What Is the Bare Minimum Income & Accommodation Arrangements to Suitably Sponsor a Hong Kong Dependant Visa?
Posted by The Visa Geeza / in Family Visas, Your Question Answered / 115 responses
Today’s question relates how the Hong Kong Immigration Department respond to requests for dependant visas from permanent resident sponsors, particularly those families who are relocating back to Hong Kong some years after the marriage commenced overseas.
Thank you for your wonderful website!
My wife and I are planning on applying for a Dependant visa for me. She a Hong Kong born and raised native. I am Danish.
We have been married for four years, she is returning to Hong Kong after living in Denmark for four years.
My question has two parts.
Should we file yet, and what sort of income does my wife need to qualify as my sponsor? We don’t want to file now if that means being turned down and creating a poor record and history for us.
Before moving her Hong Kong Immigration said we could file for a Dependent visa with me on a Visitor visa. But after reading your and other available materials I think I might need to hold off filing because my wife has not yet found what I believe to be a “qualifying” job.
I have read the approvability test about “above the sustenance level” and have tried to research what does that mean exactly, but it’s still vague to me, and it seems to depend upon ones circumstances.
Right now we have a “roof over our heads”, are living with her mom who owns the apartment. Her family paid off the mortgage years ago.
But I think she also needs a full time job with a specific minimum level of Income to qualify as my sponsor.
At the moment, while she searches for a full time position, she has a temporary part time job for as long as she wants it. She earns $12,000 HKD/month from that.
As far as assets, she has a substantial number of insurance policies with guaranteed cash values, but no bank account savings. She is also is a percentage owner in one of the family apartments.
So my question is, given this financial picture, do we stand any chance of currently qualifying?
If not, what kind of minimum income would be needed to be able to pass the financial approvability test?
Many thanks.
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Hello, PLS ANSWER. I am a HK Resident, working and earning 15,000 HKD per month me and my mom are together in 1 flat with 2 rooms our rent is $7000 and the flat is named to me and my mom she pays the half, I am planning to make my girlfriend dependant our wedding is on March 3, how much should I earn in the bank to make her dependant? I currently have $24,000 in my bank.
The Visa Geeza
How long is a piece of string? You need to show to ImmD that you can both support her and provide her with accomodation and a quality of life well above the bare minimum and that you should not be at risk of falling to the public purse. ImmD will also enquire deeply into any debts and financial liabilities you might have. Assuming you have 11K left after paying your rent and making allowances for tax and other necessary expenses of life it doesnt leave much left over to fund a family of 2 (assuming your mother has her own income income of course). I can’t say definitively one way or the other but it seems to me that you might be on the wrong end of the scale for approvabiility. But unless you apply you’ll never know.
I am a domestic helper who just got married last July to a 68 year old HKPR who was under welfare for several years before getting a job . He has a monthly salary of 15K per month for about a year now. He pays rent of 7500 per month with a tenant paying 50% of the monthly rent. He doesn’t have a debt or credit card and he has a savings of HKD 100,000 in the bank. Is there a chance to get my dependants visa approved?
Thank you in advance for your help.
The Visa Geeza
Please see my earlier answer.
Can a Dependant visa mother attach her son born in Hong Kong with recognizance form? Her son age is 37 and she is single mon.
The Visa Geeza
Hi, I’d like to ask my situation. I’m a HK Permanent Resident and will marry my GF this November 2024 in Hong Kong, I’m currently starting my job as a flight attendant this october and potentially earn around 21,000 HKD. we’ve known eachother since 2023 October and I’m concerned if I can apply her as my dependant after we marry. in terms of housing conditions, I currently live with my parents to save some cash but have plans in the next few months possibly January 2025 to move out and have our own place. what’s your opinion on our situation?
The Visa Geeza
Marginal. Your salary is enough but you live with your parents. Not a show stopper but not great optics. Moreover, you’ve only know each other a short time. I wouldnt get my hopes up tbh.
