General Employment Policy

Hong Kong Visa & Immigration Topics


General Employment Policy vs Admission Scheme For Mainland Talents & Professionals (GEP vs ASMTP)

November 7th, 2023

Posted by / in Employment Visas, Musing, Special Programmes / 12 responses

How Does The Admission Scheme For Mainland Talents and Professionals (ASMTP) Differ From GEP? Over 10 years ago, on June 6th, 2013 I was interviewed by five law students from the Chinese University of Hong Kong about my experiences practicing immigration here over the last 20 years. More than 10 years on, in 2023 as I […]

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60 Second Snapshot'

How Is The Hong Kong Entrepreneur Visa Process Actually Experienced By The Typical Foreign National Visa Applicant?

October 23rd, 2023

Posted by / in 60 Second Snapshot, Investment Visas / 17 responses

The Hong Kong Entrepreneur Visa Process Undertaking the Hong Kong Entrepreneur Visa process is one of the hardest single challenges when dealing with the Hong Kong Immigration Department. The Hong Kong Entrepreneur Visa Process – Approvability Test The approvability test of substantial contribution to the economy of Hong Kong is somewhat nebulous and the immigration Department’s website […]

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Hong Kong Employment Visa – The Newcomer’s Guide – At-A-Glance

October 2nd, 2023

Posted by / in Employment Visas, Infographic, VG Front Page / 10 responses

Hong Kong Employment Visa – Looking To Get One? A Hong Kong employment visa can be had if you both qualify and know how to navigate the eligibility assessment and application process system itself. This info-graphic provides you all you need to know – at a glance.  Hong Kong Employment Visa – What’s Involved? Hong […]

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60 Second Snapshot'

Does A Hong Kong Entrepreneur Visa Need An Extensive Business Plan?

August 20th, 2023

Posted by / in 60 Second Snapshot, Investment Visas / 6 responses

Hong Kong Entrepreneur Visa Need An Extensive Business Plan – Say 60 Pages Long? Not massively so. In fact you can get away without one altogether if writing such a document doesn’t fall readily within your existing skill set. There are other ways to skin this particular cat … Does A Hong Kong Entrepreneur Visa […]

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Making A Hong Kong Entrepreneur Visa Application – What’s Involved?

August 17th, 2023

Posted by / in Investment Visas, Musing / 9 responses

How To Get A Hong Kong Entrepreneur Visa Making ready for a Hong Kong entrepreneur visa (aka business investment visa) application? Read on. The Hong Kong Entrepreneur Visa – Many Aspire Yet Very Few Apply Guess what? You might be surprised to learn that, for an entrepreneurial driven economy such as ours, there are only […]

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How To Cure Your Hong Kong Visa Extension Headache & Make Sure It Gets Approved The Very First Time!

August 6th, 2023

Posted by / in Employment Visas, Family Visas, Investment Visas, Long Stay & PR, Musing, Special Programmes / 23 responses

The Hong Kong Visa Extension Kit Let’s face it, the regular traipse down to Immigration Tower (even if it’s now metaphorically also a traipse online) to get your visa extended is a right royal pain in the @ss. Hong Kong Visa Extension – Uncertain Process? The process is uncertain, you’re not sure what exactly you […]

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Your Questions Answered

Can a Hong Kong Training Visa Be Used As a Stepping Stone to a Full Employment Visa?

August 2nd, 2023

Posted by / in Employment Visas, Your Question Answered / 5 responses

The Hong Kong Training Visa Is An Oft-Misunderstood Animal. This question is an excellent opportunity to discuss the nature of the Hong Kong Training Visa – and what you can – and can’t – do if you possess one … Updated August 2023 QUESTION I’m currently working in under a Hong Kong training visa. I need […]


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Hadley Says

The Double-Edged Blade of a Hong Kong Investment Visa Approval Business Review

July 18th, 2023

Posted by / in Hadley Says…, Investment Visas / 2 responses

Hong Kong Investment Visa Approval Business Review – A Sword Of Damocles If your Hong Kong investment visa approval has been granted subject to Business Review it could make for some sleepless nights over the course of your first 12 months in Hong Kong. Hong Kong Investment Visa Approval Business Review Awaits You see, in this […]

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Your Questions Answered

Can I Employ Myself Via A Hong Kong Business Investment Visa (Or Any Other Way)?

July 17th, 2023

Posted by / in Employment Visas, Investment Visas, Your Question Answered / 13 responses

Can I Employ Myself? Updated July 2023 Can I employ mself? This is a typical question about what is really a Hong Kong business investment (entrepreneur) visa application – but most often people don’t know, understandably enough, how to couch it… Can I Employ Myself? – QUESTION “Hello, I’m interested in getting HK residence permit […]

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Case Studies

Hong Kong Work Visa Rejection Reasons – How An Application Can Go Completely Wrong If You Don’t Know What You’re Doing

July 13th, 2023

Posted by / in Case Study, Employment Visas, Refusals & Appeals / 21 responses

Hong Kong Work Visa Rejection Reasons – How An Application Can Go Completely Wrong How a Hong Kong employment visa application can go completely wrong! Last week, a very good client of ours asked if I would be prepared to take a look at the file of an applicant who had been denied an employment […]

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