How Can A Foreign National Permanent Resident Of Hong Kong Get A HKSAR Passport?
Posted by The Visa Geeza / in Hadley Says…, Long Stay & PR / 53 responses
The HKSAR passport is an excellent travel document affording visa free privileges to travel to and visit some 150 countries worldwide.
If you are a foreign national permanent resident of Hong Kong you can consider, if you so desire, applying for a HKSAR passport, usually if your present country of origin does not offer you a convenient means to travel, needing visas for most any place that you might like to visit on a regular basis.
In order to do this you must first naturalize as a Chinese citizen and in the process relinquish your current citizenship as Chinese nationality law does not recognize dual nationality.
Broadly speaking, becoming a Chinese citizen means that you have to have some connection to China, possibly via marriage or an ability to speak Chinese, possibly own a business on the Mainland or have property there or in Hong Kong.
The rules are not hard and fast and very many non-ethnic Chinese applicants have been successful in their applications and so it is certainly worthwhile giving it a shot if Hong Kong is very much the only place you can possibly now call home.
There are mechanisms in place such that you do not find yourself stateless, giving up your current nationality before having Chinese nationality confirmed, and the process involves both the Hong Kong Immigration Department nd also the consulate of your current nationality.
Changing nationality is a serious matter and should not be pursued lightly.
However, once your Chinese citizenship is conferred, your ability to secure a HKSAR passport is a right afforded by law and the process of issuing the document is just a simple application exercise.
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Hi I have RTL in Hong Kong. Can I apply Chinese Naturalisation right now or after completing 7 years. I was born here and HK birth certificate etc. I’m interested in getting HKSAR passport if I can. Please give lil guidance.
The Visa Geeza
You need RoA.
Hi, I am a HK PR and not born in HK and applied for Chinese Naturalisation last year. As I haven’t heard anything from them, I have sent many inquires regarding my application submitted for Chinese Naturalisation. Every time I get the same reply saying: “Your e-mail has been forwarded to our relevant Section for appropriate action”. But until now I have not heard anything. The HK immigration website says an acknowledgement receipt would be sent within 1-2 weeks upon submission. Now it has been more than 5 months, I haven’t heard or got anything regarding my application. Is it a normal case? Does it take such a long time? Or maybe the reasons I gave was not satisfactory or appealing to them.
The Visa Geeza
6 months is the minimum waiting time.
Hello, Good evening to Visa Geeza and the team! 🙂
I have read your post and also watched your video about the naturalization of foreign nationals. I have a few questions to ask if that would be alright!
I am an HKSAR permanent resident – born and raised in HK, did all of my schooling, and my current territory education here, does this give me better chances of getting naturalised?
I have also worked for the citywide 2021 Population Census and was authorized as a census officer for the time being – does working in such a government sector also give me a better chance of being naturalized? However, the working period was only for a short time, 1 month.
My Uncle has an HK passport but he is not deemed to be written as a near relative for my application – so I will have to fill out the “Other Reasons” part. What exactly can I write in that part to further support my application?
Thanks a lot, Visa Geeza!
Hope you have an amazing day 🙂
The Visa Geeza
I beleive my colleague spoke to you / answered this offline already?
Im born and raised in Hong Kong, but I have an Indian Passport. I applied to change to Chinese nationality in August 2021 before applying for HK passport. I still haven’t heard from them or anything. How can I check? or does it normally take this long?
The Visa Geeza
Call the officer tasked with your case and ask him/her what’s happening.
Suchina rai
Hi i wanted to know if i change my nepalese passport into hk and then later on would like to change back to nepalese passport is it possible or not
The Visa Geeza
Not according to Chinese Nationality law whioch doesnt recognise dual nationality. You’d have to check with a Nepalese immigration lawyer about the Nepal side – I have no clue about that.
i have a permanent ID in hong kong as I completed my 7 continuos years in Hong Kong . I am not Chinese . how long does it take to get the naturalization and then Hong Kong sar passport altogether?
The Visa Geeza
About 3-4 months
Suchina rai
Hello i am an non Chinese citizen but was born in hk and have permanent id my question is to naturalise as a Chinese is it compulsory to know the Chinese language ??
The Visa Geeza
I was born in H,K and I can speak Cantonese too, however, I have a criminal record in H.K which was theft and it happened 6 years ago and I have confirmed with my probation officer 6 years ago that this crime is regarded as “SPENT” in H.K. So my first question is will my criminal record which is regarded as ‘SPENT’ could be a barrier for getting HKSAR passport? Second question is should i disclose this criminal record on my HKSAR application form as my probation officer told me that if you dont commit crime within 3 years, then you have the right to say that you dont have a criminal record on any application form.
