The Visa Geeza

Hong Kong Visas Made Easy


Dec 2021

As a Visitor Living in Hong Kong Do You Need to Get An Investment Visa if You Freelance Here But All Your Income is Sourced Overseas?

Posted by / in Investment Visas, Visitor Visas, Your Question Answered / No responses

First Published September 30, 2018 What is the law about visitors working in Hong Kong as freelancers but not engaging in the local economy? QUESTION Hi Stephen, I’ve lived in Hong Kong for 2 years and now I’m freelancing and getting all of my income from overseas. I wish to stay in HK, so am […]


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Nov 2021

Am I Allowed to Work Full Time Even Though I Only Have a One Year Hong Kong Working Holiday Visa?

Posted by / in Special Programmes, Your Question Answered / No responses

I just love the easy Hong Kong immigration questions – gives me a break from thinking too hard! QUESTION Hi there! I’m Australian and I have an approved Working Holiday Visa, but am wondering if I can work full-time (albeit for a max of 3 months per employer), or whether only part-time hours are allowed? […]


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Nov 2021

Can I Study Online for a UK Tertiary Qualification while Staying in Hong Kong with a Visitor Visa?

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This question gets to the heart of permitted activity as a Visitor and the ability to remain here on an indefinite basis on that status. QUESTION Hi, I am a New Zealander currently staying in Hong Kong with my partner who is a permanent HKID card holder. I do not have a HKID card, just […]


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Nov 2021

How Considered Advance Planning Might Save A Doomed Right Of Abode Application & Spare The Loss Of Several Years Continuous Ordinary Residence In Hong Kong

Posted by / in Long Stay & PR, Your Question Answered / 2 responses

How Considered Advance Planning Might Save A Doomed Right Of Abode Application & Spare the Loss Of Several Years Continuous Ordinary Residence In Hong Kong First Published On December 9, 2013 It happens a lot more often that you might imagine – inadvertent loss of ‘ordinary residence‘ setting back your application for permanent residence here […]


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Nov 2021

How Can I Prove the Veracity of My CV for My Hong Kong Employment Visa Application if a Prior Employer is No Longer in Business?

Posted by / in Employment Visas, Your Question Answered / No responses

If you’re claiming skills, knowledge or experience on your CV as part of your argument for a Hong Kong Employment Visa Application – what’s the gig if you can’t fully  support your claims with references or testimonials? QUESTION Hi, I am 8 weeks into applying for an employment visa (I’m British). I have given the documents […]


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Oct 2021

Hong Kong Visas Overview in 20 Minutes

Posted by / in Employment Visas, Family Visas, Investment Visas, Long Stay & PR, Special Programmes, VG Front Page, Visitor Visas / No responses

Last week I gave a short presentation – Hong Kong Visas Overview in 20 Minutes with the Hong Kong Association of New York and its affiliates. I was one of three presenters, the other jurisdictions being Canada and the USA. Full Webinar, Presentation Canada, Presentation USA Full Transcript Below More Stuff You May Find Useful or Interesting […]

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Sep 2021

How Can My FDH Visa Holding Fiance Transition into A Dependant Visa With 6-12 Months to Go Before We Get Married?

Posted by / in Family Visas, Your Question Answered / 10 responses

Documenting proof of the genuine nature of your relationship is a condition precedent to the grant of a dependant visa with the burden of proof decreasing the longer you have been married. Consequently, the newer your relationship / marriage the greater the onus is on you to satisfy ImmD that this relationship does not exist […]


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Sep 2021

I Was Convicted of a Crime and Removed From Hong Kong – How Do My Visa Options Look Now?

Posted by / in Employment Visas, Refusals & Appeals, Visitor Visas, Your Question Answered / 19 responses

First Published December 7, 2012 Life in Hong Kong can throw up many challenges, none too much greater than the following: QUESTION Hello, and thank you for the opportunity to ask my question! I have questions, but I will frame my situation first. In June of this year, I made a big mistake and got […]


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Sep 2021

How Do Lengthy Employment Secondments Away From Hong Kong Impact on Continuity of Ordinary Residence for a Right of Abode Application After 7 Years?

Posted by / in Long Stay & PR, Your Question Answered / 2 responses

First Published December 4, 2013 What do the Hong Kong Immigration Department make of lengthy, albeit temporary, secondments away from the HKSAR in pursuit of your employer’s business interests overseas? QUESTION Thank you for the Hong Kong Visa Handbook, which advises applicants for Right of Abode to be mindful of a 6 months plus absence […]


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Aug 2021

The Hong Kong Immigration Department Are Still Allowing Visitors Into Hong Kong Again (Mostly)

Posted by / in Employment Visas, Family Visas, Investment Visas, Long Stay & PR, Sherpa, VG Front Page, Visitor Visas / 2 responses

The Hong Kong Immigration Department are still allowing visitors to Hong Kong again (mostly). After a tumultuous 48 hours of  COVID19 boffin flip-flopping and the HKSAR Government now sending everyone to a minimum of 14 days virus jail to enter our hallowed shores here are the new arrangements for folks, residents and not residents alike, […]

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