Hong Kong Visas Made Easy


Sep 2023

Unconditional Stay | Hong Kong | The Role It Plays Today | Do You Need It? | Can You Qualify?

Posted by / in Long Stay & PR, Musing / 1 response

The Ultimate Guide to Unconditional Stay in Hong Kong The Second Cousin To The Right Of Abode Introduction Unconditional Stay? Since the enactment of the Basic Law and the implementation of the arrangements for the Right of Abode in the HKSAR, the role of Unconditional Stay status in the realm of Hong Kong immigration practice […]

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Sep 2023

Hong Kong QMAS | Is There Such a Thing as an ‘Occupations in Demand’ List | 2023

Posted by / in Special Programmes, VG Front Page, Your Question Answered / 8 responses

Hong Kong QMAS –  Is There Such a Thing as an ‘Occupations in Demand’ List In 2023? All Hail The Talent List … The Quality Migrant Admission Scheme is very often compared with other immigration programmes in the quality of life jurisdictions such as Canada, Australia, New Zealand, USA and the UK. Recently, the HKSAR […]


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Sep 2023

2023 | Quality Migrant Admission Scheme | What ARE Your Chances Of Successfully Securing A QMAS Visa?

Posted by / in Musing, Special Programmes / 5 responses

What Are The Chances Of Successfully Securing A QMAS Visa In 2023? Demystifying the ‘Black Box’ of Hong Kong’s Quality Migrant Admission Scheme Visa in 2023: A Comprehensive Guide Backgrounder What are the chances of successfully securing a QMAS visa? Hong Kong has always been an attractive destination for skilled professionals. However, the Quality Migrant […]

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Sep 2023

Applying For A Hong Kong Investment Visa | Company Incorporation | Business Support | Zzzzip.com

Posted by / in Feature Article, Investment Visas, Musing, VG Front Page / No responses

Zzzzip.com | Your Gateway To Business Success In Hong Kong | Comprehensive Support | Hong Kong Investment Visa (And Much More …) One-Stop Professional Help In Support Of Your Hong Kong Investment Visa Application From Will Probert & His Team Of Experts Background Hong Kong is a bustling hub of commerce, technology, and innovation. For […]

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Sep 2023

Do You Have A Business Plan Template I Can Use For My Hong Kong Investment Visa Application?

Posted by / in Investment Visas, Your Question Answered / 6 responses

Is There A Business Plan Template I Can Use For My Hong Kong Investment Visa To Help Get My Case Approved? Updated September, 2023 A Business Plan Template? A Common Question Do you have a business plan template I can use for my Hong Kong investment visa application is a question that we get asked […]

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Sep 2023

Redundancy | Expiring Hong Kong Employment Visa | Process Pitfalls | How To Manage

Posted by / in Employment Visas, Musing / 149 responses

What To Do If You’ve Lost Your Job And Have An Expiring Hong Kong Employment Visa? Do You Have To Leave? What About Your Eligibility For PR?   Introduction Experiencing an expiring Hong Kong employment visa after being made redundant can be a stressful situation. Hong Kong’s visa and immigration processes can range from being […]

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Sep 2023

Half Way Through the Process | Cancel One Hong Kong Employment Visa Application | Start A Second One Instead?

Posted by / in Employment Visas, Your Question Answered / 10 responses

Cancel One Hong Kong Employment Visa Application to Start a Second One? It sometimes happens that 2 job offers emerge in quick succession and you prefer to accept the 2nd one but the visa application for the first one has already started … So What Happens In A Situation Like This? Cancel one Hong Kong […]


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Aug 2023

Hong Kong Visa Geeza | A Day-In-The-Life Of | Hong Kong Immigration Lawyer

Posted by / in Employment Visas, Family Visas, Investment Visas, Long Stay & PR, Musing, Refusals & Appeals, Special Programmes, Visitor Visas / 1 response

A Day-In-The-Life Of Hong Kong Immigration Lawyer Stephen Barnes [aka] The Hong Kong Visa Geeza 10 Years Ago … Hong Kong Visa Geeza: a day-in-the-life [and more]. On Tuesday, October 22, 2013, my client, compadre-in-arms and all-round good gal Gail Turner of Gail Turner Photography shadowed me around to take a photo montage of a […]

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Aug 2023

The Industry Secret Most Hong Kong Immigration Consultants Don’t Want You to Discover

Posted by / in Employment Visas, Family Visas, Investment Visas, Long Stay & PR, Musing, Refusals & Appeals, Special Programmes, Visitor Visas / 31 responses

What Hong Kong Immigration Consultants Like To Keep Quiet About … All cases are ‘hard’, right? Lifting The Lid [Looking around furtively…] Shussh… You are probably paying Hong Kong immigration consultants too much for your Hong Kong visa service. It’s true, and here’s the reason why. Hard vs Easy Your ‘easy’ Hong Kong visa application […]

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Aug 2023

Hong Kong Investment Visa Wrongly Applied For | Clearing Up the Confusion & Getting the Correct Employment Visa Instead

Posted by / in Case Study, Employment Visas, Feature Article, Investment Visas, VG Front Page / 7 responses

Hong Kong Investment Visa Wrongly Applied For This case study looks at the problems which arise when an applicant for a Hong Kong employment visa mistakenly applies for an investment visa in light of the fact he is an intercompany transferee establishing his employer’s business operations in Hong Kong from scratch 1. Hong Kong Investment […]

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