Answers To All Your Hong Kong Immigration Questions


Apr 2024

How Can I Get The Approval Of The Immigration Department To Change My Hong Kong Employment Visa Sponsorship Without My Current Employer Learning About It?

Posted by / in Employment Visas, Your Question Answered / No responses

Changing jobs in Hong Kong requires the permission of the Director of Immigration… Dear Stephen, How can I get the approval of the Immigration Department to change my Hong Kong employment visa sponsorship without my current employer learning about it? I have a stable job in Hong Kong and am finalizing an offer with a […]


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Apr 2024

Is It Ever OK To Work Full Time In Hong Kong Without An Employment Visa – For The Hong Kong Subsidiary Of An Overseas Company?

Posted by / in Employment Visas, Refusals & Appeals, Your Question Answered / 3 responses

Work full time in Hong Kong without an employment visa ? This is a bit of a hoary old chestnut this question but a really important one nonetheless so I am grateful to the questioner for posing it. QUESTION Hi there, My Hong Kong employment visa application has just been refused. My company who are […]


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Apr 2024

Can You Remain In Hong Kong Under An Employment Visa Sponsored By An Ex-Employer & Run A Hong Kong Sole Proprietorship Providing Services Outside Of Hong Kong (Mostly)?

Posted by / in Employment Visas, Investment Visas, Your Question Answered / No responses

Remain in Hong Kong under an Employment Visa sponsored by an ex-Employer? Unusual set of facts in this case and a question never posed to me in this fashion previously… QUESTION I have been in Hong Kong since 2011 under an employment visa but have recently quit my job. The last time my visa was […]


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Apr 2024

Must The Employing Company Sponsor Of My Hong Kong Work Visa Application Be Profitable?

Posted by / in Employment Visas, Your Question Answered / No responses

How important is sponsor-profitability, especially for start up businesses less than 12 months old? QUESTION I have been recruited by a newly established company (12 months old as of this week). They have never hired a foreigner and have tasked me with completing the visa forms, both employee and employer versions. The Employer-side application requires […]


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Apr 2024

Can The Company You Have Just Left Contact Hong Kong Immigration And Make Your Visa Expire Immediately?

Posted by / in Employment Visas, Special Programmes, Your Question Answered / 14 responses

Contact Hong Kong Immigration and make your visa expire? This question comes up often enough for it to warrant another explanation of the arrangements which prevail (current ImmD practice)… QUESTION Dear Visa Geeza,  I’m under the impression that when you leave a company that has been sponsoring your employment visa or if you are fired, […]


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Mar 2024

How Can I Bring My Chinese Girlfriend To Hong Kong To Live With Me While I Work Here?

Posted by / in Family Visas, Feature Article, Your Question Answered / No responses

Having a relationship with a Chinese partner resident on the Mainland can be problematic if you wish to share your lives together in Hong Kong… QUESTION I am looking to take up employment in Hong Kong from November 1st. My biggest concern is the ability and feasibility for my girlfriend from Mainland China to be […]


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Mar 2024

If I Have A Hong Kong Dependant Visa Can I Work Here For A Foreign Company Even Though They Have Not Registered As A Business In Hong Kong?

Posted by / in Family Visas, Your Question Answered / No responses

This question mainly relates to business rather than immigration law but is still an important question nonetheless… QUESTION Hello I have a Hong Kong  dependant visa that gives me the right to work in Hong Kong. I have been offered a Regional Asia role based out of Hong Kong by a Canadian company. This company is […]


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Mar 2024

I Have A Socially Advantageous Yet Modestly Capitalised Business Plan – Can I Get An Investment Visa For Hong Kong?

Posted by / in Investment Visas, Your Question Answered / 12 responses

This is an important question on the business investment visa for Hong Kong…. Experience suggests that the Hong Kong Immigration Department do tend to look favourably upon such business plans, but the applicant absolutely does not have it all his or her own way, as you will learn in my PodCast answer. (Please note the […]


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Mar 2024

Can A Newly Qualified Foreign National Permanent Resident Of Hong Kong Automatically Secure PR For His Parents Too?

Posted by / in Long Stay & PR, Your Question Answered / No responses

So, just what immigration options for parents accrue to a foreign national holding a Hong Kong permanent identity card? QUESTION Hi there!  A foreign national became a permanent resident after many years study and work in Hong Kong. Now he wants to sponsor his parents holding Canadian passports to become a P.R. In Hong Kong […]


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Mar 2024

I Want To Live In Hong Kong With My Boyfriend – Is The Working Holiday Visa A Viable Option?

Posted by / in Special Programmes, Your Question Answered / 10 responses

Sometimes, the sun and the moon align beautifully on a set of circumstances to allow an unmarried couple to spend time together in Hong Kong when ordinarily visa circumstances conspire against them. Not on this occasion, however! QUESTION “Hi there, I have just recently returned from Hong Kong to Canada where I am a citizen. […]


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