After 3 week iMD just replay my application
They need
• Credit Report and
• information Shelley detail income & expenditure of sponsor.(rent 5865, saving 145k salery 19-21k)
My problem is i have loan debt 80k+ not including interest. Bad Credit report Will effect my wife aplication? …
The Visa Geeza
Should be OK.
Hi, I’m planning to sponsor my bf of 4yrs as my dependant in hk, planning to get married this year then apply for his dependent visa, i earn 15k a month and live with my mom who earns 12.5k a month as well and our rent is currently $5800 monthly. I have no loans. I also have around 80k savings. Would that be enough? And would living with my mom be a problem cause she’s a single parent and i really dont want her to be left alone?
The Visa Geeza
It’s marginal but might be enough all told.
my wife and I are planning on moving to HK this year. she was born in HK and is a HK permanent resident. I am a US citizen and we have both been living in the US for the past 10 years. when we arrive in HK we will be able to stay with family semi-permanently while we look for an apartment.
since my wife doesn’t have work yet in HK, will i be able to apply for a dependent visa right away? we have no debt. our dividends/interest income generate about 2000 USD a month. we both have individual retirement accounts with about 50k USD. we also have a joint brokerage account with about 750k USD.
The Visa Geeza
This should not be a problem for you.
Hi, I’m a 20 year old HK pr, marrying my American fiance in February. I’m a student with an unstable income from freelance tutoring gigs that adds up to 9k a month, but he has 70-90k hkd of savings in his hk and us banks and properties in the US. He’s also highly educated with post graduate degrees from HKU and will be looking for jobs while we apply for his dependent visa. I have family members in hk who can write and sign a note promising free accommodation. Do we have a chance at getting approved? Do we have to include proof of his propoerties in the US in order to have a shot? How do I prove my own income source since the students’ parents pay weekly and some of them pay in cash?
The Visa Geeza
On the face of it you personally are unable to support him for a dependant visa. The fact of his future income potential might be taken as a positive but the polocy denotes he is YOUR dependant not vice versa. The 90K HKD savings dont help much I’m afraid but do add some value to your story. I think you;re going to struggle. If he got a dgree from HKY then he should be able to get an IANG visa in any event as long as he has a job offer (if it was more than 6 months since he graduated).
Good day,
I am a PR and is earning around 60k HKD and have around 200k on my bank. I have my wife as my dependent with our baby who is a PR. I want to bring both my parents who are already senior citizens to help take care of our child.
Do you think my financial standing is enough? Thank you
The Visa Geeza
I have applied for my husband dependent visa last year November 2022, almost after one year of application the case officer told me that my salary which is $14,800 is not enough to support 3 of us (me , husband and my 10 month old baby ). My husband status in hong kong is a refugee but the case officer told me their investigation for my husband is over but not they are telling the i am not meeting the basic needs of the application .
Hi. Been reading your posts and replies. Thanks for the great info. My wife is a permanent resident of Hong Kong, however is not currently employed in HK due to us currently living in USA. I am a US citizen. We want to move to HK next year. We will stay with family in HK while we look for an apartment of our own. We would like to apply for the dependent visa right when we arrive in HK. Is it enough to provide proof of substantial savings/investments and prior years tax returns as support for the financial requirement? We will also have regular monthly interest and dividend income from our investments.
The Visa Geeza
Yes – you can apply on the basis of Returning family.
Hi. Been reading your posts and replies. Thanks for the great info.
My wife is a permanent resident of Hong Kong, however is not currently employed in HK due to us currently living in USA. I am a US citizen. We want to move to HK next year. We will stay with family in HK while we look for an apartment of our own. We would like to apply for the dependent visa right when we arrive in HK. Is it enough to provide proof of substantial savings/investments and prior years tax returns as support for the financial requirement? We will also have regular monthly interest and dividend income from our investments.
I have applied for my husband dependent visa last year November 2022, almost after one year of application the case officer told me that my salary which is $14,800 is not enough to support 3 of us (me , husband and my 10 month old baby ). My husband status in hong kong is a refugee but the case officer told me their investigation for my husband is over but not they are telling the i am not meeting the basic needs of the application .
