Hong Kong Travel Pass Used to Keep An Extended Family Together – Quite Lawfully!
Posted by The Visa Geeza / in Case Study, Family Visas, Visitor Visas / 12 responses
This case study discusses how the creative, yet perfectly lawful, use of the Hong Kong Travel Pass worked to allow a newly separated extended family from the Philippines to be able to carry on their lives together in Hong Kong even though a much-desired dependent visa was not available in their circumstances.
Hello i have been appying a visitors visa for my mother but i recieved an answer from the immigration that saud they cannot grabt tye application no reason at all… Ihave given all the said documents they wanted me to produced fro the visitors visa application and now just like that they denied tye application. Im a permanent residence here in hk for 12 yes already. Please kindky give me an advice i wanted my mom to be with me because. I have a daughter and nobody will take care of her im actually asking a kultiple visitors visa here..
The Visa Geeza
ImmD rarely grant long term multiple entry visas. If she is over 60 you can apply for a dependant visa for her. Otherwise, you need to manage your expectations and apply for single or double entry visas only with a 3 month limit of stay. These ‘lower demand’ visas are most often granted.