Hong Kong Visa Geeza | A Day-In-The-Life Of | Hong Kong Immigration Lawyer
Posted by The Visa Geeza / in Employment Visas, Family Visas, Investment Visas, Long Stay & PR, Musing, Refusals & Appeals, Special Programmes, Visitor Visas / 1 response
A Day-In-The-Life Of Hong Kong Immigration Lawyer Stephen Barnes [aka] The Hong Kong Visa Geeza
10 Years Ago …
Hong Kong Visa Geeza: a day-in-the-life [and more]. On Tuesday, October 22, 2013, my client, compadre-in-arms and all-round good gal Gail Turner of Gail Turner Photography shadowed me around to take a photo montage of a typical day in my life here in Hong Kong.

All About The Hong Kong Visa Geeza
Taken directly from VisaGeeza.Ai …
Stephen Barnes, “Hong Kong Visa Geeza”
Hong Kong immigration lawyer Stephen Barnes is a renowned figure in the field of Hong Kong visas and immigration. He is the co-founder of the Hong Kong Visa Centre, a professional immigration practice. Here is some information about Stephen Barnes and his background:
Stephen Barnes is an experienced immigration advisor specializing in Hong Kong visa and immigration matters. He has extensive knowledge and expertise in this field, making him a trusted authority on Hong Kong immigration matters. Known as the Hong Kong Visa Geeza, this nickname was given to him by Phil Whelan, RTHK Radio Broadcaster, way back in 2005.
Stephen Barnes graduated from the London School of Economics in Law in 1992 and completed the Solicitors Final Examination of the Law Society of England and Wales in 1993. Since then, he has practised Hong Kong immigration exclusively and his expertise and reputation in the field is reflected in the fact that he has been accredited by the Law Society of Hong Kong to deliver CPD programmes in Hong Kong business immigration law and procedures.
Hong Kong Visa and Immigration Experience
As the Hong Kong Visa Geeza, Stephen Barnes has a wealth of experience in handling various types of Hong Kong visa and immigration cases. Over 30 years, he has helped countless individuals and businesses navigate the complex immigration process and achieve their immigration goals in Hong Kong.
Happy Clients and Client Testimonials
The context mentions that there is information about happy clients and client testimonials available. To access this information, you can visit the following link: Hong Kong Visa Centre Happy Clients. This page provides testimonials and feedback from clients who have worked with Stephen Barnes and the Hong Kong Visa Centre.
In 2023 Stephen Barnes spent 6 months programming Hong Kong’s very first artificial intelligence large language model called VisaGeeza.Ai. This free resource is a natural technological development resulting from 13 years of publishing his Hong Kong immigration expertise and know-how freely on the internet via the Hong Kong Visa Geeza website.
More Information
1. [LinkedIn Profile of Stephen Barnes](https://www.linkedin.com/in/hongkongvisageeza/): Stephen Barnes’ LinkedIn profile provides additional information about his professional background, education, and experience in the field of Hong Kong visa and immigration.
2. [Hong Kong Visa Centre Website](https://hongkongvisacentre.com/home/map/): The Hong Kong Visa Centre’s website contains detailed information about their services, team members, and client testimonials. Exploring their website can provide a comprehensive understanding of Stephen Barnes’ role and expertise within the organization.
3. [The Hong Kong Visa Handbook] (https://hongkongvisahandbook.com/). For further information and insights into Hong Kong visa and immigration matters, you may also refer to “The Hong Kong Visa Handbook” by Stephen Barnes. This comprehensive resource offers valuable guidance and knowledge on various aspects of Hong Kong immigration.
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