Fiancee is HK resident, earns 21000 HKD a month, savings say at least 200.000 hkd.
Lives with her parents, public housing.
Is this alright for sponsoring dependency visa?
The Visa Geeza
Should be fine. You’d likely be needing to demonstrate plans to etsablish a home of your home as you work the application up though.
ok thanks. Do pictures of us as couple help/are the required? We are together since..2013 ;D
The Visa Geeza
Hello i want to apply for spouse visa for my husband but we did a court marriage on july in nepal so is it okay to just show the court marriage certificate or do j need to show more?
The Visa Geeza
More: http://www.hongkongvisahandbook.com/legal-dependants-visas/
Hi im currently have working visa, with 26000 hkd. salary + allowances per month and my rent is 5000 hkd. I would like to apply my wife for dependent visa
It is possible to sponsor my wife for dependent visa?
The Visa Geeza
Sounds do-able to me.
Hi, I would like to ask if I can apply for spouse visa if I am a full time student( I am a permanent resident). I work part time with 10K salary. I live with my parents and have saving of abt 30k. I wanted to ask whether I can apply visa for my husband as I got married this summer. Please let me know and is MPF a requirement for spouse visa application. Thanks
The Visa Geeza
I doubt it would be successful.
I would like to give a dependent visa to my girl. I earn 28k thousand. However I have unpaid debt which should be approximately 250k. I’m recently starting to pay off by 2k monthly and can I still apply for her ? Thanks
The Visa Geeza
You can certianly try. The main issue is your rent >> income ratio taking into account total indebtedness and your positive cash flow generally to fund your spouse.
Hi I’m currently residing in the Philippines and my girlfriend is a HK resident. Is it possible for me to get a dependent visa without getting married?
The Visa Geeza
hello , Can I ask what should or can we do to stay here in hongkong while waiting for the independent visa ? I’m a domestic helper and my contract will end on November and not planning to renew , can I stay here in Hk while waiting ? thank you so much
The Visa Geeza
No – you MUST leave HK and return to your home country as part of your FDH visa permissions. ImmD expect you to be outside of Hong Kong while your dependant visa appplication is under process because (a) until it’s issued there is no guarantee of approval (b) if you seek to remain in HK they see this is “queue jumping”. So you should get married at least 6 weeks before your FDH visa expires and submit your dependant visa application immediately after marriage. It takes 6 weeks for a typical dependant visa application to process so if you time things well your new visa should be ready at the same time as your FDH visa is expiring and then you wont have to spend too much time away from your partner.
Hello sir ! iam hongkong resident have salary of 16500hkd and i have some saving like 29k and i pay rent 6700 ! we recently got married in feb 2023 so i want to call my husband in dependent visa is it ok to apply and how much time it can get !
Thank you in advance
The Visa Geeza
Please refer the answers I gave to Sky in this thread.
Hello! thank you at first !
iam hongkong PR holder and iam plannig to apply my husband dependent visa ! we were married in 2023 march i earn around 14k HKD and i have saving of 30k only i dont have loan and i pay rent 6700 HKD now my concern is is it ok to apply and how much time it will take ? thank you again
The Visa Geeza
It’s marginal but you might squeak through. Minimum of 6 weeks. Likely longer as your means are not substantial.
thank you how much salary is ok in your experience or do i need more saving ? any idea thank you again
The Visa Geeza
It’s both a function of your rent-income ratio and the ability to fund any other normal expenses of life from the balance of your income and total savings. I can’t put a hard $$ figure on it sorry to say.
ok thank you sir for your valuable reply and time
Hi im married and have 2 kids. I already applied for dependant visa for my wife and kids.
My salary is 16k a month i live in government house where i only pay 1k rent because im living with my brother and parents. Will that be any issue?
The Visa Geeza
Dunno. ImmD will want to see your entire ability to fund / accomodate your family independantly. If you have debts that will impact too.
