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How Can I Handle My Hong Kong Employment Visa Extension If I Plan To Be On Leave For 8 Weeks Around The Time For Renewal?

May 22nd, 2024

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This situation occurs quite a lot especially for those employees who were originally summer hires and are on back to back employment contracts matching the validity of their limits of stay.

Hong Kong Employment Visa Extension


I am a Canadian currently employed in Hong Kong and have a work visa. If I plan to be absent on leave in the five weeks prior to the expiry of current limit of stay, can I apply to renew my work visa ‘in advance’ of the normal 28 day period?  I intend to return to Hong Kong 3 weeks after my current visa expires and so be gone for a total of 8 weeks on leave. How can I handle my employment visa extension in this situation?


The Hong Kong Immigration Department see this situation quite frequently in actual fact, and so they do have  developed a protocol to allow people such as yourselves who find themselves not really being in Hong Kong and available around about the time that their current visa comes up for renewal.

As you’re holding an employment visa, effectively the solution for you is to make your application probably six weeks before your current limit of stay expires, follow the normal processes which are detailed in the visa extension kit which is included as a link to this blog post, and also in your application bundle, include express representations as to the reason for why you’re making an early application, and also include copies of all the documents that substantiate the reason for you making that early application, so that the Immigration Department can conclude for themselves that they need to effect a positive act of discretion on an out of policy basis to allow your extension application to be processed slightly earlier than the norm, which would then effectively be completed in about five to ten days and giving you sufficient time to finalise these formalities prior to making your trip.

So that when you come back, you’ll have your visa extension fully completed and you won’t have to worry about it anymore. So, yep, it’s perfectly doable. Just submit all the supporting documentation in regard to the reason for the extension. And then you’ll find that the Immigration Department will play ball with.

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Hong Kong Employment Visa Extension

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The Hong Kong Visa Geeza (a.k.a Stephen Barnes) is a co-founder of the Hong Kong Visa Centre and author of the Hong Kong Visa Handbook. A law graduate of the London School of Economics, Stephen has been practicing Hong Kong immigration since 1993 and is widely acknowledged as the leading authority on business immigration matters here for the last 24 years.



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