How to Stop Worrying About Your Hong Kong Visa & Start Applying!
Posted by The Visa Geeza / in Employment Visas, Family Visas, Investment Visas, Long Stay & PR, Musing, Special Programmes / 16 responses
Worrying About Your Hong Kong Visa ?
Everyone, at some point during their time in Hong Kong, has had to deal with the hassle of visas down at the Immigration Department in Wanchai.
First, you have to get the damn thing, and then you need to extend it. Before long (maybe) you’ll change employers, possibly start a new business, get divorced, have a baby, meet your life partner, be made redundant or go on to make Hong Kong your permanent home. And at every stage, you’ll more than likely find yourself at Immigration Tower, wondering how the heck you’re going to get through it all.
The Immigration Department website is informative but not especially helpful. Online forums while well-intentioned are not totally reliable. The advice of friends is trustworthy, but not often entirely relevant and immigration consultants, seemingly two-a-penny these days, are not especially cheap.
So where CAN you get good, reliable, professional, easy to follow, step-by-step Hong Kong visa and immigration advice that is completely free of all costs?
Simple, just read on…..
Stop Worrying About Your Hong Kong Visa – Start Applying!
The reason why sorting out your visa situation can be such a pain is straightforward.
It’s called “Poacher vs Gamekeeper”.
You see, the definitive source of Hong Kong visa information is the Hong Kong Immigration Department itself.
So far, so good.
Their website is comprehensive, well written, informative and tells you clearly what documents you need to supply. Moreover, Immigration Officers are friendly and the service they provide is exceptionally well delivered. ImmD are a solid bunch of professional, government administrators doing a fantastic job at a very reasonable cost to you the service user.
Worrying About Your Hong Kong Visa ? – ImmD Won’t Help You!
However, the Immigration Department will never tell you everything you really need to know about how to go about your visa application. That’s because it’s their job only to inform you how to use the immigration service, not to advise you on it. It’s what the HKID don’t tell you that creates your visa anxiety and, after giving you just enough information to piece together your paperwork, they expect you to lift up your skirt, as it were, and show them everything you’ve got – warts and all. Then, and only then, will they decide your application.
The Hong Kong Immigration Department always hold the cards close to their chest for the exact visa circumstances you find yourself in. Offering anything even close to advice about how to manage your visa application would seriously impact on their ability to properly judge your case circumstances and their overall assessment of the facts, as you disclose them in your papers. So, you’ll get no joy from the HKID there!
They’re not going to tell you exactly how to sort out your dependant visa mess now that your rat fink husband has run off with your Helper, nor can you expect them to discuss with you the merits of each different type of company structure as a suitable sponsor for your inter-company transferee working visa application.
There’s no way they’re going to give you any advice at all on the merits of your case, whatever the type, nor will they, for example, make any suggestions whatsoever about how to argue away missing periods of residence in the seven years you claim that you’ve been living in our fine city. That’s not, when all is said and done, their job.
Worrying About Your Hong Kong Visa ? – Where To Turn?
It can be a real problem to get good, relevant advice, as no two Hong Kong immigration situations are ever the same. What worked in one set of circumstances doesn’t automatically follow in another. Friends and colleagues often have some personal experience with the Immigration Department (after all, we have all had dealings with Wanchai’s Finest, at one time or another during our lives here) but that experience itself is often quite limited and typically occurred quite some time prior (and things do change, let’s not forget).
Advice on public forums can be hit and miss and besides, who wants to put such an important life matter in the hands of (no doubt?) well meaning strangers? After all, your all-important Hong Kong immigration situation is not the same as the recipe for granny’s oatmeal bread!
You can turn to professional immigration advisors but their advice doesn’t come cheap and, more often than not, they want to handle your entire visa situation, not just the part of it you need help with (which is reasonable as, ultimately, they do have to be accountable for the application outcome).
So, just trying to figure out what to do and how to go about doing it can make your head spin and cause sleepless nights as the clock ticks down on your current visa, which will expire far too soon for comfort.
So, what’s the answer?
It’s called the Hong Kong Visa Application Roadmap.
The Roadmap takes you, step-by-step, through the process for any type of Hong Kong visa application – helping you to navigate the labyrinth of the Immigration Department’s hidden application consideration criteria. Only available to subscribers to our mailing list, the Hong Kong Visa Application Roadmap works in tandem with The Hong Kong Visa Handbook and is equal in value to at least a one hour consultation with our firm – which would normally cost you 2,000 Hong Kong Dollars.
But for you, it’s absolutely free!
This is what you get:
1. Roadmap-Download
The 6 page Roadmap PDF, laying out the 4 process elements of any Hong Kong immigration case. This unique resource provides you with a comprehensive, actionable visa application plan.
2. 4-Video-Tutorials
The video tutorials are 15 minutes in length. You receive a video daily for 4 days, each one discussing sequentially 1 of the 4 elements of your Hong Kong visa application plan. Delivered by email, these bite-sized presentations bring the Roadmap to life and enable you, the layman, to easily apply professional visa advice to the exact specifics of your own case situation.
3. Your-Questions-Answered
As a subscriber to our mailing list, you are entitled to a personalised, podcast answer from me personally to any question you may have, as you build up your visa application plan. This 100% free service tops and tails perfectly your use of the Hong Kong Visa Application Roadmap allowing you to get the professional advice that you need in light of your particular visa case circumstances – free of any cost to you!
So, sign up now and get started down the path towards solving your Hong Kong immigration application headaches once and for all – anxiety-free with your all-important visa approval within easy reach.
The Hong Kong Visa Application Roadmap is 100% unique, 100% professional and 100% free!
Oh, and your email information is absolutely safe with us. Go on, sign up now!
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