The Visa Geeza

Hong Kong Visas Made Easy


Sep 2015

Hong Kong Visa Geeza – My Story in 10 Parts – 2 – The Backpacking Years

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In the connection economy, to show you are authentic, transparent and vulnerable you need everyone to know your story. So here’s mine (in ten parts!) continuing with … In Part 2, I talk about my formative years (17~25) when I lived and worked in Israel, Australia and Japan. My Story in 10 Parts Part 1 […]

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Sep 2015

4 Realistically Achievable Visas to Live, Work or Establish a Business in Hong Kong – Shenzhen Shuttle

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On the 6th of August 2015, I was invited by the good guys at WYND to give a talk about the Hong Kong visas that are the most realistically achievable to live, work or establish a business in Hong Kong, all things considered. The Rest of the Series 1 – Introduction 2 – Policy 3 […]

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Sep 2015

4 Realistically Achievable Visas to Live, Work or Establish a Business in Hong Kong – Policy

Posted by / in Employment Visas, Family Visas, Investment Visas, Musing / No responses

On the 6th of August 2015, I was invited by the good guys at WYND to give a talk about the Hong Kong visas that are the most realistically achievable to live, work or establish a business in Hong Kong, all things considered. The Rest of the Series 1 – Introduction 2 – Policy 3 […]

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Aug 2015

4 Realistically Achievable Visas to Live, Work or Establish a Business in Hong Kong – Introduction

Posted by / in Employment Visas, Family Visas, Investment Visas, Musing / 2 responses

On the 6th of August 2015, I was invited by the good guys at WYND to give a talk about the Hong Kong visas that are the most realistically achievable to live, work or establish a business in Hong Kong, all things considered. The Rest of the Series 1 – Introduction 2 – Policy 3 […]

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Aug 2015

Hong Kong Visa Geeza – My Story in 10 Parts – 1 – Childhood & Flee-ing the Nest

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In the connection economy, to show you are authentic, transparent and vulnerable you need everyone to know your story. So here’s mine (in ten parts!) beginning with … In Part 1, I talk about where I was born, my early life and the “delights” of living in Blackburn, Lancashire. My Story in 10 Parts Part […]

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Aug 2015

Can You Leave Hong Kong to Pursue an MBA Overseas & Not Lose Your Continuity of Ordinary Residence if You Intend to Go On to Secure the Right of Abode in Hong Kong?

Posted by / in Employment Visas, Long Stay & PR, Uncategorized, Your Question Answered / No responses

Right of abode in Hong Kong – the issues associated with studying overseas whilst, ostensibly, remaining resident here for work purposes… QUESTION I have been a HK resident since December 2010, and my plan has always been to remain here until I get  the right of abode in Hong Kong. However, I am now considering […]


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Aug 2015

QOTW: What Do ImmD Make of Getting Married Here When Applying for a Hong Kong Dependant Visa?

Posted by / in Family Visas, Your Question Answered / No responses

Does a simple trip to ‘city hall’ solve all your Hong Kong dependant visa problems? QUESTION  OF  THE  WEEK I am American. I have just accepted a role in Hong Kong. My employer is about to begin my visa paperwork to sponsor me for an employment visa. However, my girlfriend is Australian and I want […]

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Aug 2015

Visa Geeza Interviews… Mark Sims, Founder, Go ‘N’ Live

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The Visa Geeza Interviews are a series of 250 interviews of Hong Kong entrepreneurs undertaken between 2014 and 2019. Mark Sims, Founder, Go ‘N’ Live Our intention is to create a record of modern social history, seeking to document what is going on at our entrepreneurial grass roots during these revolutionary times as Hong Kong […]

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Aug 2015

Is There a Minimum Annual Residency Requirement to Maintain a Hong Kong Dependant Visa?

Posted by / in Family Visas, Your Question Answered / No responses

Can you keep your Hong Kong dependant visa if you no longer live in Hong Kong with your sponsoring spouse? QUESTION My wife has a Hong Kong dependant visa. She recently took a job outside of Hong Kong and will not be able to return for 8-10 months. Is there a requirement for dependant visas […]


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