Our Dependant Visas Will Expire Soon – We Can’t Get Back To Hong Kong In Time Due To COVID19 – Help!
Posted by The Visa Geeza / in Family Visas, VG Front Page, Your Question Answered / 14 responses
I get 30-40 questions each week and not all of them merit a podcast answer. Some are answered quickly via email and for the next few days I’ll post some of these anonymised replies here.
Our Dependant Visas Will Expire Soon – We Can’t Get Back To Hong Kong In Time Due To COVID19 – Help!
Hi, me and my 2 daughters age 12 & 22 are stranded in India for the past 4 months and our dependent visas are expiring on 16th July.
There are no flights to come back to Hong Kong until 31st July. We are trying for evacuation flight, which might happen after 16th July.
My husband is in Hong Kong and has already applied for how own visa extension.
How do we get back to Hong Kong in this kind of situation? All of us have Hong Kong ID cards.
Please advise – what are the options available?
Since no flights are available before the visa expiry date and visitors are banned from entering Hong Kong at the moment, we suggest you flying back to Hong Kong when there are no more travel restrictions.
After coming back to Hong Kong, you and your daughters can apply for a reinstatement of your dependant visas with the necessary documents plus a letter explaining that you were outside Hong Kong and had no available flights to come back before the expiry date and extend your visas on time.
It is also advisable to write a letter about your current situation to the Immigration Department in advance, especially for your 22-year-old daughter (who can as an adult extend/reinstate her dependant visa but not have a new dependant visa issued to her), so that the Immigration Department cannot reject your reinstatement applications due to your lack of manifest intention to return before the expiry date.
The approval is subject to the Immigration Department’s decision; however, a visa can usually be reinstated successfully with a valid reason.
Hi what if i forgot to extend my dependant visa and it expired already. Is it possible to reconsider the extension? Pls response
The Visa Geeza
Yes assuming you are still eligible. It might take the form of a Reinstatement if it is more than 12 months since expiry. Otherwsie, it would be an application for a new depedant visa again
Hi can I ask if I still can renew my 2yrs expired dependent visa? I am studying at Philippines yet, I haven’t manage to go back to Hong Kong. I am already 23 years old. I am afraid of flying back because of Covid pandemic.
The Visa Geeza
Yes but not if it’s 2 years expired – see: https://hongkongvisageeza.com/hong-kong-resident-visa-extension-of-stay-offshore-processing-now-permitted-temporarily/ . You’ll need to apply again.
My wife and daughter visa will expire next year march 20, is there any way I can get them extension as my wife mother is ill. due to current situation my travel to country is in group A. there is very little chance that they can be back with in next 6 month.
with that in consideration is there any way to get visa extension beforehand.
The Visa Geeza
No chance to extend any earlier than 30 days before expiry and they must be onshore when such an extension application is made. Presently ImmD are offering offshore extension AFTER expiry but this is only a temporary measure and who knows if it will be available next year March? I certainly don’t. See:
my daughter visa will expire soon she can’t come back hongkong due to covid 19.Help what should we have to do .she is 8 yrs old
The Visa Geeza
Apply for reinstatement within 6 months. She needs to return to commence the reinstatement process.
My Daughter is born in hong kong but on her birth certificate is not mentioned estabilished now her visa is going to expire and she is 8YRS now so i have to apply for permanent id or have to apply for dependant visa
The Visa Geeza
PHKID but extend her dependant visa first just to be safe.
My PR/Right of Abode will expire on August 7th if I don’t return by then. I know it gets down graded to Right to Land. I am considering whether it is worthwhile to come to HK and do the 14 days of quarantine and then return straight back ( I believe it isn’t possible to jump on a return flight immediately anymore as one is technically in quarantine once you come through immigration. Besides being potentially deported, not being able to vote and having to pay stamp duty if your purchase an apartment, is there anything else that is important to consider eg dual tax treaty, access to hospital care etc
The Visa Geeza
You will always be able to access the health care system under the right to land. As for tax? I have no idea.
Hi Visageeza, with this right to land do I need to be sponsored again to work or does that still stand when PR expires, thanks
The Visa Geeza
You do not need an employment visa or a sponsor when you hold the right to land. You are lawfully employable ‘as is’