Girlfriend or Boyfriend

Hong Kong Visa & Immigration Topics

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How Can My Chinese Girlfriend And I Create The Immigration Circumstances To Allow Us To Relocate To A New Life Together In Hong Kong?

July 25th, 2024

Posted by / in Investment Visas, Special Programmes, Your Question Answered / No responses

Being a Chinese national resident on the Mainland makes it difficult to relocate to Hong Kong… QUESTION I’m a British and Australian citizen (dual nationality) living in Australia and I have a mainland Chinese girlfriend, presently living in China. We wish to move to Hong Kong to live together and I want to start a […]


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What’s A Suitable Hong Kong Visa & Immigration Strategy For A Highly Accomplished Professional Trailing Unmarried Partner?

July 12th, 2024

Posted by / in Employment Visas, Special Programmes, Your Question Answered / 8 responses

It’s only natural to wish to iron out all the immigration wrinkles prior to a relocation to Hong Kong when you’re joining your loved one who’s transferring here. This question provides a great opportunity for a discussion of the various options available in terms of a Hong Kong Visa QUESTION I have been offered a […]


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What Visa Options Exist Where A Couple Have Met On-Line & They Wish To Live Together In Hong Kong?

April 6th, 2024

Posted by / in Employment Visas, Family Visas, Investment Visas, Visitor Visas, Your Question Answered / 4 responses

So, what would the Hong Kong Immigration Department make of a relationship forged via the Internet? QUESTION Hello, I’m resident in Peru,  South America. I met a Hong Kong woman by chat; she lives in Hong Kong. We have been planning for me to go there and stay, only problem is that she’s still legally […]


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How Can I Bring My Chinese Girlfriend To Hong Kong To Live With Me While I Work Here?

March 31st, 2024

Posted by / in Family Visas, Feature Article, Your Question Answered / No responses

Having a relationship with a Chinese partner resident on the Mainland can be problematic if you wish to share your lives together in Hong Kong… QUESTION I am looking to take up employment in Hong Kong from November 1st. My biggest concern is the ability and feasibility for my girlfriend from Mainland China to be […]


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I Want To Live In Hong Kong With My Boyfriend – Is The Working Holiday Visa A Viable Option?

March 27th, 2024

Posted by / in Special Programmes, Your Question Answered / 10 responses

Sometimes, the sun and the moon align beautifully on a set of circumstances to allow an unmarried couple to spend time together in Hong Kong when ordinarily visa circumstances conspire against them. Not on this occasion, however! QUESTION “Hi there, I have just recently returned from Hong Kong to Canada where I am a citizen. […]


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Can I Study Online For A UK Tertiary Qualification While Staying In Hong Kong With A Visitor Visa?

March 6th, 2024

Posted by / in Visitor Visas, Your Question Answered / No responses

This question gets to the heart of permitted activity as a Visitor and the ability to remain here on an indefinite basis on that status. QUESTION Hi, I am a New Zealander currently staying in Hong Kong with my partner who is a permanent HKID card holder. I do not have a HKID card, just […]


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What Kind of Visa Can We Get So My FDH Girlfriend (Contract Terminated) Can Stay With Me in Hong Kong?

January 18th, 2024

Posted by / in Special Programmes, Visitor Visas, Your Question Answered / 2 responses

What Kind of Visa Can We Get So My FDH Girlfriend (Contract Terminated) Can Stay With Me in Hong Kong? Any possibility for love to continue in the wake of a terminated FDH contract? QUESTION My girl friend is a Filipino domestic helper who has just left her employment with a Chinese family – however, […]

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Hadley Says

Why Applying for a Hong Kong Foreign Domestic Helper Visa for Your Girlfriend is Not a Good Idea

April 10th, 2023

Posted by / in Family Visas, Hadley Says… / 9 responses

Foreign domestic helper visa for your Girlfriend? Another ‘oldie but a goodie’ post from nigh on 11 years ago. Just goes to show that some things simply don’t change when many do when it comes to Hong Kong immigration! All of this content is being brought bang up to date for inclusion in VisaGeeza.Ai which […]

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I Have an Employment Visa and I Want to Bring My Girlfriend to Hong Kong – Options Please?

January 10th, 2023

Posted by / in Family Visas, Visitor Visas, Your Question Answered / 11 responses

” I Want to Bring My Girlfriend to Hong Kong”. This is a common challenge for people in serious, yet relatively new  relationships. The Hong Kong visa options are few and far between. You absolutely have to make sure that you stay on the right side of the law on this one. It’s all too […]

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Your Questions Answered

Should You Ever Get Married Just for Hong Kong Visa Purposes?

February 28th, 2022

Posted by / in Family Visas, Your Question Answered / 14 responses

The answer is no – you should never get married just for Hong Kong visa purposes! But if you are in a genuine, long-standing, loving committed relationship and potentially forced apart due to an unexpected, or involuntary relocation to Hong Kong for work purposes and marriage was an inevitability anyway, then… QUESTION I am a […]


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