QOTW: Will My Hong Kong Work Visa Change of Employer be Denied If My Fixed Compensation is Significantly Less Than in My Current Role?
Posted by The Visa Geeza / in Employment Visas, Your Question Answered / No responses
What happens to your Hong Kong work visa change of employer application if your new job pays much less than your old one?
I currently hold an employment visa with a Hong Kong company where I am receiving a monthly salary of HK$50,000 (fixed salary, no bonuses), and have been working with this company for the past 4 years.
My contract, and visa, are due to expire soon so I am in the process of looking for a new job.
I’ve received an offer from a company where my base salary would be substantially lower at HK$20,000 but bonuses in the form of royalties from products sold will be included and likely to amount to a higher overall total compensation.
My question to you is, how will the Hong Kong Immigration Department look at this?
My job role will be essentially the same between both old and new companies, and it’s a highly specialized job where my specific skills and experience fit perfectly (and its highly unlikely that a suitable candidate would be found among the local workforce).