How Can I Manage the Collection of My Approved Visa Label if I Have No Fixed Address Before Arriving in Hong Kong? (TEMPLATE INCLUDED)
Posted by The Visa Geeza / in Employment Visas, Family Visas, Investment Visas, Special Programmes, Your Question Answered / 20 responses
Easy, yet an important question this one – all about visa label collection once your applications have been approved.
Hi, we have received information that our visa stamps will be sent out in November, however I will be travelling overseas during that time and won’t be at a fixed address until I arrive in Hong Kong. Is it possible to enter on a tourist visa and then be re-processed once we have collected our visa stamp from a fixed address in Hong Kong?
Suggested letter draft referenced in the PodcastAnswer
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What documents are needed and where do you go exactly to collect someone’s approved visa?
No email was sent with details on what to do.
The Visa Geeza
The approval letter should tell you what to do. In any event, take the file reference number to the general enquiry desk on the 2/F which can then direct you to the relevant floor at ImmD Tower. You will need a signed authorization letter from the visa applicant denoting your HKID card number and name as being authorized to collect the referenced visa label on their behalf.
Is it possible to have authorised representative to pick up new work permit label?
I am currently in HK, applying for work permit with new sponsor.
I would like to see if I can travel after application submission and get representative to pick up the label and send over while I am in overseas.
The Visa Geeza
Yes you can. Just write a letter naming and identifying the authorized representative:
I have applied for Hong Kong residence visa and my online status shown as application approved.. How much time will I got approval letter?
Your cooperation in this regard will highly appreciated.
The Visa Geeza
3-5 days
Hi, i applied for Hong Kong visa which got approved, can i collect my visa after two months? What date will be mentioned on the label, the date it was approved or the date it was issued?
The Visa Geeza
The date it is issued.
Thank you so much..Could you also tell me ihow long can i delay getting my visa label issued from the immigration department considering the travel bans.
The Visa Geeza
3 months max. Then issue it and apply for a new one with the consent of your approving officer just before that is due to expire. That’s about the shape of it tbh
Dear Sir / Madam
I am Mohamed I applied For Hong Kong Visa 20 days ago, i got Email from Immigration “My Visa has been Approved” at the same time i checked my Application Status Online i can see “VISA APPROVED”
i got that email 1 week ago but still not receive my Visa Lable why?
how many days they take?
if am i check my status i can see there “VISA APPROVED” only.
The Visa Geeza
You need to contact the Immigration Officer and find out about the visa label dispatch arrangements.
I live in Canada and waiting for the Citizen Oath to get Canada passport. However, it looks like I can’t wait for the Oath as I have book ticket o Viet Nam on Sept.06 and I will fly to Hong Kong on Sept.26 before back to Canada on Sept.29.
I have no choice to apply Hong Kong visa from Canada because I holding Viet Nam passport. The issues is if the visa successfully approved, can I have Hong Kong Visa department send the stickers directly to my Viet Nam address, so I can catch up and affix the sticker to my passport before fly to Hong Kong ?
The Visa Geeza
You need to authorize someone in HK to collect and pay for you.
Thang Mung
I have my HK visit visa approved. However, the problem is that I am on my trip so far to pick up the label or sticker to be honest. Will it be possible to land at Hong Kong without the physical label? Little advantage is that I have printed out the result of online immi tracking system that says my visa is approved along with my reference number. Can I use that printed paper as an evidence at such situation?
The Visa Geeza
No. You need the physical label affixed to your passport. No exceptions. You will need to arrange for someone in HK to collect the label for you and send it to you wherever you are for use prior to arrival in HK.
Can we hire someone to collect the visa labels, if we do not know any representative in Hong Kong?
The Visa Geeza
Yes. Contact my office please. http://www.hongkongvisacentre.com/email-us/
Is there any maximum time limit to collect the dependent visa on its approval?
The Visa Geeza
If not within 30 days speak to the officer.