I work here under a work permit visa, my wife is a dependent, is it possible to get my wife’s sister (i.e. my sister-in-law) as a dependent in hong kong?
The Visa Geeza
No, sorry, ImmD policy doesnt allow this.
If the sponsor is a permanent resident of Hong Kong however is not currently employed due to a recent relocation back to Hk from overseas, is it sufficient to provide proof of substantial savings and prior earnings / payslips from overseas over the last 3 years as support for the financial requirement?
The Visa Geeza
Yes. And proof of job search ongoing.
Hi , I’m currently applying for dependent visa while I’m earning 16K a month and have savings for about 300k hkd, however, I’m currently living with my cousin and pay rent of 2500HK$ by cash. Can i give that as an accommodation of proof while my name is not in tenancy agreement and I don’t have proof of me staying there, can my cousin write me a letter and submit it to the immigration? Will it cause a application refusal.
The Visa Geeza
You can only try.
I am moving to HK in February
I am getting married in January
I want to bring my wife and step child
Will I get a dependent visa or is a marriage to recent?
We have been together 11 years
My salary is 90k p.m.
The Visa Geeza
You should be OK for dependant visa for your family as it’s clear after 11 years your relationship is genuine. As for your step child, there is a slight challenge as regards the legal ability for your wife to bring the child with her (sponsored by you) as the consent of the biological father will come into play with attendant issues if that cannot be readily procured and documented for any reason.
HI i am Mandy,
I want to sponcor my husband as dependant visa. My monthly sallery is 22000$. and I have two kids .
i got my own house from HongKong government which I have to pay only 2000$ house rent everymonth.
I can save 10000$ every month from my sallery. my accommodation is well with two rooms and small hall.
i have no debt from any bank.
My Parents take care my babies when I go for work.
can I sponcor my husband as dependant visa .and he lived in hong kong as refugee before with no illegal activity and never been involved in any criminal activity. i been visiting his country every year twice .
my question is should i have apply dependant visa for him ?
The Visa Geeza
You can certainly try.
Hi i have GF and we are planning to get married next year but i dont have savings and i have 2 debts 1- credit card and 1 -loan together around 50k+
And i have a house under my name and im earning around 20k+ monthly
Do you think we can get married while me having this debts and im a HK resident.
The Visa Geeza
If you own your own home then I doubt your 50K debts will be a problem. The key pivot point is how much your cost of living is (accomodation cost+servicing debts+general living costs as a single person). Thne see how mich you have left over to ensure you can fund your new wife properly.
Hi Geeza! I am a HK permanent resident. We got married overseas last year 2021. Although my husband and I are in relationship (BF/GF since 2012 and engaged since 2019). Since we are just married for less than 1-year, would it affect our chances of getting approved for a dependant VISA? Here are more details. Hope to hear you opinion on our chances of getting his dependant VISA approved/rejected? Thank you!
1. My brother (permanent resident too and has permanent work as well) and I are living on 2 BR flat (9k/month)
2. I am on my 4-month on the company and currently earning 16k
3. I have no debts and have 99.XX% credit score
4. I only have around 140k HKD on my bank account currently
The Visa Geeza
Should be fine. Just enough …
Do you know the benefits of a dependant from a full-time student?
Do they have subsidies in health care?
Thank you
The Visa Geeza
All HK residents can use the public health system – doesnt matter if you’re a student or a dependant visa holder. But this question is not strictly immigration related so you’re best off directing it at the Hospital Authoirty for a complete and full response.
Hi, I wanted to know that if I’m applying for a dependent visa for my husband to come to Hong Kong, can I apply it with a part time job if I’m earning 16K a month, thanks.
The Visa Geeza
IT all depends on your rent, your other financial commitments and any debts you might have. HKD16,000 is a bit marginal tbh.
hello i married with my wife two years ago in nepal but due to corona i was stuck with her there.Now i am back to hongkong.I have tenant under my name with my mom and the monthly rent is HKD 6500.We have one sitting room and one bed room.my monthly salary is HKD 15,500.I have been working here like three months and ongoing.My monthly saving is HKD 5000.will this be enough to sponser my wife?Please help me out.
