Approvability Test

Hong Kong Visa & Immigration Topics

Your Questions Answered

How Do I Go About Changing Employers To Get A New Hong Kong Employment Visa Sponsor?

January 3rd, 2024

Posted by / in Employment Visas, Your Question Answered / 2 responses

Hong Kong Employment Visa Change Of Sponsorship Easy Or Hard?   This question comes up all the time (and is actually answered on the home page of our Blog) but I am grateful for the opportunity to revisit it again now… QUESTION Hi, I’m currently working in Hong Kong with a valid working visa but […]


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4 Realistically Achievable Visas | Live | Work | Establish A Business In Hong Kong | Employment Visa

December 1st, 2023

Posted by / in Employment Visas, Feature Article, Musing / 1 response

Establish A Business In Hong Kong | Employment Visa | Can You Get One? The employment visa under the General Employment Policy is detailed in this video … Establish a business in Hong Kong and get yourself an employment visa? A few years ago, I was invited by the good guys at WYND to give […]

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Your Questions Answered

Got An MPF Refund | Impact On A PR Application | Are You Now Disqualified?

November 23rd, 2023

Posted by / in Long Stay & PR, Your Question Answered / No responses

I Have Sworn A Declaration That I Am Leaving Hong Kong To Receive An MPF Refund … Am I Now Precluded From Making an Application for the Right of Abode Here? QUESTION I have been resident in Hong Kong for 5 and a half years on a working visa. I lost my job over 6 […]


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One-Man Hong Kong Investment Entrepreneur Visa – What’s Required – In Words & Pictures?

November 2nd, 2023

Posted by / in Infographic, Investment Visas / 21 responses

One-Man Investment Entrepreneur Visa For Hong Kong If you’re a one-man Hong Kong investment entrepreneur visa applicant seeking to establish a business here what’s the likelihood of success? I One-Man Hong Kong Investment Entrepreneur Visa – Can You Get One? A one-man Hong Kong investment entrepreneur visa is hard to get but not always impossible where the […]

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60 Second Snapshot'

How Is The Hong Kong Entrepreneur Visa Process Actually Experienced By The Typical Foreign National Visa Applicant?

October 23rd, 2023

Posted by / in 60 Second Snapshot, Investment Visas / 17 responses

The Hong Kong Entrepreneur Visa Process Undertaking the Hong Kong Entrepreneur Visa process is one of the hardest single challenges when dealing with the Hong Kong Immigration Department. The Hong Kong Entrepreneur Visa Process – Approvability Test The approvability test of substantial contribution to the economy of Hong Kong is somewhat nebulous and the immigration Department’s website […]

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The Ultimate Guide to the Admission Scheme for Mainland Talents and Professionals: Key Requirements and Documentation Tips

October 12th, 2023

Posted by / in Employment Visas, Musing / No responses

Guide to the Admission Scheme for Mainland Talents and Professionals – All You Need To Know Admission Scheme for Mainland Talents and Professionals: Documentation Essentials When applying for an employment visa under the Admission Scheme for Mainland Talents and Professionals, it’s crucial to submit the necessary documentation to support your application. In this guide, we’ll […]

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Hadley Says

Swapping From A Training Visa To An Employment Visa For the Same Employer – Possible?

October 7th, 2023

Posted by / in Employment Visas, Hadley Says… / 5 responses

Swapping From A Training Visa To An Employment Visa in Hong Kong – Yes Or No? Updated October 2023  Swapping From A Training Visa To An Employment Visa – A Common Misunderstanding Swapping from a training visa to an employment visa? Many foreign nationals and the companies which bring them to Hong Kong to receive […]

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Hong Kong Employment Visa – The Newcomer’s Guide – At-A-Glance

October 2nd, 2023

Posted by / in Employment Visas, Infographic, VG Front Page / 10 responses

Hong Kong Employment Visa – Looking To Get One? A Hong Kong employment visa can be had if you both qualify and know how to navigate the eligibility assessment and application process system itself. This info-graphic provides you all you need to know – at a glance.  Hong Kong Employment Visa – What’s Involved? Hong […]

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60 Second Snapshot'

Does A Hong Kong Entrepreneur Visa Need An Extensive Business Plan?

August 20th, 2023

Posted by / in 60 Second Snapshot, Investment Visas / 6 responses

Hong Kong Entrepreneur Visa Need An Extensive Business Plan – Say 60 Pages Long? Not massively so. In fact you can get away without one altogether if writing such a document doesn’t fall readily within your existing skill set. There are other ways to skin this particular cat … Does A Hong Kong Entrepreneur Visa […]

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Making A Hong Kong Entrepreneur Visa Application – What’s Involved?

August 17th, 2023

Posted by / in Investment Visas, Musing / 9 responses

How To Get A Hong Kong Entrepreneur Visa Making ready for a Hong Kong entrepreneur visa (aka business investment visa) application? Read on. The Hong Kong Entrepreneur Visa – Many Aspire Yet Very Few Apply Guess what? You might be surprised to learn that, for an entrepreneurial driven economy such as ours, there are only […]

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