How To Apply for the Right of Abode in Hong Kong – Without Any Professional Help – Documents Required
Posted by The Visa Geeza / in Long Stay & PR, Musing / 4 responses
10 Must Have Resources for A Successful Hong Kong Right of Abode Application
In the main, the documents required for a successful Right of Abode application speak to the actuality of your last seven years of life in Hong Kong.
Of course, not everyone keeps complete and accurate records over time and most right of abode applications are approved even if there are certain deficiencies in the 7 year records submitted in support.
In general terms, therefore, these are the kinds of documents you need to think about preparing to progress a Hong Kong Permanent Residency application:
(1) A copy of your resume (but not for children and spouse).
(2) A full copy all passports held during the previous seven year period.
(3) Copies of salaries tax returns for the last seven years (for all adults who have worked).
(4) Copy of residential tenancy agreements (for renters) or land registry record of your residence in Hong Kong (for property owners) for the 7 years prior to submitting the application.
(5) Copies of utilities bills, bank and credit card statements and other papers which attest to a consistent period of residence in Hong Kong for the requisite seven years.
(6) A copy of your Smart Hong Kong Identity Card.
(7) Detailed supporting letter which sets out the chronology of your life in Hong Kong.
(8) Statement of Travel Records (HKID Form ID697) and,
(9) The ROP 145 and ROP 146 application forms.