The Visa Geeza

Hong Kong Visas Made Easy


Feb 2024

What Chance of Approval For A 3-6 Month Intern Visa For Hong Kong & What Documents Are Needed?

Posted by / in Employment Visas, Your Question Answered / 14 responses

What Chance of Approval For A 3-6 Month Intern Visa For Hong Kong & What Documents Are Needed? Intern visa for Hong Kong? Internships for foreign national students seeking experience in Hong Kong are getting ever more popular… QUESTION Hi, Our company is trying to hire an intern on a short 3-6 months internship. He […]


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Feb 2024

Joining In A Side Business In Hong Kong – An Obvious Visa Solution For Certain Types Of Employed Professionals

Posted by / in Employment Visas, Investment Visas, Your Question Answered / 2 responses

Joining In A Side Business In Hong Kong – An Obvious Visa Solution For Certain Types Of Employed Professionals Thinking about joining in a side business in Hong Kong? Certain foreign national professionals who teach in Hong Kong, especially those at university, often find themselves wishing to participate in their profession whilst educating others. The […]

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Feb 2024

How A Hong Kong Right Of Abode Application Plays Out

Posted by / in Long Stay & PR, Musing / 2 responses

How A Hong Kong Right Of Abode Application Plays Out (Reprise) I am grateful to a user of our websites who has sent me this report of his experience in his right of abode application recently to share with everyone. 28/01/2021 ROP145 submitted online (as Chinese citizen holding foreign passport, with one period of continuous […]

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Feb 2024

Can I Set Up A Hong Kong Company, Employ My Business Partner & Sponsor An Employment Visa For Him?

Posted by / in Employment Visas, Investment Visas, Your Question Answered / No responses

Can I Set Up A Hong Kong Company, Employ My Business Partner & Sponsor An Employment Visa For Him? The answer to this question is multi-part and ultimately driven by the challenges associated with a New Business Situation… QUESTION I am based in Hong Kong and would like your advice on visa applications for a […]


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Feb 2024

How Can I Prove ‘7 Years Residency’ For My Hong Kong Right Of Abode Application If I Do Not Have Any Old Tenancy Agreement Copies?

Posted by / in Long Stay & PR, Your Question Answered / No responses

How Can I Prove ‘7 Years Residency’ For My Hong Kong Right Of Abode Application If I Do Not Have Any Old Tenancy Agreement Copies? How to skin the cat of the ‘missing tenancy agreement’ is an oft-faced challenge in the game of the Hong Kong Right of Abode Application after 7 years continuous ordinary […]


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Feb 2024

Hong Kong Top Talent Pass | 51,000 Approvals | 36,000 Arrivals | 160,000 Applications

Posted by / in Feature Article, Musing, VG Front Page / No responses

Hong Kong Top Talent Pass Attracting 36,000 Skilled Professionals to Hong Kong   Accurate Numbers Surface In recent years, Hong Kong has experienced a notable increase in skilled individuals migrating to the region. This influx can be primarily attributed to the Hong Kong Top Talent Pass program, which aims to attract the best talent from […]

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Jan 2024

Work Ended – What Visa Options Do You Have to Stay in Hong Kong For Another 2 Years to Get Your Permanent Residency?

Posted by / in Family Visas, Investment Visas, Long Stay & PR, Special Programmes, Your Question Answered / 1 response

Work Ended – What Visa Options Do You Have to Stay in Hong Kong For Another 2 Years to Get Your Permanent Residency? First Published October 14, 2012 The question about what visa options do you have to stay in Hong Kong when you work ends and you’re not quite sure how to go next, […]


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Jan 2024

Work In Hong Kong For 5 Years – Leave For 2 – Then Return – Will I Lose My Continuous Residence for PR Purposes?

Posted by / in Employment Visas, Long Stay & PR, Your Question Answered / 2 responses

Work In Hong Kong For 5 Years – Leave For 2 – Then Return – Will I Lose My Continuous Residence for PR Purposes? It happens a lot. You stay and work in Hong Kong for 3, 4, 5 years and get over the hump en route to the magic 7 years needed for a […]


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Jan 2024

What Chance A Published Author Under The Quality Migrant Admission Scheme?

Posted by / in Special Programmes, Your Question Answered / No responses

What Chance Does A Published Author Have Under The Quality Migrant Admission Scheme? Black boxes and taxes – an unheady mix! QUESTION Hi Stephen, A friend of mine is looking into the idea of residing in Hong Kong. He’s a soon to be traditionally published book author in the United States, and he’s based in […]


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Jan 2024

I Would Like To Apply For A Job Seekers Visa For Hong Kong – How Do I Go About Doing It?

Posted by / in Employment Visas, Visitor Visas, Your Question Answered / No responses

I Would Like To Apply For A Job Seekers Visa For Hong Kong – How Do I Go About Doing It? Hong Kong immigration is rife with visa gossip and rumours so I am pleased this question has been raised as it allows me to slay an old dragon once and for all! QUESTION Hi […]


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