The Visa Geeza

Hong Kong Visas Made Easy


Nov 2012

WRAP UP: Hong Kong Investment Visas – Talk by Stephen Barnes on Monday November 26th, 2012 at the Hive

Posted by / in Investment Visas, Musing / 7 responses

Went along and met a very interesting crowd at the Hive this Monday; both clients and new friends alike. I was there to give a talk about how to go about getting a visa to start or join in a business in Hong Kong. My 17 minute presentation quickly morphed into a fascinating 2 hour […]

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Nov 2012

The Visa Geeza on RTHK Radio Three – Nov 2012

Posted by / in Investment Visas, Musing / 1 response

Went in to see Phil @ RTHK on Monday and talked a lot about money visas, both business and capital investment. You can listen to our conversation here. This will be the last time this year I will be on – looking like January next up so catch you then. Please check out Morning Brew […]


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Nov 2012

REMINDER: Hong Kong Investment Visas – Public Talk by Stephen Barnes on Monday November 26th, 2012 @ 18.30 at the Hive

Posted by / in Investment Visas, Musing / No responses

I have been invited by the good guys at The Hive to talk about the challenges faced by foreign national entrepreneurs in securing the necessary immigration permissions to join in or establish businesses here in Hong Kong. This is a free session (i.e. no $$ required) and a great opportunity to network with like-minded souls […]

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Nov 2012

How Important is the Support of InvestHK in Your Hong Kong Investment Visa Application?

Posted by / in 60 Second Snapshot, Investment Visas, VG Front Page / 9 responses

InvestHK do a really good job of promoting economic opportunities which Hong Kong offers to foreign individuals and companies seeking to set up shop in the HKSAR. For individual investment visa applicants, they offer guidance and advice on the immigration process (amongst many other things) and in those instances where they believe the business intentions […]

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Nov 2012

Doing the Hong Kong Capital Investment Entrant Scheme On the Cheap!

Posted by / in Musing / 10 responses

There is a lot of commentary on the HKD10 million investment-for-residence Hong Kong Capital Investment Entrant Scheme (“HKCIES”) but surprisingly little is heard about gaining a visa for ‘business investment’ under Hong Kong’s General Employment Policy. Essentially, in order for a foreign national to secure the permissions of the Immigration Department to join in an […]

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Nov 2012

Will I Get My First QMAS Visa Extension if I Have Not Yet Taken Up Residence in Hong Kong?

Posted by / in Special Programmes, Your Question Answered / 1 response

I have made known my feelings about the Quality Migrant Admission Scheme in other posts on this Blog but, every once in a while, I get a question from a reader which allows me to add a bit more knowledge to the QMAS programme and I am grateful for the opportunity to share further with […]

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Nov 2012

What Happens to Your Hong Kong Right of Abode if, as a UK Citizen, You Choose to Naturalise as a Taiwanese National?

Posted by / in Long Stay & PR, Your Question Answered / No responses

One of the really neat things about running this Blog, is the incredibly varied type of Hong Kong visa and immigration question I receive. Like this one today, which is a definite first for me! QUESTION Hello, I am a white British person considering applying for Taiwanese Citizenship. I also have PR in Hong Kong. […]


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Nov 2012

Why Would You Choose Unconditional Stay After 7 Years Residence in Hong Kong When the Right of Abode is Available Instead?

Posted by / in 60 Second Snapshot, Long Stay & PR, Special Programmes / 9 responses

  Unconditional stay and the right of abode are 2 very different immigration statuses but they both have one thing in common. Namely, you need to have been continuously and ordinarily resident in the HKSAR for at least 7 years in or to qualify for either of these immigration consents. But, whilst the right of […]

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Nov 2012

Is It Actually Becoming Harder to Get Your Hong Kong Employment or Investment Visa Approved?

Posted by / in 60 Second Snapshot, Employment Visas, Investment Visas / 10 responses

One refrain about the Hong Kong visa process that I have heard constantly down the years is that ‘it’s getting tougher’. In fact, it always seems to be ‘getting tougher’. I heard this prior to 1997 when all the British nationals needed to bring their immigration status into line with the arrangements for UK citizens […]

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Nov 2012

The Visa Dilemma of an Unmarried Trailing Partner Seeking to Work in Hong Kong

Posted by / in Employment Visas, Visitor Visas, Your Question Answered / 1 response

It’s a common enough problem, where unmarried couples are coming to Hong Kong, one to work, one trailing in the other’s wake. I have covered variations on this scenario previously, but this question is excellent as it gets to the heart of how to manage the inevitable visitor status of the non employed partner through […]


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