Change of Visa Sponsorship

Hong Kong Visa & Immigration Topics

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You’ve Lost Your Job: Can You Get an Interim Hong Kong Employment Visa Extension While You Continue Looking for a New Employer?

March 9th, 2023

Posted by / in Employment Visas, Your Question Answered / No responses

First Published November 17, 2014 – Advice Still Valid Today You’ve lost your job and your limit of stay is coming up for expiry. Any chance the Immigration Department will grant you an interim Hong Kong employment visa extension in these circumstances? QUESTION I am an Australian  national living in Hong Kong under an employment visa since […]


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Will My Hong Kong Employment Visa be Compromised If I Leave My Job Due to Intolerable Working Conditions?

March 1st, 2023

Posted by / in Employment Visas, Your Question Answered / 8 responses

Should you be worried that your employment visa status in Hong Kong might be undermined if you choose to leave the employ of an unsavoury employer? QUESTION Hello, my current employer and visa sponsor is a small business, and my working conditions are intolerable – twice the amount of hours than stated on the contract, […]


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I Want to Change Jobs With a Significant Reduction in My Base Salary – How Will this Impact on My Hong Kong Employment Visa Change of Sponsorship Application?

January 22nd, 2023

Posted by / in Employment Visas, Your Question Answered / 7 responses

QUESTION I currently hold a Hong Kong employment visa with a company where I am receiving a monthly salary of HK$50,000 (fixed salary, no bonuses), and have been working with this company for the past 4 years. My contract, and visa, are due to expire soon so I am in the process of looking for a […]


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I Want to Change Jobs With a Significant Reduction in My Base Salary – How Will this Impact on My Hong Kong Employment Visa Change of Sponsorship Application?

October 14th, 2022

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QUESTION I currently hold a Hong Kong employment visa with a company where I am receiving a monthly salary of HK$50,000 (fixed salary, no bonuses), and have been working with this company for the past 4 years. My contract, and visa, are due to expire soon so I am in the process of looking for a […]


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Will a Break in Continuous Employment Mean a Break in Continuous Residence For the Purposes of a Hong Kong Right of Abode Application?

September 12th, 2022

Posted by / in Employment Visas, Long Stay & PR, Your Question Answered / 11 responses

First Published July 2012 This question raises a really good point of Hong Kong immigration practice and provides an opportunity to shed some light on how ‘continuity of residence’ is considered by the HKID when it comes to permanent residency applications from 7 year-resident foreign nationals in the HKSAR. QUESTION “Hi, I have been working […]


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Can a Hong Kong Sole Proprietorship Form the Basis of a Self-Sponsored Change of Sponsorship Hong Kong Work Visa Approval?

July 18th, 2022

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Can you get a self-sponsored change of sponsorship Hong Kong work visa? Fantastic question this which took me 10 minutes to think the answer through for! QUESTION As an expat, I currently work for a company that sponsored me in Hong Kong for my work visa.  I now no longer want to work exclusively for […]


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My Hong Kong Visa Application Was Closed by ImmD After Correspondence Was Lost – What Happens Now?

July 2nd, 2022

Posted by / in Refusals & Appeals, Your Question Answered / 3 responses

Sometimes, correspondence gets lost and ImmD might close an application believing it has been abandoned when they hear nothing further from an applicant. Meanwhile, the applicant is on tenterhooks awaiting the outcome. What can you do to rectify this ultimate disconnect? QUESTION The company that is sponsoring me applied for an employment visa for me […]


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Can I Extend My Hong Kong Employment Visa if I Have No Job Presently But a Baby Born in Hong Kong?

June 12th, 2022

Posted by / in Employment Visas, Family Visas, Long Stay & PR, VG Front Page, Your Question Answered / No responses

First Published November 19, 2017 Complex immigration scenarios sometimes present themselves with unforeseen consequences – which I am grateful to be able to explore in this excellent question just in… QUESTION I am Canadian and have lived in Hong Kong for almost 6 years. I recently quit my job and my working visa will expire […]


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Which is Better – Apply for a Hong Kong Investment Visa Directly or for an Employment Visa First then after Approval Become a Shareholder in Your Own Business?

May 12th, 2022

Posted by / in Employment Visas, Investment Visas, Your Question Answered / No responses

It hardly matters how you skin this cat, ImmD will approach it in exactly the same way… as a new business situation. QUESTION I plan to start a business with three other partners. Two of these are Hong Kong permanent residents and one of them is in the same situation as myself: recently unemployed and […]


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Is it True that Getting Your First Hong Kong Employment Visa is the Hardest then Afterwards It’s a Cinch to Swap Over to Any Other Employer?

January 4th, 2022

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Is there are truth at all in this Hong Kong employment visa “proposition”? QUESTION I am a French national who has just moved to Hong Kong. I am finding it very difficult to understand the visa process in Hong Kong. My friend passed me your contact saying that you will surely be able to help […]


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