The Visa Geeza

Hong Kong Visas Made Easy


Jul 2020

Will Vocational Rather Than Academic Qualifications Satisfy ImmD When Making a Hong Kong Work Visa Application?

Posted by / in Employment Visas, Uncategorized, Your Question Answered / No responses

Is it always absolutely necessary to call upon a university degree qualification in order to get a Hong Kong work visa application approved? QUESTION I have found a job here and am now in the process of applying for a Hong Kong work visa. It is a Quality Assurance position in the garment business. My […]


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Jul 2020

Our Dependant Visas Will Expire Soon – We Can’t Get Back To Hong Kong In Time Due To COVID19 – Help!

Posted by / in Family Visas, VG Front Page, Your Question Answered / 14 responses

I get 30-40 questions each week and not all of them merit a podcast answer. Some are answered quickly via email and for the next few days I’ll post some of these anonymised replies here. Our Dependant Visas Will Expire Soon – We Can’t Get Back To Hong Kong In Time Due To COVID19 – […]

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Jul 2020

Can I Extend My Hong Kong Visitor Visa If I Am Stuck Here Due to COVID19?

Posted by / in VG Front Page, Visitor Visas, Your Question Answered / 2 responses

I get 30-40 questions each week and not all of them merit a podcast answer. Some are answered quickly via email and for the next few days I’ll post some of these anonymised replies here. Can I Extend My Hong Kong Visitor Visa If I Am Stuck Here Due to COVID19? QUESTION Hi I’m here […]

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Jul 2020

Hong Kong Immigration… What Does It Mean… Contrived Employment?

Posted by / in Employment Visas, Musing, Special Programmes / No responses

First Published September 9, 2016 Over the last 20 years or so I have coined a number of phrases in Hong Kong immigration parlance. In this short piece I discuss  the old chestnut of contrived employment (fake job offers). More Stuff You May Find Useful or Interesting What does it mean… Twilight Zone? What does […]

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Jun 2020

Hong Kong Immigration… What Does It Mean… One Year Rule?

Posted by / in Employment Visas, Family Visas, Investment Visas, Musing, Special Programmes / 2 responses

First Published July 11, 2015 Over the last 20 years or so I have coined a number of phrases in Hong Kong immigration parlance. In this short video, I discuss the One Year Rule as it applies to PRC nationals applicants  for resident visa status in Hong Kong. More Stuff You May Find Useful or Interesting […]

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Jun 2020

Hong Kong Immigration… What Does It Mean… Approvability Test?

Posted by / in Employment Visas, Family Visas, Investment Visas, Long Stay & PR, Musing, Special Programmes / No responses

First Published August 24, 2015 Over the last 20 years or so I have coined a number of phrases in Hong Kong immigration parlance. In this short piece, I discuss  how the Hong Kong Immigration Department position their internal test for visa application approval via, what I have couched, as their Approvability Test. More Stuff […]

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Jun 2020

10 Must Have Resources for a Successful Hong Kong Employment Visa Application

Posted by / in Employment Visas, Musing, Resource, VG Front Page / 32 responses

I have been asked twice recently about adding the Hong Kong employment visa to the “10 Must Have …” collection of resources on the Visa Geeza Blog so here you have it. In addition to the resources detailed below, you can also find how to extend your Hong Kong employment visa here and in case your proposed employer […]

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Jun 2020


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After much vaunted fanfare the 100% SME Loan Guarantee Scheme put forward by the HKSAR Government came into effect in April this year and on April 24, 2020 we applied under the Proxy Method to our sole bankers HSBC. This short video sets out our experience. Our Contact is Isaac Wong More Stuff You Will […]

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Jun 2020

Hong Kong Immigration… What Does It Mean… Catch 22?

Posted by / in Investment Visas, Musing / 3 responses

First Published August 29, 2016 The Hong Kong immigration Catch 22 – over the last 20 years or so I have coined a number of phrases in Hong Kong immigration parlance. In this short piece I discuss  how the Hong Kong Immigration Department manage the seemingly contradictory requirement of creating new business facts on the […]

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Jun 2020

Hong Kong Immigration… What Does It Mean… Administrative Flux?

Posted by / in Employment Visas, Family Visas, Investment Visas, Long Stay & PR, Musing, Refusals & Appeals, Special Programmes, Visitor Visas / 1 response

First Published September 6, 2016 Over the last 20 years or so I have coined a number of phrases in Hong Kong immigration parlance. In this short video I discuss the notion of Administrative Flux. More Stuff You May Find Useful or Interesting 10 Must Have resources for any Hong Kong investment visa application Is […]

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