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Hong Kong Visa & Immigration Topics


Hong Kong Immigration Policy Enhancements October 2022

October 24th, 2022

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Hong Kong Immigration Policy Enhancements October 2022. An interesting turn up for the books last week, when the Chief Executive gave his maiden policy address where he laid out certain Enhancements to our immigration policy which are designed to both attract foreign businesses to Hong Kong and also prescribed Talents. We apparently had a hundred and forty thousand […]

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Are Short Term Teaching Programmes Delivered by Non-resident Educators Subject to Normal Hong Kong Immigration Policy?

August 1st, 2022

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First Published August 2, 2017 – Now See This Update QUESTION As a school we regularly invite specialist teachers (generally musicians or artists) to visit from overseas and provide workshops for both students and staff.  We pay these specialists a fee and provide accommodation and flights.  Generally the visit will last two weeks.  Is it […]


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Fresh Graduates, Working Holiday Visas & the Chances of a Hong Kong Employment Visa Subsequently

May 21st, 2022

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Chances of a Hong Kong employment visa? Is it feasible to come to Hong Kong on a working holiday visa and then swap to an employment visa subsequently? Yes but… QUESTION Hi. I would like to go work in Hong Kong (I am Australian and have just finished my business degree). Just wondering if I […]


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Which is Better – Apply for a Hong Kong Investment Visa Directly or for an Employment Visa First then after Approval Become a Shareholder in Your Own Business?

May 12th, 2022

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It hardly matters how you skin this cat, ImmD will approach it in exactly the same way… as a new business situation. QUESTION I plan to start a business with three other partners. Two of these are Hong Kong permanent residents and one of them is in the same situation as myself: recently unemployed and […]


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Hong Kong Employment Visa Holder – Join in a Side Business or Change Visa Category to a Full Investment Visa – Which is Better?

May 4th, 2022

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 This question raises quite a number of issues surrounding a decision to go into business for yourself in Hong Kong whilst presently holding an employment visa sponsored by a third party employer (and it’s only the immigration parts which I am qualified to address). QUESTION Hello Stephen, I have an employment visa for the remaining […]


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What Kind of Visa Do We Need for a Technician to Undertake Highly Specialized 3D Scanning Work in Hong Kong That Will Last Only 10 Days?

March 17th, 2022

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Does the fact that a piece of work to be undertaken in Hong Kong by a foreign national is project-specific and only going to last a few short days somehow obviate the requirement for an employment visa ? QUESTION We have acquired a contract with a company in Hong Kong. We have one person that […]


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Is it True that Getting Your First Hong Kong Employment Visa is the Hardest then Afterwards It’s a Cinch to Swap Over to Any Other Employer?

January 4th, 2022

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Is there are truth at all in this Hong Kong employment visa “proposition”? QUESTION I am a French national who has just moved to Hong Kong. I am finding it very difficult to understand the visa process in Hong Kong. My friend passed me your contact saying that you will surely be able to help […]


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Should I Change My Hong Kong Visa Category From Sponsored Employment to Business Investment or Seek Permission to Join in a Side Business Instead?

December 29th, 2021

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Change my Hong Kong visa? This question is less either / or from an immigration perspective but more an issue of full time entrepreneur or not… QUESTION Hi Stephen, I am currently already on an employment visa (valid for two more years) and would like to start my own company too. My current employer is […]


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As a Visitor Living in Hong Kong Do You Need to Get An Investment Visa if You Freelance Here But All Your Income is Sourced Overseas?

December 1st, 2021

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First Published September 30, 2018 What is the law about visitors working in Hong Kong as freelancers but not engaging in the local economy? QUESTION Hi Stephen, I’ve lived in Hong Kong for 2 years and now I’m freelancing and getting all of my income from overseas. I wish to stay in HK, so am […]


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Do You Need To Leave Hong Kong To ‘Activate’ A Hong Kong Employment Visa Extension?

May 14th, 2021

Posted by / in Employment Visas, Family Visas, Investment Visas, Sherpa, VG Front Page, Your Question Answered / 8 responses

Do you need to leave Hong Kong to activate a Hong Kong employment visa extension of stay together with an accompanying dependant visa? Has Covid19 made any difference to the way the Hong Kong Immigration Department extend such status for currently resident foreign nationals? QUESTION Hi Visa Geeza. I’m asking a question that has already […]


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