Hong Kong Employment Visa Self-Sponsorship – the Reality for Entrepreneurs Dressed as Employees
Posted by The Visa Geeza / in Employment Visas, Hadley Says…, Investment Visas / 2 responses
If you are an entrepreneur seeking permissions to join in your own business in Hong Kong, you can’t fudge the issue of the ownership of your own business
No matter how you dress it up, the Hong Kong Immigration Department will treat you as an entrepreneur-investor if your company is less than 2 years old or if you are a shareholder in the business.
There’s simply no getting around it.
Even if you make like you’re just an employee the HKID will apply the investment visa approvability test in any event so they’ll be looking not so much as your special skills knowledge and experience (even though these are important) but at your ability to make a substantial contribution to the economy of Hong Kong.
A much more onerous test for approval.
I want to apply as start-up entrepreneur & i don’t have any local sponsor available .What should I do before applying I have been told by immigration Dept. That I cant apply for visa but for that i have to write down a valid reason why I cant have any sponsor ?
The Visa Geeza
It’s not a positive thing not to have a sponsor and I would urge you to seek to find one.