The Shiny New D-I-Y Hong Kong Visa Kit – Get Yours Today – 100% FREE!
Posted by The Visa Geeza / in Employment Visas, Family Visas, Hadley Says…, Investment Visas, Long Stay & PR, Refusals & Appeals, Special Programmes, Visitor Visas / 22 responses
Getting a visa to live in Hong Kong can be a complicated process. Understanding what it takes to get your application approved is not easy to fathom as the Hong Kong Immigration Department website is informative but not especially useful.
Instead you can use the free service from the Hong Kong Visa Centre.
In the Hong Kong Visa D-I-Y Kit you get:
(1)Â Â Â The Hong Kong Visa Application Roadmap which, is a template to produce an application plan.
(2)Â Â Â 4 x 15 minutes video tutorials, one each day for 4 days.
(3)Â Â Â All the templates, presentations, screen casts, checklists and How To-s of the Hong Kong Visa Handbook, and
(4)Â Â Â All your questions answered, for free, via Podcast on the Hong Kong Visa Geeza blog.
Irfan Adil
I have been asked for this
Please explain the source of fund of Rs. 1,200,000, which transmitted to your account on 9 Oct 2012;
I have sold the gold, now should i provide them with evidence too OR simply tell them on a hand written paper ??
If evidence is given
What sort of evidence will be enough ? like recepit from jweller AND/OR a notarized letter from lawyer that I have gold of this much amount ??
The Visa Geeza
Show them your original purchase of the gold and where those funds came from initially. They are looking to see that you are not ‘account bouncing’ funds from others that you may have borrowed purely for the purposes of the application. If you have a financial intermediary or a lawyer who was privy to the transaction that would help. Your challenge is to try your hardest, with your documentation, to rebut an implied presumption that you have borrowed the funds just for the application.
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during the process of QMAS, i have been asked to provide
Turnover(Past Year) ??
Tax Paid by the Company(Past Year) ??
Market Capital ??
what is market capital ? and what if company does not tell turnover ?
The Visa Geeza
Hello Irfan,
It means the market value of the company, assuming it is easily available, say because it is a public company.
If it’s a private company, it will be harder to advise.
If you cannot substantiate any of the assertions you make in your application (turnover or otherwise) this can be a negative as you have the burden of proving the claims you make.
Good luck in your application.
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