Is the Hong Kong Quality Migrant Admission Scheme Just Too Competitive to Be Realistic?
Posted by The Visa Geeza / in Hadley Says…, Special Programmes / 9 responses
So, here’s the rub.
You’re assessing your chances for a Quality Migrant Admission Scheme visa and you think you’re on to a solid chance of approval.
You’ve got a good points score, a clean record, connections in Hong Kong and enough funds to live for the first 12 months without needing to find a job.
Home and hosed right?
The problem is you have absolutely no idea who you’re competing against when it comes time to ranking you at the selection stage.
Moreover, you have no idea what the Selection Committee are looking for on any given selection exercise and how you stack up against the competitors in your nominated industry sector.
So your true ability to assess your chances for approval under the QMAS programme are only as good as the clarity available from your Crystal Ball.
Unless, of course, you have a Nobel Prize, have represented your nation in the Olympics or a world famous virtuouso!