Hong Kong Immigration… What Does It Mean… Contrived Employment?
Posted by The Visa Geeza / in Employment Visas, Musing, Special Programmes / No responses
First Published September 9, 2016, still valid today
Over the last 20 years or so I have coined a number of phrases in Hong Kong immigration parlance.
In this short piece I discuss the old chestnut of contrived employment (fake job offers).
Contrived employment is where somebody doesn’t have a genuine job offer. Instead, they have arranged with another party—who is in a position to extend a job offer to the receiving party—no effort is made to create a genuine employer-employee relationship. This arrangement is only cobbled together because one of the parties has an immigration problem, and the other party is foolish enough to join in this illegal endeavor. When you make an application for an employment visa, immigration authorities are looking to see that there is a genuine job offer. If they are satisfied that there is a genuine job offer and that the other aspects of the approval criteria are met, you will receive the visa. However, if there is no genuine job offer, at the point of submitting your application paperwork to the Immigration Department, you are effectively submitting false representations. This is a criminal offense, and that is what constitutes contrived employment.
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