
Not much. Try again in a few years and show a continuing clean record.
Hi can i ask what are the chances of my 16 year old child to get rejected in dependance visa. It has already been 6 weeks. How long will my child’s dependent visa get approved?
The Visa Geeza
There’s always a chance of refusal especially if he’s a ‘young adult’ already working in his own right. The visa is granted on the basis of dependancy and if he’s manifestly not still dependant on you then a refusal might accrue. In any event, the 6 weeks processing time to date is normal.
Hi how long can newly married apply for dependant visa? Married to a Hongkong Resident, and what do we need to prepare? Thank you so much
The Visa Geeza
Anytime after marriage is fine:
My application of dependant visa refuse . When I call officer to ask reason the he said the applicant have criminal record but I said that’s 5 years ago minor crime . Can reconsideration for application again ? Plz guide
The Visa Geeza
You can try but if the decision is based on a secuity objection it’s very hard to overcome.
Hi my husband apply for dependant visa we send all the requirements but when we check in the online application is refused.. we not recive any letter what can we do
The Visa Geeza
Wait for the refusal letter and then apply for the decision minutes of ImmD under your file reference number via:
We got already the letter still refused only said not satisfied
Hi can i ask how many months need tinwait to reapply for application for dependant visa thanks
The Visa Geeza
Sorry I don’t understand the question. You need to provide more information.
Can i ask how many months need to wait before we reapply the application for dependant visa
The Visa Geeza
You can apply whenever.
My wife dependant visa for residence was rejected after 13 long mnths. Reason was that i am unemployed for mamy years due to medical conditions whis treatment is still undergoing. So it was rejectes for not being capable to support her. So, are there any options to convince them that i can support for instance i can transfer my property fund from my country to my hk account . Will this help? Plz reply soon.
The Visa Geeza
All you can do is try.
My qmas visa application refused showing in online portal but can’t receive any mail for reason, my consultant told me that they apply for reconsider after six month,
Is it the way right?
The Visa Geeza
Yes but there’s not much chance to be honest. QMAS is pretty hard and fast.
Hi my employment visa was refused because i was convicted last year and ive apply for reconsideration submitted to immigration with supporting letter from my employer and together the letter also i received after my conviction that says ‘your conviction record will take into consideration for future employment’ is there a hope that immigration will approve my employment visa for the second time?
The Visa Geeza
I honestly have no idea.
harjit singh
I have aplly reconsideration letter to imm department a six week ago but no any response from imm department
The Visa Geeza
It will take up to 9-12 months for it to be completed.
When I am checking my QMAS visa status it is showing application closed or finalised for one month what does it mean …..if visa is refused ….can I know the reason for it
The Visa Geeza
Yes refused. The reason will be that the selection committee didn’t choose you. It’s a competitive programme and you were not successful. That’s about it really.
My QMAS visa got refused …..How can I know what could be the reason …..and what I need to do next …I have send notorized copy of document to immd ….can I get it back
Please inform me about chances of reconsidering it
The Visa Geeza
Honestly speaking you are wasting your time. It’s a discretionary competitive programme and if you’ve been refused (and 77% of all applications are) there’s nothing you can do.
prakash durai
Hi, I applied qmas visa 2 months ago,now i have seen the status online, it shows i am refused,but i didn’t receive any mail from the immd ,so how do I know my refusal is finalized
The Visa Geeza
You should get a letter eventually. It will not give any reason for the refusal.
My bf tourist Visa application also refused, so sad
Really bad news for me
sarabjit singh
My dependant visa was refused.so i was send a letter to immigration department for collect back all my data from immigration
After how much time Reply da immigration department of my letter
The Visa Geeza
You apply according to this process: https://www.immd.gov.hk/eng/forms/forms/ops003.html. You will not get any originals back. Only copies.
My ex-wife has moved to Hong Kong with my two children (6 and 3) eldest born in HK and my ex is from HK with HK residency, she plans to work in HK for a few years. My work visa has currently been refused planning to reapeal I am a UK citizen, do I have any other options to remain and work in HK to be with the children?
The Visa Geeza
Student visa could be an option. No special ability for you to secure immigration permissions on the strenght of your children’s status in HK I’m afraid.
My visa has been denied and I ask for reopen or reconsideration, they allow me to reopen it just complete all the requirements that they ask me to comply. Is there a chance they will grant me a visaa? Thanks in advance!
The Visa Geeza
If the application is merit worthy then ImmD will approve it.
maryann rusit
hi i am mary my working visa was denied .for some reason and i dont know what it is…how can i know the reason why?why my application is being denied?
The Visa Geeza
Make an application to ImmD for a copy of the decision minutes on your case:
Baiju Devaraj
I am Baiju Devaraj from India 1 months back me and friends travelled to Hong Kong with pre arrival visa , first we go to China stay there for 8 days and then planned to move to Hong Kong the immigration department refused to enter Hong Kong .. next day we tried in another port from China .. there also we faced the same issue.. so we All com back to India .. now we are not able to apply for new pre arrival visa that is valid for 6 months .. within this period what is the possible possibilities to go to Hong Kong .. two times they refused .
The Visa Geeza
Apply for a visa before even get on an airplane. If they deny you you will know that you are wasting your time trying to enter HK.
I am a widowed senior citizen under CSSA social assistance for almost 2 years now. I was remarried last spring and processed the papers to sponsor my wife to live with me but was rejected due to my financial situation. Where do I go from here?
The Visa Geeza
Not much you can do to be honest. Dependant visas are issued on the basis of being able to financially support your spouse. If ImmD have concluded that’s not possible, the only way to rebutt it is to show additional means of income.
Amit sethi
Need help regarding pra refused .passanger already travel europe or other country
The Visa Geeza
You need to apply for a visitor visa. Please see: http://www.hongkongvisahandbook.com/hong-kong-visitor-visas/