Legal Dependant Visa

Hong Kong Visa & Immigration Topics

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Can I Still Sponsor A Hong Kong Dependant Visa For My New Wife If I Hold An Employment Visa But Am Presently Between Jobs?

March 14th, 2024

Posted by / in Employment Visas, Family Visas, Your Question Answered / 2 responses

What will ImmD make of an application to sponsor a dependant visa by a Hong Kong employment visa holding foreign national who doesn’t presently have a job here? QUESTION I am in between jobs (currently on an employment visa in Hong Kong) and plan to get married soon (outside HK). I would like to arrange […]


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Foreign Nationals Working In Hong Kong – Getting Married, Changing Visas & The Immigration Status Of Children Born Here Subsequently

March 2nd, 2024

Posted by / in Employment Visas, Family Visas, Your Question Answered / 4 responses

So, what are the immigration implications of getting married and then having children in Hong Kong if you are a temporary resident presently holding an employment visa? QUESTION Hi, Can you please help with a few questions? 1. I am getting married next month and would like to cancel my employment visa through my employer, […]


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QOTW: Dependancy? Visas For Mainland Spouses Of Hong Kong Permanent Residents

February 23rd, 2024

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The vexed question of dependant visas for mainland spouses of Hong Kong permanent residents QUESTION  OF  THE  WEEK I am a Hong Kong  PR (Canadian, been in Hong Kong for 9 years now working as a CPA) and recently married a PRC resident, who is a senior manager in a bank in Shanghai. What kind […]

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10 Must Have Resources For A Hong Kong Legal Dependant Visa

February 21st, 2024

Posted by / in Family Visas, Musing, Resource / 10 responses

10 Must Have Resources For A Hong Kong Legal Dependant Visa First Published July 1, 2013 and updated December 15, 2023 – But The Advice Holds Good Today Continuing our series of 10 Must Have Resources, I have put together this list of materials from our various websites which is designed to help steer you through the […]

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The Path To Hong Kong Residency & Our Fantastic Low Tax Regime

February 19th, 2024

Posted by / in Employment Visas, Family Visas, Infographic, Investment Visas, Long Stay & PR, Special Programmes / 4 responses

The Path To Hong Kong Residency & Our Fantastic Low Tax Regime First Published June 4, 2012 Hong Kong has an open and flexible immigration policy that promotes and simplifies the relocation of foreign nationals possessing employment skills, business expertise, and capital to the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR). Moreover, their family members (spouse […]

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Can I Get A Depedant Visa For An Elderly Parent If I Have A Permanent HK ID Card?

February 18th, 2024

Posted by / in Family Visas, Your Question Answered / No responses

Can I Get A Depedant Visa For An Elderly Parent If I Have A Permanent HK ID Card? I get 30-40 questions each week and not all of them merit a podcast answer. Some are answered quickly via email and for the next few days I’ll post some of these anonymised replies here. A Depedant […]

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How Do Foreign National Children Resident In Hong Kong For 7 Years Go On To Acquire Permanent Residency Here?

February 7th, 2024

Posted by / in Family Visas, Long Stay & PR, Your Question Answered / 2 responses

How Do Foreign National Children Resident In Hong Kong For 7 Years Go On To Acquire Permanent Residency Here? The test for the right of abode for foreign national children resident in Hong Kong for 7 years is the same as for adults but the manifestation of that PR takes a slightly different form… QUESTION […]


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If I Live and Work in China But Have a Hong Kong Employment Visa Can I Get Dependant Visas for My Family?

January 17th, 2024

Posted by / in Employment Visas, Family Visas, Your Question Answered / 2 responses

If I Live and Work in China But Have a Hong Kong Employment Visa Can I Get Dependant Visas for My Family? To live in Hong Kong requires a place to lay your head here each night. What happens to your application for dependant visas for your family if you don’t have anywhere for them […]


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I Have Been Made Redundant But My Wife is Working – Can We Swap Our Hong Kong Employment and Spouse Visas Around So I Can Become Her Dependant in Hong Kong?

January 8th, 2024

Posted by / in Employment Visas, Family Visas, Your Question Answered / 13 responses

Hong Kong Employment and Spouse Visas – Can You Swap? First Published February 27, 2013 How Flexible Is The Hong Kong Immigration Department? It’s a situation that seems to happen all too frequently these days, especially in the banking sector. Can a married couple, both working, effectively swap their Hong Kong employment and spouse visas around? […]


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I Have A PRC National Spouse Resident On the Mainland | Can She Get A Dependant Visa For Hong Kong?

December 28th, 2023

Posted by / in Employment Visas, Family Visas, Feature Article, Your Question Answered / No responses

Can A PRC National Spouse Get A Dependant Visa For Hong Kong? Can they qualify, if so, how? The question of immigration status for mainland resident spouses of current or aspiring Hong Kong residents is a bit of a hot potato. As this PodCast answer below  sets out, there is a dual track system in […]


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