Hong Kong Visas Made Easy


Dec 2023

Right of Abode | Continuity of Residence | Time Spent Away From Hong Kong For Education Or Medical Treatment

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Right of Abode & Continuity of Ordinary Residence Calculation What Counts & What Doesn’t?   First Published October 4, 2014   Got 2 very similar questions in recently so I’m taking the opportunity to kill 2 birds with one stone… QUESTIONS I have a residency visa and this is my 6th year in Hong Kong. […]


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Dec 2023

I Would Like to Apply for a Job Seekers Visa For Hong Kong | How Do I Go About Doing It?

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Is There Such An Animal As A Job Seekers Visa For Hong Kong? If There Is, Please Tell Me More … Hong Kong immigration is rife with visa gossip and rumours so I am pleased this question has been raised as it allows me to slay an old dragon once and for all!   QUESTION Hi Stephen, […]


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Dec 2023

You Accidentally Overstay Your Hong Kong Employment Visa | Need to Change Employer | What Happens Now?

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Did You Accidentally Overstay Your Hong Kong Employment Visa … How Do You Solve The Problem Where You Need To Change Employer? First Published February 7, 2019 Accidentally overstay your Hong Kong employment visa?- What happens to you when  seek to change your employment visa sponsor but realise you have accidentally let your current visa expire […]


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Dec 2023

I Have A PRC National Spouse Resident On the Mainland | Can She Get A Dependant Visa For Hong Kong?

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Can A PRC National Spouse Get A Dependant Visa For Hong Kong? Can they qualify, if so, how? The question of immigration status for mainland resident spouses of current or aspiring Hong Kong residents is a bit of a hot potato. As this PodCast answer below  sets out, there is a dual track system in […]


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Dec 2023

Side Employment | Employment Visa To Work For Yourself And Also A Full Time Employer | Both At The Same Time?

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Is There Such An Animal As A Hong Kong Employment Visa To Work For Yourself? Employment visa to work for yourself?  How can you have your cake AND eat it in Hong Kong – working for both yourself and a third-party employer at the same time? QUESTION Hi, I’ve read (or I think I read) […]


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Dec 2023

Hong Kong Visa Geeza | The Lost Decade 2000-2010 | OpenAi 2023 Update

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Hong Kong Visa Geeza & How I F#ckedUp Video and openAi update on the back story of the Hong Kong Visa Geeza. On March 2, 2017 I was asked by Campfire in Kennedy Town to contribute to their F#CKUP NIGHT series and invited to share my tale of business woe and commercial misfortunes which befell […]

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Dec 2023

Visa Geeza At Home | Mandurah | Western Australia | World’s Best Kept Secret | 2016-17

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Visa Geeza At Home In Mandurah Western Australia This video showcases my hometown of Mandurah in Western Australia –  2016 / 2017. Visa Geeza at home in in Mandurah, WA! I’m sure you’ll agree with me, it’s the world’s best-kept secret! More about Mandurah below courtesy of chatGPT: A Coastal Gem Worth Exploring Mandurah, nestled […]

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Dec 2023

4 Realistically Achievable Visas | Live | Work | Establish A Business In Hong Kong | Study-then-Work Visa

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Establish A Business In Hong Kong | Study-then-Work Visa | A Little-Known Approach The Immigration Arrangements For Non-Local Graduates Could Be A Realistic Option If Your Circumstances Permit … A few years ago, I was invited by the good guys at WYND to give a talk about the Hong Kong visas that are the most […]

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Dec 2023

Long Term Business Visit To Hong Kong | Do I Need An Employment Visa?

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Do You Need An Employment Visa If You Intend To Make An Extended, Long Term Business Visit To Hong Kong? What exactly is permitted activity in these circumstances and where does the line fall exactly? With Hong Kong having such a liberal visa-upon-arrival regime (with more than 160 nationalities being granted permission to visit for […]


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Dec 2023

How Can a Defacto Spouse Gain Approval to Work Under a Hong Kong Prolonged Visitor Visa?

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Work Under A Hong Kong Prolonged Visitor Visa | Benefits | Limitations | Requirements Learn about the requirements, ImmD policy and how to qualify for an employment visa while holding such a prolonged visitor visa as a defacto spouse So, what happens if a defacto partner ‘trailing spouse’ wants to take up employment in Hong […]


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