The Visa Geeza
Depends if you have any debt and need to fund your mom too. You can only try.
Im applying for my mother’s dependant visa I am the sponsor and immigration requires my husbands bank records but the transunion record is not a good result due to unpaid debts. Do u think i should pursue the application.
The Visa Geeza
If you can make a strong case otherwise that you can fund and house your mother despite the debts (and/or the debts are being steadily settled at this time) then yes you can consider pursuing.
To whom it may concern
Hi i am a hk permanent resident , applying dependent visa for my husband .. I am employed and my salary is 13K/monthly, I have two loan which i pay 5K each every month .I live with My Aunt(public housing) and i don’t need to pay rent .. Is there a possibility that my application will be approved by the IMMd ..
The Visa Geeza
I’m sorry to say it is very unlikely.
Hi, I am a HKPR and my Malaysian husband is holding a dependent visa, which will be expire in the coming August. However, I am currently made redundant by the company because of the pandemic. If I am still unemployed until August, how much of assets I should proof in order to make his visa successfully extended? (In 2 years time he can apply for PR). Providing that, we are living with my parents in a private housing, with our newborn.
The Visa Geeza
There’s no proof of continuing employment required for an extension to a depedant visa – just that you’re still togther as a family.
Thanks for the great material! I am a EU HK resident recently married to a Korean HK resident. I recently quit my job but can stay until May 2022, as part of my former employment visa. My wife will soon get a visa extension with her job and we are planning to apply for sponsorship so I could extend my stay. We are both 2 years away from PR. The only thing is that she currently rents a illegal housing, whereas I rent a legal one. As a sponsor, she cannot show rental receipts. Could we use my accommodation instead although it is under my name? Thanks again
The Visa Geeza
Yes it should be acceptable to ImmD.
Hi, I have been in HK 5 years ago and I have a boyfriend who has nonresident but is the holder of a valid employment contract which continues within 4 years in one company, his income monthly around 25,000 hkd does he is valid as my sponsor to apply for an independent visa? Thank you for your kind answer, looking forward to it.
The Visa Geeza
Unless he is a HK resident himself he cannot sponsor a dependant visa for you.
Hi, i am a HK permanent resident and i am planning to apply dependent visa for my foreign wife.
We also have a 4 year old kid which is HK permanent resident.
Since we all are in Philippines now and will submit her application thru Chinese embassy here.
And we all will travel to HK together if her visa get approved.
So will there be a problem if I , as a sponsor, am currently not in HK?
Thank you for your advice.
The Visa Geeza
No this is not a problem.
I am currently in Malaysia, quitted my job here and planning to go back HK with my Malaysia husband. I have no income proof at the moment and going to stay in my parents’ house (with their letter showing that they allow us to stay there without paying rent), May I know how much of fund in my bank account is adequate to show HK immigration to approve my Dependent Visa application ? Thank you for your advice.
The Visa Geeza
I assume you are a PR of HK? Broadly you must be able to show that you have suitable income earning potential once you arrive back in Hong Kong and have sufficient means to transition into the workforce and then be able to meet his needs once employed – so it’s a hybrid challenge. Generally savings of 120-150,000HKD is sufficient. Once employed your rent must not be more than 40% of your total income (broadly) and the monthly compensation should be enough to ensure you fall well above the line of minimum self sufficiency. Every application is decided on its own merits.
I am a full time university student and 22 years old. I want to bring my husband through dependent visa. I am living together with my family in a government house. My dad’s average monthly income for the past 6 months is 22k. We are 5 members in the family. mom, dad, and 2 younger sisters(8 yrs and 12 years). Can I make my father to be the sponsor?
The Visa Geeza
No. You must independently be able to support your own family member in a dependent visa application.
