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Hong Kong Visa & Immigration Topics

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An Open Invitation For You to Request Specific Hong Kong Visa and Immigration Related Content

January 6th, 2022

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One of the really great things about the subject of Hong Kong immigration is that there is never any shortage of things to blog about and share. Every day in our professional practice, we undertake cases which provide ongoing, often entirely new, insights into how the Hong Kong Immigration Department are implementing policy and which […]

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Your Questions Answered

Is it True that Getting Your First Hong Kong Employment Visa is the Hardest then Afterwards It’s a Cinch to Swap Over to Any Other Employer?

January 4th, 2022

Posted by / in Employment Visas, Your Question Answered / No responses

Is there are truth at all in this Hong Kong employment visa “proposition”? QUESTION I am a French national who has just moved to Hong Kong. I am finding it very difficult to understand the visa process in Hong Kong. My friend passed me your contact saying that you will surely be able to help […]


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Should I Change My Hong Kong Visa Category From Sponsored Employment to Business Investment or Seek Permission to Join in a Side Business Instead?

December 29th, 2021

Posted by / in Employment Visas, Investment Visas, Your Question Answered / No responses

Change my Hong Kong visa? This question is less either / or from an immigration perspective but more an issue of full time entrepreneur or not… QUESTION Hi Stephen, I am currently already on an employment visa (valid for two more years) and would like to start my own company too. My current employer is […]


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How Can I Prove the Veracity of My CV for My Hong Kong Employment Visa Application if a Prior Employer is No Longer in Business?

November 5th, 2021

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If you’re claiming skills, knowledge or experience on your CV as part of your argument for a Hong Kong Employment Visa Application – what’s the gig if you can’t fully  support your claims with references or testimonials? QUESTION Hi, I am 8 weeks into applying for an employment visa (I’m British). I have given the documents […]


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Your Questions Answered

Is There Any Fixed Residency Requirement for Retention of a Hong Kong Employment Visa?

April 13th, 2021

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First Published September 1, 2018 Not every stint for work or business means full time residency in Hong Kong so what to do about ‘half-timers’? QUESTION I am pursuing options to take up employment in Hong Kong and would like to know if there is any residence requirement for retention of a work visa. For […]


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Your Questions Answered

Hong Kong Employment Visa – Can I Transfer to Malaysia for Work Yet Leave My Family Behind in Hong Kong to Carry On Our Lives Here?

December 16th, 2020

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Is it possible to stop working in Hong Kong under an employment visa, move to another country to work yet leave your family behind to continue their lives in here without you day to day? QUESTION Hi, I have got valid Hong Kong employment visa and i am living in Hong Kong since last 4 […]


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Your Questions Answered

Does the Hong Kong Employment Visa Change of Sponsorship Process Expressly Disclose to My New Employer the Reason For Me Leaving My Previous Job?

November 21st, 2020

Posted by / in Employment Visas, Your Question Answered / 3 responses

This an excellent question which has never come up in this fashion before so I’m delighted to provide the answer! First Published July 30, 2013 QUESTION I have just been made redundant by my Australian employer and my last day working in Hong Kong will be August 30, 2013. My visa permit period extends to […]


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Your Questions Answered

Can I Use the Impending Expiry of My Hong Kong Work Visa as a Way to Force the Early Termination of My Employment Contract?

September 13th, 2020

Posted by / in Employment Visas, Family Visas, Your Question Answered / 4 responses

In the final analysis, this question is really about employment law which I am not qualified to answer (I’m an immigration guy). However, it does afford an opportunity for a discussion about extending an employment visa when there’s only the notice period remaining on a subsisting employment contract. QUESTION I am an Australian expat, currently […]


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Hong Kong Immigration… What Does It Mean… Contrived Employment?

July 2nd, 2020

Posted by / in Employment Visas, Musing, Special Programmes / No responses

First Published September 9, 2016 Over the last 20 years or so I have coined a number of phrases in Hong Kong immigration parlance. In this short piece I discuss  the old chestnut of contrived employment (fake job offers). More Stuff You May Find Useful or Interesting What does it mean… Twilight Zone? What does […]

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Hong Kong Immigration… What Does It Mean… Administrative Flux?

June 6th, 2020

Posted by / in Employment Visas, Family Visas, Investment Visas, Long Stay & PR, Musing, Refusals & Appeals, Special Programmes, Visitor Visas / 1 response

First Published September 6, 2016 Over the last 20 years or so I have coined a number of phrases in Hong Kong immigration parlance. In this short video I discuss the notion of Administrative Flux. More Stuff You May Find Useful or Interesting 10 Must Have resources for any Hong Kong investment visa application Is […]

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