Answers To All Your Hong Kong Immigration Questions


Nov 2021

How Considered Advance Planning Might Save A Doomed Right Of Abode Application & Spare The Loss Of Several Years Continuous Ordinary Residence In Hong Kong

Posted by / in Long Stay & PR, Your Question Answered / 2 responses

How Considered Advance Planning Might Save A Doomed Right Of Abode Application & Spare the Loss Of Several Years Continuous Ordinary Residence In Hong Kong First Published On December 9, 2013 It happens a lot more often that you might imagine – inadvertent loss of ‘ordinary residence‘ setting back your application for permanent residence here […]


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Nov 2021

How Can I Prove the Veracity of My CV for My Hong Kong Employment Visa Application if a Prior Employer is No Longer in Business?

Posted by / in Employment Visas, Your Question Answered / No responses

If you’re claiming skills, knowledge or experience on your CV as part of your argument for a Hong Kong Employment Visa Application – what’s the gig if you can’t fully  support your claims with references or testimonials? QUESTION Hi, I am 8 weeks into applying for an employment visa (I’m British). I have given the documents […]


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Sep 2021

How Can My FDH Visa Holding Fiance Transition into A Dependant Visa With 6-12 Months to Go Before We Get Married?

Posted by / in Family Visas, Your Question Answered / 10 responses

Documenting proof of the genuine nature of your relationship is a condition precedent to the grant of a dependant visa with the burden of proof decreasing the longer you have been married. Consequently, the newer your relationship / marriage the greater the onus is on you to satisfy ImmD that this relationship does not exist […]


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Sep 2021

I Was Convicted of a Crime and Removed From Hong Kong – How Do My Visa Options Look Now?

Posted by / in Employment Visas, Refusals & Appeals, Visitor Visas, Your Question Answered / 19 responses

First Published December 7, 2012 Life in Hong Kong can throw up many challenges, none too much greater than the following: QUESTION Hello, and thank you for the opportunity to ask my question! I have questions, but I will frame my situation first. In June of this year, I made a big mistake and got […]


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Sep 2021

How Do Lengthy Employment Secondments Away From Hong Kong Impact on Continuity of Ordinary Residence for a Right of Abode Application After 7 Years?

Posted by / in Long Stay & PR, Your Question Answered / 2 responses

First Published December 4, 2013 What do the Hong Kong Immigration Department make of lengthy, albeit temporary, secondments away from the HKSAR in pursuit of your employer’s business interests overseas? QUESTION Thank you for the Hong Kong Visa Handbook, which advises applicants for Right of Abode to be mindful of a 6 months plus absence […]


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Jun 2021

Will the Immigration Department Extend My Employment Visa if I Am Subject to a Police Investigation?

Posted by / in Employment Visas, Your Question Answered / No responses

How do the Hong Kong Immigration Department consider the likely impact of possible criminal charges on a foreign national temporary resident and his or her ability to remain here pending the outcome of the processes leading to a determination as to whether or not to press charges? Here follows a question-answer dialogue I had by […]

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May 2021

Will One Month As A Visitor Between Residence Visas Break My Continuity of Residence for the Right of Abode in Hong Kong?

Posted by / in Long Stay & PR, Your Question Answered / No responses

First Published On June 20, 2013 This question raises its head in many different guises but this is the first time that anyone has asked it in such a pointed way in the context of training visas – so I’m pleased to be able to shed some light! QUESTION Hi, Great that you provide this […]


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May 2021

Do You Need To Leave Hong Kong To ‘Activate’ A Hong Kong Employment Visa Extension?

Posted by / in Employment Visas, Family Visas, Investment Visas, Sherpa, VG Front Page, Your Question Answered / 8 responses

Do you need to leave Hong Kong to activate a Hong Kong employment visa extension of stay together with an accompanying dependant visa? Has Covid19 made any difference to the way the Hong Kong Immigration Department extend such status for currently resident foreign nationals? QUESTION Hi Visa Geeza. I’m asking a question that has already […]


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May 2021

If I Hold an Employment Visa in Macau and Hong Kong Simultaneously But Live in Hong Kong Should My Wife Get a Dependant Visa for Macau too?

Posted by / in Employment Visas, Family Visas, Long Stay & PR, Your Question Answered / No responses

Life can get a bit complicated if you work in 2 places at the same time… QUESTION I work for a Hong Kong company in Macau and my wife is my dependent in Hong Kong where we live. My colleague was the same but has now been employed by a Macau company. Does this change […]


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Apr 2021

What Impact Will A Temporary Yet Long Term Secondment Overseas For Work Have On My Hong Kong Permanent Residence Application 3 Years From Now?

Posted by / in Long Stay & PR, Your Question Answered / 2 responses

Hong Kong being a small, dynamic city which punches above its weight in the region, this situation happens all the time. So what IS the impact on your subsequent eligibility for the Right of Abode if your employer wants to shift you off-shore temporarily to manage a project? QUESTION I have been working in Hong Kong […]


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