WRAP UP: How to Apply for a Hong Kong Investment Visa Without Any Professional Help – Public Talk by Stephen Barnes on January 17, 2013
Posted by The Visa Geeza / in Investment Visas, Musing / 34 responses
There was a smaller than average turnout but the numbers were perfect for the cosy, ‘mingle and talk’ environment afforded by Centre O in Wanchai last Thursday night.
I was there to talk about the challenges faced by foreign national entrepreneurs in securing the necessary immigration permissions to join in or establish businesses here in Hong Kong.
The cut and thrust of my presentation was how to go about applying for – and getting approved – a Hong Kong investment visa without the need to engage any professional help.
We took the opportunity to record the session but it was all arranged ‘ad hoc’ and at the last moment so the lighting and audio are poor.
That said, there’s 90 minutes of “how to” content which could be broken up into interesting video or audio nuggets so we’re still thinking through what to do with it.
Watch this space.
In the meantime, you can download a copy of my presentation here.
Moreover, the 10 Must Have Hong Kong Investment Visa Resources discussed in the talk are available for you to get on with your own investment visa application – so why not take a look there now?