Answers To All Your Hong Kong Immigration Questions


Oct 2022

I Want to Change Jobs With a Significant Reduction in My Base Salary – How Will this Impact on My Hong Kong Employment Visa Change of Sponsorship Application?

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QUESTION I currently hold a Hong Kong employment visa with a company where I am receiving a monthly salary of HK$50,000 (fixed salary, no bonuses), and have been working with this company for the past 4 years. My contract, and visa, are due to expire soon so I am in the process of looking for a […]


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Oct 2022

How Can My FDH Visa Holding Fiance Transition into A Dependant Visa With 6-12 Months to Go Before We Get Married?

Posted by / in Family Visas, Your Question Answered / No responses

First Published June 27, 2018 Documenting proof of the genuine nature of your relationship is a condition precedent to the grant of a dependant visa with the burden of proof decreasing the longer you have been married. Consequently, the newer your relationship / marriage the greater the onus is on you to satisfy ImmD that […]


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Sep 2022

Will One Month As A Visitor Between Residence Visas Break My Continuity of Residence for the Right of Abode in Hong Kong?

Posted by / in Long Stay & PR, Your Question Answered / 2 responses

First Published June 20, 2013 This question raises its head in many different guises but this is the first time that anyone has asked it in such a pointed way in the context of training visas – so I’m pleased to be able to shed some light! QUESTION Hi, Great that you provide this service! […]


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Sep 2022

Hong Kong Visa Information In Less Than 60 Seconds

Posted by / in 60 Second Snapshot, Case Study, Resource, VG Front Page, Your Question Answered / No responses

From my new YouTube Shorts channel. Perhaps you can Subscribe please? Once this channel gets to 100 Subscribers, I can name it officially the Visa Geeza channel! I have historically never given much thought to YouTube but in recent times have figured out how it really works to help connect with folks who need answers […]

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Sep 2022

Will a Break in Continuous Employment Mean a Break in Continuous Residence For the Purposes of a Hong Kong Right of Abode Application?

Posted by / in Employment Visas, Long Stay & PR, Your Question Answered / 11 responses

First Published July 2012 This question raises a really good point of Hong Kong immigration practice and provides an opportunity to shed some light on how ‘continuity of residence’ is considered by the HKID when it comes to permanent residency applications from 7 year-resident foreign nationals in the HKSAR. QUESTION “Hi, I have been working […]


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Aug 2022

Can You Claim Right of Abode in Hong Kong if Your Deceased Spouse Had PR Here But You Didn’t Live With Him at the Time of His Death?

Posted by / in Long Stay & PR, Your Question Answered / No responses

Is the Right of Abode in Hong Kong passed along to the spouse of a permanent resident such that is claimable after the death of your PR holding husband..? QUESTION This query is for  my cousin who is an adult. She was born in Pakistan and got married to a Hong Kong non-Chinese permanent resident. She […]


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Aug 2022

Are Short Term Teaching Programmes Delivered by Non-resident Educators Subject to Normal Hong Kong Immigration Policy?

Posted by / in Employment Visas, Your Question Answered / 3 responses

First Published August 2, 2017 – Now See This Update QUESTION As a school we regularly invite specialist teachers (generally musicians or artists) to visit from overseas and provide workshops for both students and staff.  We pay these specialists a fee and provide accommodation and flights.  Generally the visit will last two weeks.  Is it […]


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Jul 2022

Do I Still Need a Hong Kong Working Visa if I’ve Been Placed on Gardening Leave?

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You always need a Hong Kong working visa to take up employment in Hong Kong whether paid or unpaid. What about if you are serving out your notice period on gardening leave? (First Published June 4, 2015) QUESTION My friend resigned from his job with his Hong Kong employer in May and he was on […]


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Jul 2022

Can a Hong Kong Sole Proprietorship Form the Basis of a Self-Sponsored Change of Sponsorship Hong Kong Work Visa Approval?

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Can you get a self-sponsored change of sponsorship Hong Kong work visa? Fantastic question this which took me 10 minutes to think the answer through for! QUESTION As an expat, I currently work for a company that sponsored me in Hong Kong for my work visa.  I now no longer want to work exclusively for […]


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Jul 2022

What Can be Said to Constitute ‘Ordinary Residence’ for the Purposes of a Hong Kong Right of Abode Application?

Posted by / in Long Stay & PR, Your Question Answered / 24 responses

This post was first published on December 9, 2012. The question of what constitutes ‘ordinary residence’ in the determination of a Hong Kong right of abode application for a 7 year foreign national resident, can, ultimately, only be settled by the Court. The Hong Kong Immigration Department have their own means of assessing whether an […]


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