Hi, my wife is a permanent resident of HK. She shares a flat with her aunt. However, the tenancy agreement is not under her name. How can she show proof of accommodation otherwise? Thanks!
The Visa Geeza
Show that she’s clearly resident there using other documentation (tax and other official docs her in her name at that address) and is paying rent to the landlord / her aunt (bank transfer docs).
Sheila S.
I am applying for dependant visa for me and my 2 children. My husband’s income is 27,000 hkd per month. Can this income be considered as beyond subsistence rate?
The Visa Geeza
Yes – subject to your rent not being more than 50% of your 27K income.
Sheila S.
My husband is currently live in a rented room so if I want to apply for a visa, does he need to move out to a better accomodation (which fit the 4 of us) BEFORE we can apply?
The Visa Geeza
Yes is my best answer.
I’m currently in HK on an IANG visa and our rental agreement is under my name only. My fiancé is a HKPR. Can I apply for a Dependant visa as soon as we marry (even though my IANG is still valid for another year), and in this case would the rental agreement be valid as accommodation proof?
Also any idea how long the validity period of the initial visa is?
The Visa Geeza
Yes that will be acceptable to ImmD. You will get one year initially under your dependent visa, 3 years for subsequent extensions.
And how long it is possible to be approved?
The Visa Geeza
Dependant visas usually take 6 weeks.
Is a holder of Right to land can sponsor a dependant? And his income per month is HKD13k. Thank you for your response.
The Visa Geeza
RTL can sponsor a dependant. 13K monthly might just be enough but it depends on your rent, your debt and your savings.
Hello sir i’m also RTL holder i’m just new here and i joined my work from yesterday at least i have to work 1 years ,or 2,3 months to sponsor a dependent and how much bank balance we have to show
The Visa Geeza
Reference: http://www.hongkongvisahandbook.com/home/hong-kong-dependants-visas/. You need a firm income and sufficient joint means to ensure that you can support your family well above the poverty line
My wife is hk born and I have 2 child .. my wife sponsor me and children’s what is the income requirement for three visa and what are documents submitted by the sponsor.. how time to get visa ? Thanks
The Visa Geeza
See: http://www.hongkongvisahandbook.com/home/hong-kong-dependants-visas/
am applying a my husband dependent visa before one month agoBut my monthly income is only 8000 rsAnd i have bank balance is 70000
It is possible for dependent visa
The Visa Geeza
No. You must have income beyond the subsistence rate which is approximately HKD12-14K per month (more if your home rent in HK is more than 50% of this sum).
Hi, I am an expat studied in HK and recently graduated.(Post Grad degree). Now I want to take my wife with me and I am going to apply for IANG Visa as fresh graduate. What should be the requirement? I still didn’t get a fulltime job.Will it be a issue? How much money should I have to have to take my wife to HK for a year.
Please advise. Thanks.
The Visa Geeza
You just apply for an entry dependant visa and satisfy all the normal requirements:
im married a chinese here in Hong Kong, i already got my dependent visa around 3 yrs ago. I have 2 kids in my country which is not my husband’s kid. Im planning to get them also here and apply them a dependent visa. My questions are: How much money do i have in my bank acct or my husband’s bank acct to apply my kids a visa. and who among us can be sponsor? my husband or me(dependent visa). Pls help me with this.
The Visa Geeza
Your husband will have to sponsor. The amount of money depends on each family but you realistically need to be able to show you have suitable accommodation for you all and family income means to demonstrate that you do not have to rely on government coffers to support them.
i have apply my dependent visa nearly 8months .no acceptance letter .all what tell us is on process.
The Visa Geeza
Either the application has gotten lost or ImmD are still processing it subject to deep assessment of your bona fides for the visa. Best to check with ImmD directly.
Thanks for the answer! Does anyone know if income of the applicant, such as doing remote freelance work or something similar, would be looked favorably upon by the immigration officials?
The Visa Geeza
It depends on your proven income (via tax returns), funds in your bank account and the cost of your rent vs the monthly income you receive.