Winning a Hong Kong Right of Abode Approval in Record Time – Just 4 Days!
Posted by The Visa Geeza / in Case Study, Long Stay & PR / 10 responses
The Hong Kong Immigration Department come under fire, in our view somewhat unfairly quite often times, when in reality they truly are a customer-focussed governmental agency.
In June of 2012 we had a client who needed to secure his Hong Kong Right of Abode in a hurry. A combination of factors conspired to work against his application being submitted in sufficient time to expect his application to be approved efficiently and quickly.
However, as you will learn in this Case Study from our files, the Immigration Department bent over backwards to assist our client and his application was finalised and approved in just 4 business days case processing time and with just 3 days left before the clock was due to run down on his essential eligibility for a Permanent Identity Card the first time around.
Normally, it takes a minimum of 4 weeks to complete such a Hong Kong Right of Abode application!
Jesse Kan
Any possible defence for one month’s imprisonment under a court order for breach of copyright leading to break in ordinary residence.
The Visa Geeza
No. Imprisonment break ordinary residence.
Hello sir my question is I stay in hing Kong 6 year under Emplymnt visa. My 7 year was complete in aug 2020 but I’m absent 1 year . But I have my visa until aug 2021. I come to meet my wife in USA. She is USA resident and me too. Suddenly I have accident. So I have to check up every month. So I want to know when I go back Hong Kong I can apply for Hong Kong permanent resident or I have to stay in Hong Kong more then I can apply? I have docter latters. Please give me information about this. Thank you
The Visa Geeza
If you are still employed by your employment visa sponsor at the time you apply for PR you may have a chance for approval.