Hong Kong Visas Made Easy


Apr 2018

Can I Look for a Job in Hong Kong and Attend Interviews If I Only Hold a Visitor Visa?

Posted by / in Employment Visas, Visitor Visas, Your Question Answered / 5 responses

Short and sweet this one, just as I like ’em! QUESTION Can I look for a job in Hong Kong and attend interviews if I only hold a visitor visa? More Stuff You May Find Useful or Interesting Can I remain in Hong Kong as a visitor after my employment visa expires? Hong Kong visitors […]


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Apr 2018

What Is the Bare Minimum Income & Accommodation Arrangements to Suitably Sponsor a Hong Kong Dependant Visa?

Posted by / in Family Visas, Your Question Answered / 107 responses

Today’s question relates how the Hong Kong Immigration Department respond to requests for dependant visas from permanent resident sponsors, particularly those families who are relocating back to Hong Kong some years after the marriage commenced overseas. QUESTION Thank you for your wonderful website! My wife and I are planning on applying for a Dependant visa […]


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Apr 2018

If You Stay in Hong Kong for 7 Years as a De-facto Spouse Holding a Prolonged Visitor Visa Will You Qualify for Permanent Residency?

Posted by / in Family Visas, Long Stay & PR, Your Question Answered / 3 responses

Short and sweet question today, but an important answer so worthy of a PodCast answer (I get loads of questions each day and I answer all of those capable of an answer (many are not – eg “I want to work in HK can you get me a job and help with the visa”?) . […]


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Apr 2018

Married to a PHKID Card Holder Overseas – the Hong Kong Visa Situation for the Foreign National Spouse

Posted by / in Family Visas, Your Question Answered / 11 responses

Married to a PHKID Card Holder Overseas – There is quite a lot of confusion surrounding the question of immigration status in Hong Kong for foreign nationals who married their permanent ID card holder spouses overseas and who now wish to move to Hong Kong.   This question, just in, provides an opportunity to clear […]


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Apr 2018

How Can I Extend My Hong Kong Entrepreneur Visa Easily Without Needing To Supply My Financial Performance Details Every Year?

Posted by / in Investment Visas, Your Question Answered / No responses

Since the Audit Commission Report Number 66 published in April of 2016, Hong Kong entrepreneur visa holders subject to a review of their business each time they seek to extend their stay, have got more of the same coming…   QUESTION Hi there, It’s time for my Hong Kong entrepreneur visa renewal and I’m confused […]

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Apr 2018

Divorced? How Can You Prove That You Have Lawful Custody of Minor Children if You Wish to Bring Them to Hong Kong to Live With You?

Posted by / in Family Visas, Your Question Answered / No responses

In a blended family situation, the question often arises about how to secure Hong Kong immigration status for children from a previous relationship… QUESTION I’m a Korean married to a resident here, so eventually will have a dependant visa. The question is, what is the process for getting a dependant visa for my 16-year old […]


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Apr 2018

The Experience of Being Denied Entry As A Visitor to Hong Kong

Posted by / in Musing, Visitor Visas / 2 responses

The experience of being denied entry as a visitor to Hong Kong… Got this email in over the weekend. Good to share:Hi, I travelled to Hong Kong on 12th on a PAR from India. The immigration officer asked me for the duration of my stay. I told her I am in hong kong for 10 […]

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Apr 2018

I Am Married to a PRC National and a Permanent Resident Here So How Can We Live Together in Hong Kong?

Posted by / in Family Visas, Long Stay & PR, Your Question Answered / 2 responses

What impact does being a Hong Kong permanent resident have on being married to a PRC national presently resident on the Mainland? My friend is a British Passport Holder who is a Permanent Resident in Hong Kong for over 20 years He married a mainland Chinese girl in Hong Kong and they now have a […]


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Apr 2018

Can I Do Business in Hong Kong Yet Live in Shenzhen to Save Costs & Commute Across the Boundary Each Day to Do My Business?

Posted by / in Employment Visas, Visitor Visas, Your Question Answered / 1 response

Living in Hong Kong ain’t cheap, that’s for sure… QUESTION I’m an Australian and British citizen currently living in Australia and I want to found a technology Startup company in Hong Kong because the government incentives seem very attractive to do so. The downside is that housing is ultra-expensive in Hong Kong and paying this […]


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Apr 2018

How Does Pre-existing Business Ownership Impact On a Hong Kong Prolonged Visitor Visa Application?

Posted by / in Family Visas, Visitor Visas, Your Question Answered / 2 responses

Will what has been done before impact on a Hong Kong Prolonged Visitor Visa out of policy application now? QUESTION I have a general question regarding conditions of stay for a Hong Kong prolonged visitor visa. On the Hong Kong Immigration website it says: “Subject to the following conditions of stay: (a) he shall not take any […]


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