Paid Or Unpaid Work In Hong Kong


New Visa Policy Initiatives | Boosting Hong Kong’s Economy | Attracting Foreign Talent | Promoting Inward Investment

October 25th, 2023

Posted by / in Employment Visas, Feature Article, Investment Visas, Musing, Special Programmes, VG Front Page / No responses

New Visa Policy Initiatives Expand the Top Talent Pass Scheme, Relax Certain Visa Requirements & Reintroduce the Capital Investment Entrant Scheme According to the Policy Address by the Chief Executive of Hong Kong delivered on October 25, 2023, the government is introducing a series of new visa policy initiatives aimed at revitalizing the economy and […]

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Swapping From A Dependant Visa To An Employment Visa In Hong Kong | A Detailed Guide

October 20th, 2023

Posted by / in Employment Visas, Family Visas, Feature Article, Musing / No responses

 Are You A Foreign National In Hong Kong On A Dependant Visa And Considering A Change In Your Immigration Status? This guide will walk you through the process of swapping from a dependant visa to an employment visa in Hong Kong. We’ll cover the eligibility criteria, documentary requirements, and the process of changing your visa […]

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Your Questions Answered

Will A Criminal Record For Shoplifting Compromise My Immediate And Long Term Plans For Residence In Hong Kong?

October 18th, 2023

Posted by / in Employment Visas, Long Stay & PR, Your Question Answered / 7 responses

Criminal Record For Shoplifting – Declaration Now Needed – Updated  October 18, 2023 – In recent weeks, the government declared that various immigration programmes in Hong Kong would be modified, requiring applicants to declare their criminal record status before obtaining an entry visa (and not just those for employment). Starting  June 19 2023, all applicants […]


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Your Questions Answered

Work in Hong Kong for 5 Years – Leave for 2 – Then Return – Will I Lose My Continuous Residence for PR Purposes?

October 15th, 2023

Posted by / in Employment Visas, Long Stay & PR, Your Question Answered / 3 responses

Will I Lose My Continuous Residence for PR Purposes? Updated October 2023 Will I Lose My Continuous Residence for PR Purposes If I Leave To Work Elsewhere Then Return To Hong Kong? It happens a lot. You stay and work in Hong Kong for 3, 4, 5 years and get over the hump en route […]


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The Ultimate Guide to the Admission Scheme for Mainland Talents and Professionals: Key Requirements and Documentation Tips

October 12th, 2023

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Guide to the Admission Scheme for Mainland Talents and Professionals – All You Need To Know Admission Scheme for Mainland Talents and Professionals: Documentation Essentials When applying for an employment visa under the Admission Scheme for Mainland Talents and Professionals, it’s crucial to submit the necessary documentation to support your application. In this guide, we’ll […]

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Working? How to Secure a Hong Kong Visa for Your Side Business

October 9th, 2023

Posted by / in Employment Visas, Feature Article, Investment Visas, Musing, VG Front Page / No responses

Have you got a business opportunity you want to pursue on the side, in addition to working full time for your employer in Hong Kong? If so, you’re going to need to secure a Hong Kong visa for your side business. 1. Introduction Having a side business is possible under your auspices of your present […]

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Hadley Says

Swapping From A Training Visa To An Employment Visa For the Same Employer – Possible?

October 7th, 2023

Posted by / in Employment Visas, Hadley Says… / 5 responses

Swapping From A Training Visa To An Employment Visa in Hong Kong – Yes Or No? Updated October 2023  Swapping From A Training Visa To An Employment Visa – A Common Misunderstanding Swapping from a training visa to an employment visa? Many foreign nationals and the companies which bring them to Hong Kong to receive […]

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Remaining On Hong Kong Visitor Visa Status After Employment Visa Expires

October 5th, 2023

Posted by / in Employment Visas, Feature Article, Musing, VG Front Page, Visitor Visas / No responses

If you’re wondering if you can stay in Hong Kong as a visitor after your employment visa expires, I discuss the process of converting your status from an employment visa holder to Hong Kong visitor visa status and how to go about making this transition. Converting Your Status to a Hong Kong Visitor Visa When […]

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Change to Hong Kong Employment Visa from Visitor Visa – Looking for Work as a Tourist

October 4th, 2023

Posted by / in Employment Visas, Feature Article, Musing, VG Front Page, Visitor Visas / No responses

If you’re considering coming to Hong Kong as a tourist with a visitor visa, finding a job, and then changing your status to an employment visa, this post will help you understand the process and the possibilities. I’ll discuss whether it’s possible to change your status to a Hong Kong employment visa from visitor visa […]

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Hong Kong Employment Visa – The Newcomer’s Guide – At-A-Glance

October 2nd, 2023

Posted by / in Employment Visas, Infographic, VG Front Page / 10 responses

Hong Kong Employment Visa – Looking To Get One? A Hong Kong employment visa can be had if you both qualify and know how to navigate the eligibility assessment and application process system itself. This info-graphic provides you all you need to know – at a glance.  Hong Kong Employment Visa – What’s Involved? Hong […]

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