Answers To All Your Hong Kong Immigration Questions


Mar 2024

Am I Compelled To Apply For Hong Kong Permanent Residency After 7 Years Or Can I Maintain The Status Quo Of My Present Employment Visa?

Posted by / in Employment Visas, Long Stay & PR, Your Question Answered / 3 responses

Once you have achieved 7 years continuous ordinary residence in Hong Kong, your long stay immigration options open up considerably… QUESTION My current working visa is due to expire at the end of  September, (previously I was given an extension of 3 years in 2010), this I assume was so that I would be valid for […]


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Mar 2024

QOTW: Can I Get An Employment Visa Again If I Still Owe Taxes From The Last Time I Worked In Hong Kong?

Posted by / in Case Study, Employment Visas, Your Question Answered / No responses

What is the interplay between unpaid taxes and a Hong Kong employment visa application subsequently? QUESTION Hi, I worked in Hong Kong last year, 2013, and left the city mid year after my work terminated. When I left, my company filed a IR56G “leaving Hong Kong” tax form for me with the IRD. However, I […]

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Mar 2024

Can I Still Sponsor A Hong Kong Dependant Visa For My New Wife If I Hold An Employment Visa But Am Presently Between Jobs?

Posted by / in Employment Visas, Family Visas, Your Question Answered / 2 responses

What will ImmD make of an application to sponsor a dependant visa by a Hong Kong employment visa holding foreign national who doesn’t presently have a job here? QUESTION I am in between jobs (currently on an employment visa in Hong Kong) and plan to get married soon (outside HK). I would like to arrange […]


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Mar 2024

What Can I Do If My Employment Contract Ends On The Same Day As My Hong Kong Work Visa And I Need To Stay Here A While Longer To Sort Out My Affairs?

Posted by / in Employment Visas, Your Question Answered / No responses

Employment law and immigration law are often overlapping but must be dealt with separately…this post talks about what can be done if someone’s employment contract ends on the same day as their Hong Kong work visa, but they need to stay in Hong Kong for a while longer to sort out their affairs. What can […]


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Mar 2024

Can I Study Online For A UK Tertiary Qualification While Staying In Hong Kong With A Visitor Visa?

Posted by / in Visitor Visas, Your Question Answered / No responses

This question gets to the heart of permitted activity as a Visitor and the ability to remain here on an indefinite basis on that status. QUESTION Hi, I am a New Zealander currently staying in Hong Kong with my partner who is a permanent HKID card holder. I do not have a HKID card, just […]


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Mar 2024

Foreign Nationals Working In Hong Kong – Getting Married, Changing Visas & The Immigration Status Of Children Born Here Subsequently

Posted by / in Employment Visas, Family Visas, Your Question Answered / 4 responses

So, what are the immigration implications of getting married and then having children in Hong Kong if you are a temporary resident presently holding an employment visa? QUESTION Hi, Can you please help with a few questions? 1. I am getting married next month and would like to cancel my employment visa through my employer, […]


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Feb 2024

Losing Hong Kong Unconditional Stay Status Due To Studies Abroad – A Family’s Dilemma

Posted by / in Long Stay & PR, Refusals & Appeals, Your Question Answered / 5 responses

One of the more upsetting parts of being a Hong Kong immigration consultant is learning that one family member alone, due to an unfortunate combination of circumstances, finds herself the odd one out by not having been able to correctly manage her visa status here – and all, essentially, through no fault of her own. […]


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Feb 2024

QOTW: Dependancy? Visas For Mainland Spouses Of Hong Kong Permanent Residents

Posted by / in Family Visas, Long Stay & PR, Your Question Answered / No responses

The vexed question of dependant visas for mainland spouses of Hong Kong permanent residents QUESTION  OF  THE  WEEK I am a Hong Kong  PR (Canadian, been in Hong Kong for 9 years now working as a CPA) and recently married a PRC resident, who is a senior manager in a bank in Shanghai. What kind […]

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Feb 2024

If I Get A Hong Kong Investment Visa Can I Consult To A Single Client Only As A Pseudo-Employee?

Posted by / in Employment Visas, Investment Visas, Your Question Answered / No responses

Just how ‘flexible is the Hong Kong investment visa? QUESTION  I’m Swedish and currently in the process of applying for a Hong Kong investment visa. In addition, I have an interview for a consulting position with another organization. They will not support me with an employment visa and have asked me if I can also […]

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Feb 2024

Can I Get A Depedant Visa For An Elderly Parent If I Have A Permanent HK ID Card?

Posted by / in Family Visas, Your Question Answered / No responses

Can I Get A Depedant Visa For An Elderly Parent If I Have A Permanent HK ID Card? I get 30-40 questions each week and not all of them merit a podcast answer. Some are answered quickly via email and for the next few days I’ll post some of these anonymised replies here. A Depedant […]

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