The Visa Geeza

Hong Kong Visas Made Easy


Jul 2024

Can You Expect The Hong Kong Immigration Department To Be Flexible In A Work Visa Application If You Expect To Qualify For The Right Of Abode A Few Short Weeks Later?

Posted by / in Employment Visas, Long Stay & PR, Your Question Answered / 4 responses

It’s important to undertake one application at a time en route to your eventual right of abode in Hong Kong… QUESTION Hi. I need to extend my IANG visa by the end of July. As of the second week in September I will have been in Hong Kong for 7 years, thus eligible for permanent […]


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Jul 2024

Mainland Travel Permits for Non Chinese PRs | RTHK3 Backchat

Posted by / in Long Stay & PR, Musing / No responses

Mainland Travel Permits for Non Chinese PRs China Introduces 5-Year Mainland Travel Permit for Foreign Permanent Residents of Hong Kong and Macau Unless you’re a PR of Hong Kong and have been living under a rock this last week, you will no doubt have caught the buzz around Hong Kong at the moment about visa-free […]


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Jul 2024

Can You Use The Foreign Domestic Helper Visa To Employ Your Mother In Hong Kong?

Posted by / in Employment Visas, Musing, Special Programmes, Your Question Answered / 2 responses

The Hong Kong Immigration Department are not especially receptive to what can appear to be family reunion via the back door… Can you use the Foreign Domestic Helper visa to employ your mother in Hong Kong? QUESTION Hello, My wife and I are on work visas in Hong Kong and are expecting a baby in […]


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Jul 2024

Is It Ever Possible To Swap A Foreign Domestic Helper Visa Into A Regular Employment Visa In Hong Kong?

Posted by / in Employment Visas, Feature Article, Your Question Answered / 31 responses

Can you swap a Foreign Domestic Helper visa into a Regular employment visa? This is a reasonable question that has an obvious answer although not for the reasons you might typically expect. In 20 years of practising Hong Kong visa and immigration consultancy, the only successful change of status application from FDH to residence visa […]


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Jul 2024

HIV Health Checks & Your Hong Kong Visa Application

Posted by / in Employment Visas, Family Visas, Feature Article, Investment Visas, Long Stay & PR, Special Programmes, Visitor Visas, Your Question Answered / 24 responses

More than 20 years in the business of Hong Kong immigration and this is the first time I can remember this question ever being raised. So, now you know how to go about HIV Health Checks Hong Kong Visa Application! QUESTION Hi Stephen, I do not see this issue addressed on your web site (which, […]


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Jun 2024

Training, Employment Or Working Holiday – What’s The Best Hong Kong Visa Option For A Recently Graduated British National?

Posted by / in Employment Visas, Special Programmes, Your Question Answered / No responses

What’s the Best Hong Kong Visa Option for a Recently Graduated British National?   QUESTION Hi Stephen, From  May through November 2013 I was employed in a well known and large company in Hong Kong under the training visa for a period of 6 months. During the end of this tenure the company decided to […]


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Jun 2024

Is It Possible To Change Employment Visa Sponsorship Where The Employer Has Not Yet Established A New Company In Hong Kong (i.e. Has No Business Operations Here Yet)?

Posted by / in Employment Visas, Your Question Answered / 1 response

What’s the story where a new company in Hong Kong has not yet set up shop in the HKSAR but want to hire staff? What do the Immigration Department make if this situation when it comes to visa sponsorship for foreign employees?   QUESTION Hello Visa Geeza, Thanks in advance! Your website has brought clarity […]


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Jun 2024

I Have Been In Hong Kong For 2 Years As A Visitor And Have 2 Work Visa Refusals – What’s The Risk Of Refused Entry Again In My Circumstances?

Posted by / in Employment Visas, Refusals & Appeals, Visitor Visas, Your Question Answered / No responses

How is the Shenzhen Shuttle impacted where there is a history of long stay visits in Hong Kong combined with multiple employment visa refusals? QUESTION Hi, I have been in Hong Kong for 2 years as a Visitor and my work visa application was denied for the second time a couple of weeks ago. My […]


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Jun 2024

Can I Remain In Hong Kong As A Visitor After My Employment Visa Expires?

Posted by / in Employment Visas, Visitor Visas, Your Question Answered / 1 response

Simple question this one with an easy answer and indicative of the fact that, even though quite a straight forward issue, the information is not otherwise readily available anywhere else on the web. QUESTION I am a Canadian citizen, working in Hong Kong holding an employment visa for 7 weeks. I want to stay after […]


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Jun 2024

How Do I Go About Setting Up A Side Business To Complement My Full Time Hong Kong Employment Visa?

Posted by / in Employment Visas, Your Question Answered / 36 responses

Foreign national employment visa holders in Hong Kong are quite often interested in setting up a side business… QUESTION I am currently employed full-time by a company in Hong Kong. They successfully sponsored my Hong Kong employment visa and I just started my job 2 months ago. All is going very well. But I would like […]


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