The Visa Geeza

Hong Kong Visas Made Easy


Mar 2014

Interview: Has Hong Kong’s Effort to Forge a Particular Social Fabric Through the Constructs of its Immigration Policy Been Successful Do You Think?

Posted by / in Employment Visas, Family Visas, Investment Visas, Long Stay & PR, Musing, Refusals & Appeals, Special Programmes, Visitor Visas / 7 responses

On June 6th, 2013 I was interviewed by five law students from the Chinese University of Hong Kong about my experiences practicing immigration here over the last 20 years. We covered a great deal of ground in the 90 minutes we spent together and over the next few weeks I will be posting the interview […]

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Mar 2014

QOTW: What Chance Does a Fresh Foreign National Graduate Have of Getting a Hong Kong Employment Visa?

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Do foreign national graduates get much of a look-in for employment visas for Hong Kong? QUESTION  OF  THE  WEEK Dear Visa Geeza I would like to ask, I’m a fresh grad student in interior design from Malaysia and I am presently seeking opportunities in Hong Kong. I have a few companies that would be willing […]

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Mar 2014

How Can Hong Kong Technology Startups Improve Their Chances of Winning Investment Visa Approvals for Their Founders?

Posted by / in 60 Second Snapshot, Employment Visas, Investment Visas / 1 response

So you’re now committed to getting your Startup off the ground here in Hong Kong… When it comes to getting investment visa approvals, the problem with most technology startups is that most of them are boot strapped, most of them are run according to the Lean philosophy – and most of them fail within the […]

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Mar 2014

QOTW: What Kind of Visa Can We Get So My FDH Girlfriend (Contract Terminated) Can Stay With Me in Hong Kong?

Posted by / in Special Programmes, Visitor Visas, Your Question Answered / 1 response

Any possibility for love to continue in the wake of a terminated FDH contract? QUESTION My girl friend is a Filipino domestic helper who has just left her employment with a Chinese family – however, she wants to stay in Hong Kong with me. Can you advise me on how this might be achieved? More […]

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Feb 2014

Do You Need to Spend a Minimum Number of Days Per Year in Hong Kong In Order to Maintain a Capital Investment Entrant Scheme Visa?

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Does the rationale of the CIES dictate that you spend a certain amount of time in the HKSAR each year in order not to lose the status? QUESTION After grant of  a Capital Investment Entrant Scheme visa, say if you live overseas, how many days/weeks or months/year, will you have to prove you have stayed […]


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Feb 2014

The Visa Geeza on RTHK Radio Three – February 2014

Posted by / in Family Visas, Investment Visas, Musing / No responses

Freezing at RTHK today… Phil kicked us off with a listener question today (thanks Steve!) which raised the spectre of discrimination. We then went on to discuss Start Up businesses and the various initiatives in play assisting the start up scene in Hong Kong. You can listen to our complete discussion here. Phil can be found […]


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Feb 2014

QOTW: Do I Really Need an Employment Visa if I Get 6 Months’ Visitor Status Upon Arrival & Intend to Work in Hong Kong for a Maximum of 2 Weeks?

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Is it ever legal to work in Hong Kong – especially on a short term basis – with a Visitor Status – without the permission of the Director of Immigration? QUESTION I am a UK based one person limited company and have been asked by a major financial services company with a business based in […]

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Feb 2014

If You’re Thinking of Starting Your Own Business in Hong Kong You Won’t Want to Miss This…!

Posted by / in Investment Visas, Your Question Answered / 1 response

Tomorrow night (Tuesday, February 11, 2014)  at the Paperclip HK in Sheung Wan is an event you won’t want to miss if you have ever even remotely thought about starting your own business in Hong Kong. SIGN UP NOW – BOOKING OUT FAST  (We are also making our video production studio available to every attendee […]

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Feb 2014

QOTW: Hong Kong Right of Abode Application – How Important Are Prior Tenancy Agreements?

Posted by / in Long Stay & PR, Your Question Answered / No responses

Are tenancy agreement copies absolutely vital for a successful Hong Kong right of abode application? QUESTION For my Hong Kong PR application, what happens if I am unable to provide copies of my tenancy agreements?  I never thought I would still be here for 7 years so I every 2 years I get rid of […]

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