ImmD Policy

Hong Kong Visa & Immigration Topics

Your Questions Answered

Divorced? How Can You Prove That You Have Lawful Custody of Minor Children if You Wish to Bring Them to Hong Kong to Live With You?

April 17th, 2018

Posted by / in Family Visas, Your Question Answered / No responses

In a blended family situation, the question often arises about how to secure Hong Kong immigration status for children from a previous relationship… QUESTION I’m a Korean married to a resident here, so eventually will have a dependant visa. The question is, what is the process for getting a dependant visa for my 16-year old […]


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Can I Do Business in Hong Kong Yet Live in Shenzhen to Save Costs & Commute Across the Boundary Each Day to Do My Business?

April 5th, 2018

Posted by / in Employment Visas, Visitor Visas, Your Question Answered / 1 response

Living in Hong Kong ain’t cheap, that’s for sure… QUESTION I’m an Australian and British citizen currently living in Australia and I want to found a technology Startup company in Hong Kong because the government incentives seem very attractive to do so. The downside is that housing is ultra-expensive in Hong Kong and paying this […]


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How Does Pre-existing Business Ownership Impact On a Hong Kong Prolonged Visitor Visa Application?

April 3rd, 2018

Posted by / in Family Visas, Visitor Visas, Your Question Answered / 2 responses

Will what has been done before impact on a Hong Kong Prolonged Visitor Visa out of policy application now? QUESTION I have a general question regarding conditions of stay for a Hong Kong prolonged visitor visa. On the Hong Kong Immigration website it says: “Subject to the following conditions of stay: (a) he shall not take any […]


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The Vexed Question of Hong Kong Visas for Chinese National Spouses Resident on the Mainland

March 6th, 2018

Posted by / in Family Visas, Your Question Answered / 2 responses

Hong Kong visas for Chinese national spouses cannot be directly sponsored by their Permanent Resident spouses. So, what ‘unconditional visa’ options exist, if any, for family reunion purposes? QUESTION I am a Hong Kong  PR (Canadian, been in HK for 9 years now working as a CPA) and recently married a PRC resident, who is […]


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How Can I Convert My Foreign Domestic Helper Visa to a Dependant Visa After Marriage to a Hong Kong Permanent Resident?

March 3rd, 2018

Posted by / in Family Visas, Your Question Answered / 22 responses

Can you swap from a foreign domestic helper visa to a dependant visa whilst in Hong Kong? QUESTION My domestic helper, from the Philippines, is married to a Hong Kong Permanent Resident. Her contract with me expires in April and they want to apply for a dependent visa for her. Is this possible, what are […]


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Will the Hong Kong Immigration Department Tell You Why a Visitor Visa Application Has Been Refused?

February 28th, 2018

Posted by / in Refusals & Appeals, Visitor Visas, Your Question Answered / 2 responses

Will the Hong Kong Immigration Department ever tell you why a Visitor Visa application has been refused? One of the more frustrating aspects of dealing with the Hong Kong Immigration Department is the almost total lack of visibility on why applications get refused. No more so when it relates to a ‘limited purpose’ application for […]


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Will a Short Period of Time Away From Hong Kong Break My Continuity of Residence for My Eventual Right of Abode Application?

February 16th, 2018

Posted by / in Employment Visas, Long Stay & PR, Your Question Answered / 6 responses

Short period of time away from Hong Kong break my continuity of residence? Sometimes, continuity of ordinary residence can inadvertently be broken due to factors outside of your control… QUESTION I recently graduated from a Hong Kong university after 2 years of permanent study. Due to circumstances I had to return to my home country […]


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Will I Still Qualify for the Right of Abode if I Worked Temporarily in Macau Yet Lived in Hong Kong for the Full 7 Years?

February 3rd, 2018

Posted by / in Long Stay & PR, Refusals & Appeals, Your Question Answered / 17 responses

I may be the middle of my NYC break but immigration stops for no man! Just before I left, I received the following question in regards to a Right of Abode application – which required me also taking a look at her documents. I’m grateful for the questioner’s permission to include our dialogue here on […]

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Do You Need to Leave Hong Kong to ‘Activate’ Your Recently Secured Employment Visa Extension?

February 1st, 2018

Posted by / in Employment Visas, Family Visas, Investment Visas, Special Programmes, Your Question Answered / 2 responses

The answer to this question seemed so obvious to me before, but now it has been asked, I realize it’s not immediately obvious to everyone, so I’m grateful for the opportunity to address it now… QUESTION I have just recently had my employment visa successfully extended.  For 2 years.  My passport has been updated with […]


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Hong Kong Visitor Visa – Can My 2 Week Visitor Visa Wife ‘Piggy Back’ on My 90 Day Visitor Visa Nationality To Get The Same Limit of Stay As Me?

January 12th, 2018

Posted by / in Visitor Visas, Your Question Answered / No responses

Does it help being a 90 day Hong Kong visitor visa national if your spouse is a 14 day Hong Kong visitor visa national? QUESTION I am an American who has recently married a Filipina.   I do not have any residence visa for Hong Kong; I’m just here as a 90 day visitor as a US citizen. […]


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