I Worked in Hong Kong for 4 Years – then Left for 2 – and Have a Valid Visa in My Passport – Can I Still Work & then Apply for PR?
Posted by The Visa Geeza / in Employment Visas, Long Stay & PR, Your Question Answered / 7 responses
For many foreign national residents, it can take a couple of runs at living in Hong Kong before they catch the bug and realise they want to call the HKSAR their permanent home. Inadvertently, however, such folks can break their continuity of residence and also find themselves back to square one when it comes to both short and long stay immigration status here.
I was in Hong Kong on a working visa for almost four years and left on 23rd June 2011. My visa at the time was still valid until this coming March 2013.
Since then I have been back twice. Once on 24th December 2011 for a week (leaving 1st Jan 2012) and again a year later on 1st Jan 2013 for a month.
I may or may not be moving back in a few months time.
 Is there any point in trying to work out if I could qualify for a new visa now or is it best to wait until I know if I am coming back?
I ask because the follow up question is, if I do move back in say March/April, what are my odds of being able to get PR 7 years after my initial arrival and visa in September 2007?
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Do I need a sponsor afer 7 years in Hong Kong? So I need My husband record to abode ?my first husband gave me 2 extensions that mean I stayed 4 years on behalf of him and then My second husband gave me last extension of three years.,We both are from different religion because of that have some cultural problems because of that we are apart and divorced. Can I still Apply for PR in Hong Kong .I’m working as a NET teacher in centre.
The Visa Geeza
Assuming your visas were all back to back then yes you can apply for PR