The Visa Geeza

Hong Kong Visas Made Easy


Mar 2024

Can I Set Up A Hong Kong Company, Employ My Business Partner & Sponsor An Employment Visa For Him?

Posted by / in Employment Visas, Investment Visas, Your Question Answered / No responses

The answer to this question is multi-part and ultimately driven by the challenges associated with a New Business Situation… QUESTION I am based in Hong Kong and would like your advice on visa applications for a friend.   A friend of mine, who is based in the US and I have been discussing a business opportunity for Hong Kong and […]


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Mar 2024

If I Marry A Local Girl, Get A Dependant Visa For Hong Kong Then Move To China For Work, Can I Still Get The Right Of Abode After 7 Years?

Posted by / in Family Visas, Long Stay & PR, Your Question Answered / No responses

First Published October 29, 2014 – Still Relevant Does being married to a Hong Kong permanent resident whilst living in China impact on continuity of ordinary residence for the purposes of a right of abode application subsequently? QUESTION Hi, Your website is incredibly helpful! However, my situation doesn’t seem to have an answer yet, so […]


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Mar 2024

Am I Compelled To Apply For Hong Kong Permanent Residency After 7 Years Or Can I Maintain The Status Quo Of My Present Employment Visa?

Posted by / in Employment Visas, Long Stay & PR, Your Question Answered / 3 responses

Once you have achieved 7 years continuous ordinary residence in Hong Kong, your long stay immigration options open up considerably… QUESTION My current working visa is due to expire at the end of  September, (previously I was given an extension of 3 years in 2010), this I assume was so that I would be valid for […]


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Mar 2024

QOTW: Can I Get An Employment Visa Again If I Still Owe Taxes From The Last Time I Worked In Hong Kong?

Posted by / in Case Study, Employment Visas, Your Question Answered / No responses

What is the interplay between unpaid taxes and a Hong Kong employment visa application subsequently? QUESTION Hi, I worked in Hong Kong last year, 2013, and left the city mid year after my work terminated. When I left, my company filed a IR56G “leaving Hong Kong” tax form for me with the IRD. However, I […]

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Mar 2024

What Are The Obligations Of An Employer To A Prospective Employee When An Application For A Hong Kong Employment Visa Has Been Refused?

Posted by / in Employment Visas, Musing, Refusals & Appeals / 4 responses

Foreign nationals seeking to work in Hong Kong have a lot of stake in an employment visa application so when it doesn’t work out positively where does that leave their proposed relationship? QUESTION Hi, After the recruitment process in a multinational company in Hong Kong, they decided to employ me, so I signed the offer […]

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Mar 2024

Can I Still Sponsor A Hong Kong Dependant Visa For My New Wife If I Hold An Employment Visa But Am Presently Between Jobs?

Posted by / in Employment Visas, Family Visas, Your Question Answered / 2 responses

What will ImmD make of an application to sponsor a dependant visa by a Hong Kong employment visa holding foreign national who doesn’t presently have a job here? QUESTION I am in between jobs (currently on an employment visa in Hong Kong) and plan to get married soon (outside HK). I would like to arrange […]


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Mar 2024

Why Do Hong Kong Technology Startups Mostly Struggle To Win Investment Visa Approvals For Their Founders?

Posted by / in 60 Second Snapshot, Employment Visas, Investment Visas / No responses

I’m often asked how feasible business investment visas are for foreign nationals seeking to establish a new technology start up here. Bootstrappping and running Lean can be a double edged sword as a foreign national starting up in Hong Kong… The actual extent of the challenge is, in fact, no more onerous than it has […]

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Mar 2024

The Quality Migrant Admission Scheme – A Practical Guide

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In this section of the talk, I talk about the Quality Migrant Admission Scheme (QMAS) – this much maligned programme that is ‘on the books’ so we continue to provide coverage of it (of course!) On March 21, 2014 I gave a presentation at the Chinese Club entitled Business Immigration to Hong Kong – A Practical […]

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Mar 2024

LIFTING THE LID: Leaving Your Hong Kong Visa Extension To The Very Last Minute

Posted by / in Employment Visas, Family Visas, Investment Visas, Musing, Special Programmes / No responses

In this short piece, I discuss the impact on our practice when clients leave their Hong Kong visa extension applications to the very last minute! In this occasional series of commentary, I provide a peek inside our professional practice and offer a glimpse of what it’s like to be part of the Hong Kong Visa Centre team. […]

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Mar 2024

Hong Kong Unconditional Stay – A Practical Guide (Business Immigration To Hong Kong)

Posted by / in Long Stay & PR, Musing, Resource / No responses

In this post, I talk about  the Hong Kong unconditional stay and when it might be useful to you. Hong Kong unconditional stay plays a lesser yet still important role in immigration status to acquire in the HKSAR today… On March 21, 2014 I gave a presentation at the Chinese Club entitled Business Immigration to Hong Kong – A […]

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