
Hong Kong Visa & Immigration Topics


Overcoming Employment Obstacles in Hong Kong: Finding a Credible Visa Sponsor

July 6th, 2023

Posted by / in Employment Visas, Investment Visas, Musing / No responses

A credible visa sponsor? What is the best way for someone to prove their expertise in a unique musical instrument without formal certification, in order to obtain a work visa and open a school in Hong Kong? This question as regards finding a credible visa sponsor relates to a highly unique musical instrument that I […]

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Hadley Says

How Onerous is the Sponsorship Role In A Hong Kong Entrepreneur Visa Application?

July 2nd, 2023

Posted by / in Hadley Says…, Investment Visas / 10 responses

Sponsorship For A Hong Kong Entrepreneur Visa? When a foreign national intends to start a new – or join in an existing – business in Hong Kong he needs a sponsor for his Hong Kong entrepreneur visa (aka a business investment (entrepreneur) visa. Hong Kong Entrepreneur Visa – Joining In, Or Starting, A Business? Applying […]

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The Hong Kong Entrepreneur Visa – Is It Good For A Single Client Business Only?

July 1st, 2023

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Have you got an opportunity to be an independant contractor rather than serving as a full time employee and wondering if you can get a Hong Kong entrepreneur visa with a single client only? Understanding the Limitations of the Hong Kong Entrepreneur Visa The Hong Kong Entrepreneur Visa is primarily designed for foreign nationals aspiring […]

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Hong Kong Entrepreneur Visa Application – Importance of Financial Projections

June 19th, 2023

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Applying for a Hong Kong Entrepreneur Visa? The Hong Kong Immigration Department requires applicants to provide a 2-year business plan that showcases the prospects of their business. In this post, we’ll delve into the essential elements of a strong business plan including a good set of financial projections – and how they can significantly impact […]

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Hong Kong Investment Visa – The 3 Legs of the Application Approvability Stool

June 8th, 2023

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Hong Kong Investment Visa – The Approvability Test I am often asked the question ‘can I freelance’ in Hong Kong or ‘what’s the minimum’ needed to anticipate an approval as an Entrepreneur for a Hong Kong investment visa. This short video lays out how to corral your thinking if you wish to start your own […]

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Your Questions Answered

As a Visitor Living in Hong Kong Do You Need to Get An Investment Visa if You Freelance Here But All Your Income is Sourced Overseas?

March 7th, 2023

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First Published October 2, 2019 – Advice Still Valid Today What is the law about visitors working in Hong Kong as freelancers but not engaging in the local economy? Whilst this question was first asked 4 years ago, I have received three very similar quiestions in the last week so nows the time to republish […]


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Your Questions Answered

I Possess an APEC Business Travel Card – Will It Advantage Me in My Hong Kong Investment Visa Application?

December 2nd, 2022

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This question really is all about the Catch 22 which I have posted on quite a few times previously. However, there is an interesting twist in that the questioner has entered Hong Kong on an APEC Business Travel Card and none of his clients are actually based in Hong Kong. So I am grateful for […]


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Want To Be An Entrepreneur In Hong Kong?

July 5th, 2022

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Want To Be An Entrepreneur In Hong Kong? Covid19 has been, and continues to be, the bane of Hong Kong but it’s going to end, sooner rather than later, and now is the ideal time to bring forward those long standing plans to ditch the rat race of full time employment and get your entrepreneurial […]

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Your Questions Answered

Do You Really Need to Set Up Your Own Office if You Have a Hong Kong Investment Visa?

June 4th, 2022

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Once you have persuaded the Hong Kong Immigration Department of your ability to make a substantial contribution to the economy of Hong Kong and have been granted an investment visa, can you then argue, after the fact, that actually, you have no practical need to establish office premises of your own after all? QUESTION I […]


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Your Questions Answered

Which is Better – Apply for a Hong Kong Investment Visa Directly or for an Employment Visa First then after Approval Become a Shareholder in Your Own Business?

May 12th, 2022

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It hardly matters how you skin this cat, ImmD will approach it in exactly the same way… as a new business situation. QUESTION I plan to start a business with three other partners. Two of these are Hong Kong permanent residents and one of them is in the same situation as myself: recently unemployed and […]


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