The Visa Geeza
I have no idea of your immigration status. More information please.
born and raised in H,K, never left Hong Kong.
The Visa Geeza
If you’re a PR you first must seek to naturalize as a Chinese Citizen and then apply for a HKSAR passport. Once you’re a Chinese Citizen the passport part if a simple admin procedure and you can’t be denied the passport. I am not an expert on Chinese Nationality so I’m afraid I can’t assist there.
Hi. We are considering to apply for a Hong Kong passport. I’ve just had my permanent residency this year. Is it a requirement to have a ready Chinese name? Thanks
The Visa Geeza
None needed.
im a Nepali born and raised in Hong Kong can I apply it through online?
The Visa Geeza
Yes but you must be in HK when you submit.
I am a Filipino national and married to a Chinese citizen (born in Hong Kong) since 1999 but working overseas. I only applied my HKID year 2005. Am I eligible to apply HKSAR passport? I am still working overseas and my stay in Hongkong is only during an annual vacation.
The Visa Geeza
The mere fact of a marriage for a HK permanent resident doesn’t accord ‘citizenship’ privileges in HK. First you must apply for PR (if you haven’t yet) and then naturalise as a Chinese citizen. This will require you to relinquish you present nationality first then once a Chinese citizen you can get a HKSAR passport.
I am Hong Kong permanent resident almost 17 years in hk,very late to decided to have SAR passport, now my situation is complicated i have debt and stop paying my loans and credit cards payments almost 2 years any solutions, thanks
The Visa Geeza
Nope. You need to be solvent.
Wai KL
I was born in HK. Moved to Denmark and still live there. I got HK permanent residence when in 2012.
can my with wife and my 2 kids , all Danish passport get permanent residence like me?
The Visa Geeza
No. They need to move here, live in HK continuously for 7 years and then apply for PR.
Sir, my son is Indian, worked in H K and recently got PR, can he apply for HKSAR Passport innear future
The Visa Geeza
If he can qualify to Naturalise as a Chinese citizen which in turns requires him to announce his Indian nationality then yes.
I want to apply for hisar passport but I take social welfare as I am pregnant at the moment while I can’t work .will they regret my application ?
The Visa Geeza
If you are already a Chinese national and holding the RoA in HK then the fact of your personal financial circumstances will not impact on your ability to get a HKSAR passport which is just an administrative application. if you are NOT YET a Chinese national then the naturalization process will requirement you to prove you will not be a charge on the coffers of HK. Given that you are on social welfare you are not a good candidate for naturalization. I would wait until you’re financially back on your feet before thinking about pursuing Chinese Naturalization and subsequently a HKSAR passport.
Hi, I was born in the UK but have a 3 star HKID. My parents live in HK with 3 star HKIDs too. Can I get the HK SAR passport without having to give up my UK passport?
The Visa Geeza
Well, you used to be able to, however there have been changes to ImmD practice recently to accord with a general reinforcement of the integrity of Chinese nationality and the preclusion on dual nationality under Chinese Nationality law. The outcome is no longer so certain.
Thanks! If I give birth to a child in HK will they be able to get 3star HKID?
The Visa Geeza
Only if you have a claim to Chinese nationality.
Okay thanks visageeza
I am a foreign national w/ PR and right of abode in HK. So to apply for HKSAR passport I need to apply first as naturalized Chinese? How do I go about it? or would you have a website or link for the requirements or procedure to apply forChinese naturalization? Thanks in advance.
The Visa Geeza
Zohaib Mukhtar
I am the permanent residence of hongkong but i am not the citizen of china so can i apply for hongkong paasport
The Visa Geeza
If you give up your current nationality and apply to naturalise as a Chinese citizen then you can try.
I have a sister, Indonesian citizen, who is going to marry a man from Hong Kong. I was wondering what would be the requirements for her to obtain a Hong Kong permanent ID and passport? Thank you!
The Visa Geeza
She cannot. She needs to get a dependant visa first, hold that for 7 years, then apply for PR and to naturalise as a Chinese citizen. Once that is all complete she can apply for a HKSAR passport. She will need to give ip her Indonesian nationality first, though.
I am a single mother holding a british passport and have a permanent hkid. My baby was also born in hk.can i applt hksar passport for my baby?
The Visa Geeza
Only if the child has a claim to Chinese nationality.
Gurung Basantaraj
I want to apply for SAR passport,,l am non Chinese citizen,,but am resident of Hong Kong
The Visa Geeza
Congratulations! What’s your question?