Hong Kong Visas Made Easy


Jul 2023

Hong Kong Work Visa Rejection Reasons – How An Application Can Go Completely Wrong If You Don’t Know What You’re Doing

Posted by / in Case Study, Employment Visas, Refusals & Appeals / 21 responses

Hong Kong Work Visa Rejection Reasons – How An Application Can Go Completely Wrong How a Hong Kong employment visa application can go completely wrong! Last week, a very good client of ours asked if I would be prepared to take a look at the file of an applicant who had been denied an employment […]

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Jul 2023

Hong Kong Employment Visa Leaving Your Job – What Happens To Your Immigration Status?

Posted by / in Employment Visas, Feature Article, VG Front Page, Your Question Answered / No responses

Hong Kong employment visa leaving your job – discover the implications of leaving your job on your Hong Kong employment visa, and learn how to reinstate your work privileges and navigate the visa sponsorship changes.   QUESTION Hong Kong Employment Visa Leaving Your Job: Will my Hong Kong employment visa be compromised if I leave […]

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Jul 2023

Paying for Visa Help? The Who’s-Who of the Hong Kong Immigration Services Profession

Posted by / in Employment Visas, Family Visas, Infographic, Investment Visas, Long Stay & PR, Refusals & Appeals, Special Programmes, Visitor Visas / 30 responses

Hong Kong Immigration Services – Who’s Who? Hong Kong immigration services attract a large collection of professional service practitioners – and the quality can be massively variable. It seems a bit ‘blow-your-own-trumpet-like’ to say this, but are able to monitor and track who uses our websites and a lof of those folks who sell a […]

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Jul 2023

Hong Kong Investment Visa For Freelancers with Overseas Income – What’s Needed?

Posted by / in Feature Article, Investment Visas, Musing, Uncategorized, VG Front Page / No responses

Hong Kong investment visa for freelancers with overseas income? Are you a freelancer living in the HKSAR? You might be wondering whether you need to obtain a Hong Kong investment visa, especially if all your income is sourced overseas …  Hong Kong Investment Visa For Freelancers – Do You Actually Need One? Hong Kong investment […]

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Jul 2023

Getting A Working Visa For Hong Kong Is A Simple Matter Of Filling In The Forms – Right?

Posted by / in Employment Visas, Hadley Says… / 13 responses

Getting A Working Visa For Hong Kong – Easy Or Hard? I am in the process of updating a whole raft of content in anticipation of the launch of VisaGeeza.Ai at some stage next month and am coming across a lot of  ‘oldies but goodies’. Here’s one! Getting A Working Visa For Hong Kong Is A […]

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Jul 2023

What Happens If You Overstay Your Hong Kong Visa Limit of Stay?

Posted by / in Employment Visas, Family Visas, Hadley Says…, Investment Visas, Special Programmes, Visitor Visas / 167 responses

What Happens If You Overstay Your Hong Kong Visa? Updated July 2023 The Immigration Department are very strict about people who overstay their visa in Hong Kong. What Happens If You Overstay Your Hong Kong Visa – Report Immediately If you are a visitor here and find yourself a day or 2 accidently overstaying, and […]

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Jul 2023

100% Hong Kong Visa Application Success Rate? Take It All With A Grain of Salt!

Posted by / in Employment Visas, Family Visas, Investment Visas, Long Stay & PR, Musing, Special Programmes, VG Front Page, Visitor Visas / 36 responses

Hong Kong Visa Application Success Rate? Updated July 2023 100% Hong Kong Visa Application Success Rate? Some of my colleagues in the immigration services community in Hong Kong prefer to promote their practices on the strength of their 100% application success rates. So, what can be said about a Hong Kong visa application success rate […]

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Jul 2023

Overcoming Employment Obstacles in Hong Kong: Finding a Credible Visa Sponsor

Posted by / in Employment Visas, Investment Visas, Musing / No responses

A credible visa sponsor? What is the best way for someone to prove their expertise in a unique musical instrument without formal certification, in order to obtain a work visa and open a school in Hong Kong? This question as regards finding a credible visa sponsor relates to a highly unique musical instrument that I […]

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Jul 2023

STOP PRESS!! Hitler’s Hong Kong Passport Application Has Been Rejected – What Can He Do Now?

Posted by / in Employment Visas, Family Visas, Feature Article, Investment Visas, Long Stay & PR, Musing, Refusals & Appeals, Special Programmes, Visitor Visas / 26 responses

Hong Kong Passport Application – Poor Mr Hitler … First Published November 13, 2013 – Updated July 2023 Continuing the meme parody of Hitler in the bunker, this time responding to the news that his Hong Kong passport application has been denied. Hong Kong Passport Application – Visa Types Referenced In This Video Hong Kong […]

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Jul 2023

Hong Kong Visa Requirements – It a Good or a Bad Sign That ImmD Keep Coming Back With Further Requests for Information?

Posted by / in Employment Visas, Family Visas, Investment Visas, Refusals & Appeals, Special Programmes, Visitor Visas, Your Question Answered / 3 responses

Hong Kong Visa Requirements – What Does It Mean When ImmD Make Repeat Requests? This question seeks to understand what you should make of repeat requests for information from the Hong Kong Immigration Department (ImmD) during the course of your visa application. Hong Kong Visa Requirements – Generally Visiting Hong Kong requires certain documentation and conditions […]


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